Saturday, March 21, 2020

Celebrating Clean Rooms and Lighting Candles......

I was on a roll writing my journal entries every night in a row for several days but then I would come to the end of a day and start to climb into bed and think - I forgot to journal!
Truth was for those couple of days, I didn't even take photos like I normally do.
I do like to document my days.
I suppose it't normal to fall into a bit of a slump in these trying days of quarantine and Covid-19 news on TV and hearing so much of what is going on.....of which we have limited control.....
but we DO have some! 
After a couple of quiet days where I continued to clean house like that would solve all the problems of the world......I came to grips with the fact that God is still in control. We just have to do the next right thing and keep on keeping on.....

I am making sure we are not wasting any food and that we are eating healthy!
Both of us love salads and I made a big one which has lasted us all week.

Thursday morning I noticed this post it note on my mirror  when I woke up.
Trystan had put it there last Wednesday when the kids were all here to spend the night.
I love seeing reminders that they were here even after they are gone.
They like to leave things behind to surprise me......

Yesterday I discovered a way to help.......

Making face masks.....both for health care workers as well as for my family.
There are several groups on Facebook with instructions and directions on who and where to send them. I haven't started making them yet - that's because the sewing room is one of the three rooms I haven't cleaned yet - but I will!

It's always good to find a way to help.

This morning - or really early afternoon - I am slow to get going - I celebrated the clean rooms by lighting candles. Now I did not clean all these rooms today! It's taken a week and more to get this much done. And then every morning I have to clean the 'clean' rooms to keep them that way.
So the more rooms I clean - the longer it takes to add another one to the list.

The dining room.....

Louis Dean's bathroom.....

The counts as a room because I cleaned the closet and baseboards and anything that could be wiped down with Pine Sol.

Our bedroom.....

My bathroom.....with the mirror I get two candles out of one.

The living room.....

I lit two in there!
That's to make up for the guest room where Louis Dean was taking a nap so I didn't light that one.

That comfy chair is my favorite spot to sit and just be.
If I can't sleep in the middle of the night, this is where I go.
If I get up early, this is where I sit while I wait for the coffee to get ready.
When I get tired in the afternoon, this is where I sit with a glass of tea.

I still have not been out to the storage building to get down the spring and summer decorations.
However, I managed to collect enough things from inside the house to 'spring' up the foyer.

My main accomplishment today was the foyer closet.
There is now room in there to store my Rainbow vacuum cleaner away.
Haven't been able to do that since the 1990's!

I found all of Benjamin's Tae Kwon Do things, certificates, his first uniform...

he started martial arts when he was 4 years old and went on to become a black belt in his early teens.

And I have a ton of albums of our homeschooling days.
 I started homeschooling in 1989 shortly after I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
It was an aggressive type - actually three strains of different aggressive cancers - and yet within 13 days it was all over. Thyroid removed and a happy ending.
Thankfully my thyroid medication dosage - which I have taken every day since August of 1989 - has not changed much over the years. I am so grateful.

Back to the albums.....I have proof of all that we did in home school from 1989 to 2004 when Benjamin started college. I am so proud of their education.
They don't say much about being homeschooled but it was my greatest accomplishment.
I only have a 7th grade education myself and the fact that Amber started college at 15 years old and graduated at 20 with a four year degree from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas with a major in journalism and a minor in criminal justice makes me so proud. Of Amber and of myself.
And I have to brag about Amber a little bit more. I was going through a divorce and had next to no money at all. The best I could do was buy her a laptop - on credit at Best Buy - and co sign her student loans. Amber wasted no time in college. She knew exactly what she needed to do to graduate in the two years she was there and she did it! Plus she paid off her student loans within a few short years after graduation. Yes, I am very proud of I am of all my children!
I'll have to give equal time to my other three in the next few posts......they are all such wonderful people.

Louis Dean hung our American flag up this afternoon - another thing I found in the foyer closet!

I went out today.
Louis Dean had 5 prescriptions ready at Walgreen's.
It was a pretty safe outing with express pay and no touching.

Tonight I finished my painting of Ella.
She will dry and then glazed and then dry again before being sent to her home in San Antonio.

I will close tonight's journal entry with the steak dinner I made......

Louis Dean bought steaks at greatly reduced prices from Krogers a month or so ago.
We froze them and are cooking them one at a time....dividing it 'unevenly'between us.
He gets the larger share as I am not as big a meat eater as he is.

However, I was the one with a glass of wine!
Don't worry. He had one, too, only his was from a box while I had a nice bottle.

