Monday, March 29, 2021

Friday Fun, Saturday Problems, Sunday's Progress and an Extra Day.......

  Friday Sherry and I went back to Homestead Heritage - this time with both of our Deans.

We visited the Cheese Cave first, since we missed it on our last visit.

It really is a go down two flights of stairs and you can see all the cheeses inside the glass enclosed room. I like the first pic in the collage top left! Both Deans were hightailing it out of the photo!

We ate at the same cafe as last time and only had a 45 minute wait.
This is a popular place.

Louis Dean prononced the chicken fried steak with extra gravy the best he's ever had!
High praise, indeed!

In one of the shops I found a collection of butter bells.
These are made out of pottery and are used to keep butter at room temperature.
I have one of these and never knew what its purpose was!
$41 was the price at the shop - and, of course, I got mine at Goodwill!
When I get home, I'm going to look for it now that I know what it's for!

After lunch, we went off in different directions to do our errands, having come in separate vehicles.
Earlier Friday morning, our power went out. We weren't worried about it, assuming Dean and Sherry's probably went out, too. But, no, that was not the case. Louis Dean went in to the shop next to us where the meter box is to check it out. He did something and the power came back on and it was still on when we returned.

This is the earliest I have ever started my Christmas painting!
My favorite train memories are when my sister Deanie and I traveled as children to Kansas City.
That started us thinking about taking another train trip soon - back to Kansas City - to meet my newly found brother and two sisters. 

Louis Dean and I were drinking coffee and reading the Bible Saturday morning when the lights started to flicker. Every time the refrigerator kicked on - the lights would blink. Then they all went out.

Dean came down and called the power company since he couldn't check on things until the electricity was turned off. Bottom line - they came out, turned it off and then hung around while Son Dean tightened up all the connections and cleaned out where dirt daubers had been in between the meter box and breakers. Love small town power companies! They charge for coming out on 
the weekend but assured us that - if we could wait until Monday - it would be free!
Money well spent and thank the Lord for son Dean!
Power was back and crisis averted!
The water heater that wasn't working before now works!
Apparently, it didn't have enough electricity coming to it!

There's something to be said for Saturday night hot showers!
I took the very first one!
I'm loving the big bathroom!

Saturday night porch sitting with a glass of wine and a full moon!
The lightning would flash and color the clouds with a soft peach hue.
Rain came in later after we were already in bed and fast asleep.

Late Sunday morning Sherry was out 'shredding' the fields.
The dry dead grass and trees get shredded leaving the new green grasses under it!
I walked down to the front pasture and she picked me up.

We went to the back of the property that we can't even see from our places due to a thicket of trees.
I rode beside her for awhile and then she asked, "Do you want to drive?"
Boy! Did I!!!

She got off the tractor and took this picture of me driving it all by myself!!

She got back on and continued to let me drive!
How exciting to whack down small tress and bushes!
That was just so much FUN!!!

She dropped me off at our camper/cabin and then went back down to finish the front pasture.

I came in all happy and relaxed and did some more art while Louis Dean played his guitar.
This painting will be finished next month and for the first time in years - I will not be frantically trying to finish a painting so I can print up my Christmas cards!

I was on a roll!
The cat and boots painting is all based in, as well!

Dean and Sherry stopped by to visit on Sunday evening.
Sherry has such a sweet heart.
Louis Dean had meant to put the linoleum down in the bathroom but had spent nearly all afternoon on the toilet 'hole' in the floor. That part of the flooring is screwed down so he can get to in case of broken pipes, etc. I'm not sure what he was doing but it had something to do with that.
It was going on 8:00 and Louis Dean was so tired and stressed that he was having trouble measuring to cut the linoleum.

Sherry to the rescue!!!
Within an hour she had it cut and laid!
The bathroom is coming together......

Rufus and Remmie came up to the door looking for treats.
Can you spy Samantha and Tabitha?
There's always something to see out that red screen door!

My Facebook Memories brought up this picture of me and Nita, Deanie and Lonnie.
Thank you all for the prayers prayed on behalf of our brother.
I am happy to say that he is continuing to improve and is now back home.

