Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Rosemary and Mint Bouquets, Friends Who Encourage Us and Keeping it Real....My Wednesday

This day has ended much better than it started.
Last night I went to bed with a feeling of desperation.
No real reason. I have faced some very real serious situations and handled them with calm and poise.
But when I had not one but TWO leaks in my bathroom - it sent me over the edge.
I woke up before 9:00 this morning but couldn't bring myself to get out of bed before noon.
I sipped coffee in a stupor as I ate a Mambo Banana Pie. 
I prayed and sang hymns - to myself - and meditated. I journaled in my Country Diary.
I braced myself for the news of the day as I opened Google and Facebook.
I felt like I could cry at the drop of a hat.
I wrote three letters.....and put them out in the mailbox.
If I am feeling fragile, I feel like perhaps others are too.
I feel very deeply about my friends....and pray for them regularly.

I was going out the front door to cut bouquets of rosemary and mint from the front flower bed and as I went out, I prayed to God that he would send me a sign of encouragement.
Since I was mailing letters, I thought aout getting something in the mail.
I have received such mail blessings from Denise and Susie Q recently, I guess that's why 'mail' crossed my mind.

No sooner had the prayer left my heart than, as I was stepping down form the porch, the postman was walking up. I gave him my three letters and he handed me my usual stack of junk mail. Except I saw a bright green envelope and tears immediately came to my eyes.
It was from my friend, Debbie, who often sends me uplifting and sometimes funny text messages.
She is also known as Ladybug From Texas on her blog which is how we originally met.
We both live in Irving and have since developed an 'in person' relationship.
I started to say real but I have so many REAL relatiionships with ladies I will most likely never meet face to face this side of heaven that I have to say 'in person.' 

That one note written a few days ago arrived at precisely the right moment.
God's timing is always perfect!
It turned my day completely around and the tears I shed were in gratitude instead of frustration.

Louis Dean went in and tackled that leak in the bathroom.
He admitted that he has lost some of his confidence in fixing things and stepped up to address this issue since it seemed to be really bothering me.
I mean - in light of the Covid 19 virus and all the world practically shutting down - of course a leak in my bathroom would send me over the edge!

He found the problem and it meant a trip to Home Depot.
I made him wear the facemask Summer had given him and we were very careful.
While I worked in the kitchen, he fixed the problem and all was right in my world. Again.
Plus a lady from Human Insurance - which is Louis Dean's provider - called him and he gave the phone to me. He does that. She was so kind and we had a nice visit. I assured her we were in good shape with food and medicine. She kind of choked up when I aske how SHE was doing.
After she said all the required things -which I knew and we have been practicing - she and I had a frank talk about whether I should take Louis Dean to the comparative safety of the country.

I have been so at odds with myself about what would be best for him.
Let's face it. He will be 84 years old in November and has heart and lung issues.
It was wonderful to talk freely about this with a health care person. 
I described the camper and where it was located and the fact that there are NO cases of Coronavirus in Falls County. And that Dean and Sherry both work from home and .....
We had the best conversation!
 Person to person. Wife to wife.
She advised me to stay put for the time being.
In a week or two - if restrictions are loosened - then that would be a good time to take him to a safer place. So we are playing it a day at a time.
So far I have had a 'check in my spirit' about leaving even though I am yearning to be in the country!
God is good and has certainly met me where I am in my distress.

Another way he lightened my heart was video chats with Kailey and Logan tonight!

I know in my heart that we will get through this crisis.
It's just that sometimes we get scared like I did today.

Now I am going to plate the dinner Stephanie left on our porch bench this evening......
and thank God for all the blessings he sent me today.......

Another gift from Debbie in my messages today.
She is right!
What day is this???
I thought it was Tuesday!


Arlene G said...

Linda, I guess I am being somewhat of an ostrich and I am avoiding the news and lots of social media for my mental health. I have a family member who watches fox news 24/7. That would send me right over the edge. Like you, we are staying put and we are following the rules. That is all we can do. Like you, I think back at the times God has been there for me in the past and I thank Him that He is still on the Throne. Take care dear to you and Louis Dean.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Like you, I'm staying put and trying to follow the rules,and doing a lot of praying. I know God is in control, and that this will not last forever, but to be honest, the isolation is starting to get to me (I live alone). Trying not to think about the what ifs.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A tough day and you got through with love and caring. Hugs Linda. Each day is tough right now and speaking to such a lovely lady about your worries for LD's health was a very needed talk that lightened your concerns. Lovely mail from your friend just at the right moment today - and some sweet video chats with two little sweeties.

Jan said...
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Jan said...

I think we're all having some hard days of anxiety, I know I am. I'm glad you were able to talk with the insurance lady and also chat with your grands. Keeping you and all of our friends in Blogland in my prayers. God is faithful and will bring us through this!

Bluebird49 said...

What a nice day to get mail and a personal talk with the insurance lady. These are times when we need alI the love and encouragement we can get.
So glad the leaks have been addressed. Any water on the floor like that throws me into a panic. This house is old, so you never know. 😱water
I hope going to the ranch will be a possibility soon, love! And I am glad you got to FaceTime with the girls.

