Thursday, January 2, 2020

Keeping up......Wednesday and Thursday

Louis Dean and I stayed up to welcome the New Year in by watching the fireworks shooting off of Reunion Tower in Dallas.

At midnight we toasted each other with Cupcake Sparkling Red wine in the champagne flutes Deanie gave us from the year 2000.

We went to bed at 1:00 AM and neither one of us got up until nearly noon!
Best night's sleep we have had in weeks!
Louis Dean says we need to buy that wine again!

I organized my light closet and went about taking all of Christmas down while Louis Dean stored it away for me. I decided to just bite the bullet and take it all down except for the gazebo.
I'll leave the winter theme out there.

Tomorrow I will finish getting the sewing room cleared out and then I will have the weekend to clean. My goal is to have the house all tidy before I go to the hospital.
I know myself and I know I will rest and recover better if the house is all clean and organized.
And Louis Dean will be able to keep it cleaned up if it starts out that way.

Tomorrow starts the special preparations for surgery.
I have to use a foam cleanser after my normal shower....leave it on for 3-5 minutes and rinse it off.
Pat dry with a clean towel and go to bed on clean sheets.
Same thing for Saturday and Sunday.
Lots of changing of the sheets!
My surgery is in a smaller hospital where the only surgery is on bones....
and they have an excellent reputation for no staph infections and they want to keep it that way.

I knew back in the early spring my knee was getting worse and by May I was getting injections to see if those would work. They didn't. It was in September when I scheduled the surgery and it has been way out there - months and weeks away.
Now that it's just a few days's kind of like waiting to ride the roller coaster at an amusement park.....and I'm now close to the front of the line.
I think I am ready!

I haven't dressed, done my hair or make up since Tuesday and I admit to looking like a hag!
But I have accomplished a lot on the house and will enjoy recuperating in it.
I have been cooking, though!
Breakfast has been oatmeal, toast, eggs and bacon - maybe not all at once but three out of the four.
Chicken Alfredo, sweet potato casserole, black eyed peas, and cornbread were on the menu for New Year's Day.

Tonight I made us a good salad.
I love this photo because Louis Dean replaced the under counter light that went out the other day.
It's a new LED strip light - two of them - and I love them.
We will be getting more of these!

I have an update on Chandy!
She and I talk by way of texts every day and she's been so good at keeping us in the loop so her granddad won't worry.

The baby is still looking good!
Another complication or two has come up and it looks like she has a high chance of preclampsia at 20 weeks. She is at 7 weeks now.
Chandy has an excellent doctor - but the hospital is in Odessa and she lives in Big Spring - 75 minutes away. When the doctor came in to check on her this afternoon, Chandy was crying because she missed her children and husband so much.

So he discharged her with a whole big long list of instructions and meds.

She's to get back to the hospital by ambulance if there's any change in her condition.

Chris was so glad to have his wife home.
He's an excellent father and husband but life is better when Chandy is there!

The happiest of all was Bella!
This was the first time she's been away from her Mama and she stayed up much of last night wandering around the house looking for her mother!

Thank you for all the prayers for Chandy!


Deb J. in Utah said...

God bless Chandy and also you with your surgery. I will probably eventually need knee replacement myself. Hope that all goes well and that there are many miracles for your family.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’ll be praying for Chandy and the baby, and for you my friend! Will someone let us know how you’re surgery went?

Linda said...

Amber will post on my behalf if I’m not able! It’s a major surgery but not life and death...still...,I’m so thankful for your prayers!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Will the surgery be on Monday?

Linda said... since I can’t drink anything after midnight....that’s over 12 hours without water. I’m not looking forward to that because I’m always drinking water or tea or something! My children and are known as Big Gulpers - as in the 7-11 drink!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy New Year, Linda! Best wishes on youtdd knee surgery-- I know you will do great and heal quickly because you are a good patient and will help yourself afterward to do your rehab. Prayers for Chandy and her baby that they will be well.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Keeping Chandy ad her family in my prayers.
Keeping you n my prayers Linda as your knee surgery draws closer.

Vee said...

So glad that Chandy went home. I’m sure that her family missed her like crazy and she them.

And you have been busy, right out straight. Sounds as if your doctor and hospital know how to take good care of you. Do you have to keep up daily washing of sheets after surgery? My that is labor intensive.

Praying for everybody who stands in need in your corner. God bless you all.

Carol said...

I am thankful that you are getting things prepped for surgery and I am sure LD will take great care of you. I will add Chandy to my prayer list and that precious baby.

Changes in the wind said...

You are wise to get everything done before your surgery so you won't be worrying about it and can rest. Glad Chandy could go home and hope it goes well.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You will certainly be clean for your surgery with the showers and clean sheets. That's a job for you though to change them every day. Glad you are able to get so much done before you go, you will rest easier knowing everything is clean and in place where it should be. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. It's going to be a great new year! Only positive thoughts allowed.

Stacy said...

Oh boy...glad everything is well with Chandy and saying prayers for your knee surgery.

I'm reading everyone's stories of putting Christmas away and tidying up the house today and it's giving me good motivation (thank you!) to get my own done today since it's my day off. God is helping, too, by making it a dreary rainy day so no desire to go out to play anywhere.

Happy Friday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for Chandy and her family and that the many meds will keep her and the baby safe.. glad she got to go home with her family. I thought of one thing you are not ready for... you need to cook meals and freeze so while you are home recuperating. LD doesn't have to COOK IN THE KITCHEN. brahahaha....

Susie said...

Linda, That sweet face of Bella's. Broke my heart thinking of her wandering the house looking for her mommy. Dang. I will keep them in my prayers. I am glad you are getting the surgery you need so badly now. I am sure LD will watch over you and help in any way he can. Maybe your sisters and children will help at times too. Just do not over yourself. LOL...I know, I giving out advise that's hard for me to follow. Blessings to you, xoxo,love you, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks for the updates! I hope you have a good day and the new year brings happiness and good health! Hugs!

Chatty Crone said...

I’ll be praying for Chandy, the baby, her family, and for you!
Have someone let us know how you’re surgery went?
Hugs and prayers.

Anonymous said...

All good wishes for your Monday surgery.
Love, Phyllis

Latane Barton said...

I am with Louis Dean about that good nights sleep. What did you say the name of that wine was (grin)

Beth said...

A few years back, Amber recommended Cupcake Red Velvet on her blog. We tried it and liked it.
Your flutes are stunning/gorgeous!
Trusting and praying that surgery will go well. God bless you.

Carole said...

What was I thinking - of course you'll feel better if everything is ship shape! Only a few days to go now.... Cheers

photowannabe said...

Linda, continued prayers for Chandy and lots of prayer for you and LD as you have your surgery and recoup.
Don't over do things but having your home in order will be great when you are home after surgery.
Take care