We woke up this morning expecting to go home.
Louis Dean had an appointment for Tuesday for an EKG and a heart monitor.....
until the office called and said they needed to reschedule.

So we had an extra day!
I fed the horse a few small apples - she's an old rescue horse as are the other two here at the ranch.
The donkeys live next door at Mr. Jackson's place.
When I went down to feed the goats - I cleaned out the fridge and cupboards since we are leaving tomorrow - and Remmie the Great Pyrenees came along to keep me company.

We used this extra day to install the toilet and it took both of us to do it. 
Louis Dean bought a new wax ring for it and it was a fancy kit that we had to figure out.
I felt like we were rocket scientists by the time we got it done!

Since we were feeling so brave - I took the girl bunk apart because that's where the water reservoir and hot water heater for the camper is. We turned the water on to determine where the problem was - and we found it. The hot water heater. I have no clue how to fix it but Louis Dean said he would address it when we come back next month. So when we return, we will have a working shower with hot water and a working toilet! He can hook the sink back up in there pretty fast - once he finds the missing parts!!
"I HAD them," he said......."but I don't know what I did with them!"

Never a dull moment!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

No one but YOU could have so many crazy and wonderful adventures way out in the country! It seems more active than your house in the city! I love that photo of both Deans hotfooting it out of the cheese place photo, it is so funny! LOVE your train!

Kathy said...

You have such a good time when you are in your country home. I love reading about all your adventures.

Arlene G said...

Sounds like a fun and productive visit. So glad to hear that Lonnie is home. Love your Christmas festive.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You may have to rename your blog, Linda's Wild Adventures.. ha ha... like Ginny said, even in the country where you go to RELAX there is always something going ON! and interesting.

Deanna Rabe said...

I knew the mystery about why the big water heater wasn't working would be solved!

Louis Dean works hard, and I'm glad Sherry was able to help him when he was so tired. Family is great!

My guys always hightail it out of photos, too!

Chy said...

"Never a dull moment" is a phrase often spoken in our home!

Love your paintings. So much talent. Thanks for sharing.

And very happy to hear that Lonnie continues to improve.

X Chy

Vee said...

Happy to know that things are getting resolved one way or the. other. I will also be happy for the day when not one thing needs doing at the ranch. Course, how much fun would that be?

Joining you in praise that Lonnie is improving and is now home. We all know that the best recovery happens at home.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's so good to hear all your good news. It must have been wonderful having your own Saturday night shower. the the hot water tank and new toilet things are really looking up! Bout time you got some good news! So thankful too your brother is back home again, what a blessing !

Changes in the wind said...

I think pushing over trees and bushes would be fun too, get rid of pent up frustration and how nice that Sherry offered for you to drive. So glad the shower is working and the water heater!! now if you can get the other thing fixed maybe there is a end in sight.

NanaDiana said...

I am so glad you got the hot water situation and toilet thing figured out and that it is all fixable!

I absolutely love your Christmas painting. I think it might be my favorite one ever. My wonderful late brother absolutely loved trains and I don't think he was even ever up close to one until he was here. We had an old Currier & Ives book that had the most wonderful train pictures in it and he would study those by the hour as a kid. When they were here visiting we went to the Railroad Museum and it was absolutely a gift for him to be there.

I had a butter keeper like that for years and finally gave it away. I had one in the 70s when I was all 'earthy' made my own yogurt and homemade bread every day. life changes for us.

I can't wait to get back to our camper this year!!! xo Diana

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Look at all you Texas people, with no masks on, enjoying the lovely weather!!!!!!!

-happy sigh-

photowannabe said...

I thought your Ranch was the place to simply exhaust me with all the crazy adventures life brings your way.
I'm so glad you will have hot water and showers galore.
Wow, on having your Christmas painting done already.
I love it..a true memory masterpiece.

Carole said...

Glad you are approaching all the issues in a positive spirit - and LD Too. Cheers

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sounds like you had a very fun and productive visit. You guys always seem to get so much done.
Love your Christmas painting.

Judy said...

Never a dull moment over there! Laughing at your butter bell story. Hope you find yours and make good use of it! I have one hidden away somewhere as well. Glad you got to drive the tractor! Your Christmas painting is fantastic. As always!