Let's bring out the best in ourselves and each other!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Your painting of Ella is so moving Linda. Thank you for sharing again - you have been VERY busy. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment today. I am cutting back of TV/Facebook updates on everything that is going on and just reading the end of the day news on how the world was today. We are staying home/hand washing/not touching our faces/staying 6 feet away from anyone and being very careful when I have to grocery shop. I decided to start cleaning ONE small area at a time - today it was a shopping bag of paper - and I found the missing files I needed in that bag. Whew.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your painting of Ella is beautiful. I love seeing your candle scenes in each room! The two bathrooms are my favorites. Amber continues to amaze me, as she always has. She is really Super Woman and Super Mom!! Just like you!

Saimi said...

You are quite the girl, Cleaning, cooking, painting and just for the record, you are a fabulous artist. That is a beautiful painting of Ella such expression in the eyes. I've got plenty of indoor stuff to do. We are in the process of remodeling our farm house and cleaning out/organizing our other house. We are making plans to move to the farm permanently and sell our house we've been in for 24 years. 24 years of accumulation whew, lots of figuring out what to keep and what to get rid of.
Stay safe and healthy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am using cleaning to fight the boredom of knowing I can't go out side even though I can go outside. I feel like a bird in a cage but know I can open the cage if I want to but can't. the good news about cleaning it it is never done and keeps coming back. no matter how long we use it, it will always be there.
your house is looking great. I am starting to fret over food, the shelves are empty and we are using up what I had. we have no freezer, but a tiny one on top of the fridge and I buy every week what we need. I can store 2 weeks and tha tis it. there is nothing left to buy. we use 2 dozen eggs a week, we are allowed 1 dozen and can't find any... there are no mom and pop stores, and the chains are empty of foods.

Latane Barton said...

I just get tired trying to keep you with you!! My but you are always so busy. My body won't do the things it used to but my brain sure thinks it can. Many blessings for you and Louis Dean. Love you and hugs for each.

Changes in the wind said...

You have accomplished a lot and taking it all in stride. I have struggled a bit because our life style was eating out every night except one and hubby went out for breakfast and lunch so it was just me for lunch. It has been a long time since I have had to think about and prepare food for three times a day but to my surprise I have come up with some new ideas so we are doing fine. I just noticed the post above and if that isn't that the saddest thing? Hard to understand such hate and lack of wisdom.

Arlene G said...

Loved hearing from Texas. Here in Alabama our days are much the same. It rather reminds me of the chapter in Little Women where Marmee allows the girls to do as they please as they had been grumbling about their chores. After a day or two they were tired of leisure. I am thankful that I have my stitching to keep me occupied. If I had a sewing machine I would make some of those masks as well Linda. Good for you. We plan to watch church on the computer this morning but we will all be there in spirit. I enjoyed hearing about Amber and her accomplishment. Both our boys got scholarships and paid their way in college. We helped as we could. Both Marvin and I put ourselves through school so we saw the value of making them work for their education. Yall take care and stay well.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

One thing about house work is it is never done, Just about the time we get done, it needs it all over again. I like how you light a candle as a reward when the room is done. I love candles and burn them often. Yes we do have to continue bring out the best in ourselves and each other ! To keep doing the normal things seems to hold me together. My Spring decorations are up but whether or not we celebrate Easter together is still up in the air. One way or the other it will come, just like the sun comes up every morning !

Carol said...

You are inspiring me that this time that I have while my daughter is not working to clean and really deep clean the house. I have so many things I would like to do, but cleaning house is the chore that truly I need to do at this time.

Vee said...

Linda, your education is far superior than you can imagine. Goodness, the life lessons you have learned and that you share. I like that last one most especially. Amber is a result of your teaching as are all your children...and the beat goes on. That flag looks beautiful there. So does Louis Dean, but change the adjective to handsome. Hang tough and keep sharing your particular brand of wisdom. We need it.

Carole said...

Linda, I agree with you. I am going to stop watching cable news - it's just depressing ... we all need to chill as well as stay safe. Que sera, sera - Doris Day? Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Kudos to you, Linda, for your achievements especially in educating your children at home and then seeing their continuing educational achievements. You done great, but then you already know that! We too have been self isolating like everyone, but we still have gone for walks to downtown Nashua, NH, which is looking deserted with all the restaurants closed. You have done a lot more organizing and cleaning than myself, and the candles lit in a cleaned room are a nice touch. Also, while I've read many recent posts, I haven't commented on all, but enjoyed seeing those thrift store finds, as always. Also, good to read about Summer's great progress and hope the insurance work gets sorted out so she can finish with the procedures. Hope you and Louis Dean continue to be well.

Debbie said...

what an adorable note from tristan...your food always looks amazing and ella is gorgeous!!

i LOVE the quote you close with!!