Sunday, March 29, 2020

Grands, Coffee, and Cookies! Our Weekend.....

We have great grandchildren in Big Spring and they are homeschooling, too.

Peircyn is doing his homework.
Chandy is wearing many hats these days with Teacher being her latest!

Now that everyone in her household is home nearly all day's a wonder she doesn't live in the kitchen! Thank goodness her husband is a Grill Master!

I love that we stay in touch and Chandy encourages her children to not forget 
Grandmom and Granddad!
Did you see how Bella was motioning Piecryn to say hello??
She is a Little Chandy!

Granddaughter Kaitlyn!
Don't you love that long beautiful hair??
She was up late Friday night baking a cake!

I celebrated Friday night with a homemade Margarita!
Not nearly as good as a restaurant one but it will do.

Louis Dean and I went out to admire the night sky before going to bed.
No matter how badly the world is reeling from this terrible Covid 19 -
the night follows day and the seasons and time continue.

Saturday morning I made fancy French press coffee using the Christmas gifts my son, Jesse, gave us.
Amber gave her dad that John Wayne cup a couple of years ago and I finally talked him into using it!
I firmly believe in using the nice things we have! If not now - then when??

Every day I video chat on messenger with the grandquads.
I love seeing their faces and hearing their voices.

Saturday afternoon I baked cookies.
The chocolate chip cookie recipe has been well used.
I believe it's the same one on the chocolate chip bag but I always use this one in the book. 
I don't always date it since I make it so often....but this time I did.
I nearly wote something about taking cookies to people during the Coronavirus....but I didn't.

This morning (Sunday) after watching church online.....

I went out to deliver the cookies.....sometimes leaving them on the porch or maintaining 6 feet between us as I pitch them the bag. I carry a can of Lysol spray with me now, too.
After my deliveries, I decided to go ahead and pick up a few groceries.
Using that can of Lysol, I sprayed a paper towel and went first to Aldi and wiped down the buggy handle before shopping. Everyone was very polite is keeping our 6 feet of protection between all of us. I called Louis Dean to tell him I was on my way home and he asked me to go to Krogers and get him a box of wine. Not that he was out but he doesn't want that to happen!
I found the shortening there as well as the wine and then I decided to go ahead and look for some toilet paper.

I will have to shop a Senior Shopping Hour next Tuesday.

I made a steak dinner with salad, baked potatoes and garlic bread tonight.

I meant to make this yesterday but as I was turning off the lights and getting ready to go to bed - it hit me that I forgot to cook dinner!! Louis Dean stayed up in his music room learning a new song and he was still up when I checked on him at 3:00 AM and at 6:30 AM!!
By the time I woke up at 8:30, he had finally gone to sleep in the guest room.
So he was sleeping while I delivered cookies and shopped for groceries but he was awake to haul them all in for me. He also had two rags with Lysol on them and wiped down everything he brought in. We are being very careful.

Tonight I painted on Winston....

I just need to stop!
It's much harder for me to paint something paticular for someone.
I'm always afraid it won't be what they expected.
And a portrait is really supposed to look like its subject!!

Now we are ready to start another week.


The Feminine Energy said...

Please, my dear friend... please please stay home. No delivering cookies and no extra stops at the grocery store for things absolutely not necessary for your survival. You're playing Russian roulette with your life & LD's too. And please wear a mask or something over your face if/when you do go out.... gloves also. These are such hard times but we must heed the warnings. I want to see how you decorate your cozy abode next Christmas.... it's something I look forward to each & every year on your blog. Please do EVERYTHING you can, in order to make sure you're here next Christmas.... and for a zillion Christmases after that. Love you forever, Andrea XOXOXO

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a great way to end today's post. I love your Margarita glass. Winston looks so good! You are just what this world needs right now, the Cookie Lady! What could be more comforting? Your night sky photo is gorgeous!!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Linda. Loved seeing your grands as they share with you. Take care Dear Linda.

Bluebird49 said...

I know those cookies smelled wonderful baking. It just fills the house with love!
I'm glad you were able to get out a bit. I know it does you good.
All the grands are so very cute!💕
I think Winston looks awesome. 😍

jujupage1 said...

I'm homeschooling too!😂 Such unprecedented times we live in. Who would have known people would be stocking up this much on toilet paper and in England, tea and biscuits!

Stay safe 🙏

Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...

Bazen bende böyle kek falan yapıp arkadaşlarıma götürüyorum:)

Stacy said...

Amen to that last thought! It's interesting to visit all the blogs right now and see how everyone is keeping busy and getting through these days. Have a happy Monday!

Aloha Acres said...

I'm with your LD: I do not want to run out of wine ;) Be safe, friend. I'm glad you got some fresh air. It's so good for the soul

Vee said...

Oh those greats of Louis Dean’s are so adorable. One was born to be a director!

You stay busy and keep on being in touch with everybody. Keep looking up!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

We are blessed to be able to keep in touch with the technology we have today. It makes this isolation slightly better so we have to be thankful for what we have even though we miss the contact. My son and daughter keep delivering my groceries much the way you delivered your cookies. I make sure to wipe everything off with Clorox wipes. I'm going to take the car for a ride today just to see if it still works. i've not gone anywhere in over a week.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute and oh so sweet viedo saying hi to you.. is texas not under stay at home like we are, you are out and about a lot. I have been out two times in 2 weeks, both times to get food to cook. I am scared for you running around out there in this virus.

Deanna Rabe said...

Those little great grands are so sweet!

Glad you’re taking care while needing to be out.

photowannabe said...

Hubby and I walk around our block every day just to get the wiggles out.
Go to store at Senior hour..6AM tomorrow to pick up a few things.
Wearing gloves and using wipes on handles and opening doors with my arm or elbow.
What crazy being able to chat with family via technology and we will get through this mess.
Take care and a special virtual hug to both of you.

Carole said...

You are a ray of sunshine in a darker world. Thanks!

Hootin Anni said...

You have really a lot talent! With all you do!! And I appreciate all you share with us bloggers. Around here, I try to keep stocked year around for hurricane season (if I use what's stored, I replenish). Altho your cookies look delicious, I just can't take my mind off Winston.

STAY safe.

Judy said... matter what happens we still know that God is control! I had to smile about you forgetting to cook dinner. That would never happen over here...our meals are like clockwork. I have pretty much stayed out of the grocery stores for the past two weeks, but one of these days I need to stock up. Does it not seems incredible that no matter where we are living we are all facing the same challenges right now? But I am happy to think of it as being SAFE at home (rather than STUCK at home. Take care!

Saimi said...

FaceTiming the grandkids is the best!! It was cute to see her motion to her brother and tell him to say I love you. Such a girl thing to do haha. I'm glad you are being careful about going to the store. I have yet to do that, but using a can of Lysol is a great idea. Louis Dean is so awesome. That little singer song writer and staying up to all ends of the night to do so, what a gem you have.
Sometimes I forget to make dinner as well but I did manage to make dessert today. For some reason chocolate chip cookies were calling my name so I made us some. Perhaps we will have dessert for dinner!! Your so nice to give them away. I know you are very much appreciated. You are also a wonderful artist. Love your picture of Winston, his eye tell all!
Take care and keep spraying that Lysol!