Cheapchick said...

Hugs, we are all crying the odd moment now except no one seems to be admitting to it. I walk around and forget what I am doing all the time. Today I mowed the lawn and we took a long walk just to do something physical so maybe I will sleep better (or at all)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Linda, I know your feelings of fear and sadness, but I know you are a strong and faithful woman and I know we will get through these unusual times. Stay home and may you and Louis Dean stay safe and healthy! (((Hugs)))

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m limiting my intake of news. I don’t blame you at all for feeling overwhelmed, and upset. I think we’re all having our moments!

I love hearing how God answers our prayers before we even ask!

Love you friend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think the leak was just the final overload in such a horrifying world situation. I am so glad things went on to look up for you! Your last quote is so true! The Bluebonnets are beautiful; are they in your yard?

Nancy Chan said...

We are into the 9th day. Now we have an addition of 2 weeks, totally 28 days. Let's stay safe and healthy.

Buttercup said...

I'm with you! I thought all of yesterday -- Wednesday -- was Tuesday and it's hard to remember the actual date. I slip from some measure of calm to thinking I'm on the Titanic. It's worse at night and I find myself snacking more. But I recite Psalm 91 -- my go to these days -- and read a not depressing novel until I fall asleep. So far it's working. You and Louis Dean, stay put and stay safe. Hugs!

Vee said...

So glad that The Lord met you right where you were in the middle of it. Yes, sometimes I feel anxiety rising and I take it to The Lord just as you did. Aren’t those little memes so much fun? Have you seen the one I posted on my political page? I have only to take a look at it and I laugh like a fool.

Those darling grands are doing their part to keep you cheered and, because you share, they cheer me, too.

Hang tough, Sweet Friend, and don’t you fret so over Louis Dean. The Lord has you all in His loving care. He has our best interests at heart.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since we stopped going to TOPS and YMCA and shopping on Sat am, I can't keep up with what day it is, I have had to check the computer a couple of times to make sure I had guessed the right day.. this has also slowed down the clocks. we are up so early that by 10 am I think it is lunch time and by 3 I think dinner. I hardly ever get depressed but I am fighting it now. I think it is because there is no end in sight, the NOT KNOWING.. I like to KNOW things and am a planner. I can't plane YIKES. glad you got to talk to the nurse, and she could help you feel better about staying home and YAY for LD fixing you leak, that would make me crazy

peggy said...

hi Linda, I don't always read all the comments but today I buzzed through yours. It looks like we miss a lot when we skip over them so I will be reading more in addition to your nice posts. God is with us in every little thing and I am so grateful for that.

Changes in the wind said...

Like you my hubby has serious lung issues but he is not as persuadable but has finally started staying in. When it all first hit I got really scared like I have never been before but the Lord has calmed me down and doing much better. I think it is interesting that President Trump is thinking of re-opening the country on Easter, the day of our Lord's resurrection!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are so blessed with good friends and family. Glad LD wore a mask when he went out, it certainly can't hurt and probably helped. It's hard to be staying in all the time, when you are used to being active and usually visiting with your friends. It's hard on all of us and it doesn't take much at all to push us over the tope. Hang in there and soon you'll be back at the ranch. Love and hugs from Ohio.It's been over a week since I've been out except I went for a walk in the neighborhood yesterday . The sun was out and it felt wonderful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's a crazy time for sure. I'm so glad you got to talk to someone that knows Louis Dean's history and could advise you. I know when the time is right you'll be back in the country! GLAD L. D. got the leak fixed! WHEW! And I love that last funny. Hubby and I both had a chuckle! Hugs to you both!

photowannabe said...

Welcome to the club...The days all seem to run together...I thought yesterday was Tuesday...
Isn't it wonderful how the Lord knows exactly what we need?
No mistakes with Him !!
Praying for your peace to continue and no more leaks.
Take care of that wonderful man of yours. Staying put for now is the right thing to do.
So great to have your video chats with the is the best.

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwwww Linda, what a beautiful post as always. Ya know, when all the lockdowns started happening, I instantly thought of you. I did!! I know you love your home and doing things in it & for it.... but I also know you love to "go" too. You're constantly doing wonderful things for others, which keeps you busy going here & there. So when the directives starting coming out, for people to stay home, I thought "Uh-oh... poor Linda!" I know this is hard for you and hard for those you do things for.... but hang in there, dear heart. This too shall pass. Love, Andrea XOXO

Carole said...

When the world has gone crazy - it's nice to have all your blog friends... We have been self isolating for several weeks but the whole country joined us yesterday - amazing lack of traffic. Our lockdown has closed all businesses except supermarkets, gas stations, police etc. Not even butchers were allowed to open - or greengrocers. No hardware stores (other than for essential services) So my better half is doing it hard! Stay safe Re LD my suggestion would be to keep him home for another 14 days and if he is still well (which I'm sure he will be) take him to the ranch - as long as you don't contact anyone on the way - and if you are happy that the healthcare available there will be up to scratch. Whatever you decide to do will be right! Kia kaha