Saturday, January 18, 2020

Recovery Days.....Friday and Saturday

Recovery takes time.....and it's hard work.....but it's also a blessing.
I am so grateful to have this surgery behind me and to be 12 days into recovery.
I am already walking better than I was before surgery.
However, recovery is a process that takes time. Day by day one must do the work of recovering.

It's really not that hard when I relax and realize I am in it for the long haul.
Kirby, the physical therapist, has asked me every day, "Do you have plans?"
And every day I tell him, "No, just resting and recovering at home."
He assures me that I am clear to go eat or shop or visit.
So far I have been content to stay home.

Yesterday he brought a step with handles for me to step up and down on.
I did it fine and he laughed and said he was trying to find something to challenge me.
I have all the exercises down but that doesn't mean they don't hurt. Or some of them do.
Today he brought an oval foam cushion 'step.' I balanced standing on it with my 'bad' leg and bent the other one like a crane. My task was to stand balanced without holding on for 90 seconds. 
Oh, MY!!! Now THAT was a challenge! Kirby explained that in that exercise, I use tiny little muscles deep inside the knee. I could sure feel them after that long 90 seconds!
Who knew such small exercises could do so much?

I was happy to tell Kirby that I will be going out tomorrow so I will do the exercises on my own.
He was excited I had plans!!
At first I told him I was planning on going to church but then I changed my mind.
Instead, Louis Dean and I will watch the service live online.
Then we are going to Dallas to watch Harrison and Logan's hockey game.
Kirby clucked around like a mother hen warning me to be careful of steps and climbing and such.
I'm looking forward to getting out of the house - not that I'm tired yet of staying in.

I love staying home. 
So far I have spent more time in bed than out of it.

Louis Dean comes in and has his morning coffee or afternoon tea and sits with me and we visit.
Then he goes off and works on his music or projects and I entertain myself.

Yesterday I watched an Endeavor program.....which was rather dark.
I lined up a funny film to watch next and I may do that tonight.

I finished up the hydrocodone and did much better tolerating it this time than in previous surgeries.
Now I am taking Tylenol 3 which is not quite as strong. The pain is not unbearable although it does wake me up at night. The side effects of pain medication is what is making me feel so sick.
I am eating lots of fiber and doing all the things they suggest but the afternoons seem to be when I really feel ill. Tomorrow we will go to the pharmacy and find something a little stronger to help me be more 'regular' if you get what I mean.

I noticed Louis Dean hovering around the door this afternoon just waiting for me to wake up from my nap. He had a song he was wanting me to hear!

Right now he is into George Jones and Tammy Wynette duets.....
and he has worked out arrangements for An Old Love Turned Memory and We Live in a Two Story House. He is the dearest man. I love that he loves to sing to me. And that he has the patience of Job.

He's quit cooking so much - I guess he got a lot of it out of his system - and is heating up soups and preparing easy meals. AND he is cleaning up fairly well.
I've been doing some housework everyday so the only room that looks really bad is the den.
We are both going to tackle that room on Monday.

I pulled myself together this evening and gave him a good haircut!
While I don't know how to wax his eyebrows - I do know how to 'mow' them with the clippers!!

He's in the den waiting for me to finish this journal entry and come out and eat chicken noodle soup with him and watch a program.

I'll close with this 30 year old picture of Deanie, Nita, Lonnie and me.
Deanie found this the other day and sent it to us in our group text.
The year was 1990. 
Little did we know then where we would be 30 years later.
And WHO we would be 30 years later.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Philippians 1:6


Vee said...

You find the best graphics. Wonderful picture of the four of you...a good find by Deanie. Louis Dean singing his songs...sweetness. And you continue to amaze me with your tenacity and speedy recovery. So good to have this time behind you. A wee bit of that “remedy” I sent you back along rubbed on your good knee will do the trick easily and gently. I wouldn’t lie.

Terra said...

I love that Louis Dean sings to you, and I like the goodbye crutches sign. You are on your way to full recovery, it does take time.

Unknown said...

I’m so happy you are doing well Linda. Isn’t nice to stay home for awhile. You will be back on the run in no time @ all. I’m glad I found that photo of the 4 of us! I’m trying to go through so many photos for us quickly. Next week I will start back w/ thearpy and won’t have as much time as I have had over the holidays . We are blessed ❤️🙏

Ginny Hartzler said...

This picture of all of you is so wonderful! And your outfit is so pretty. And the picture of Louis Dean, he looks very very good! This off the shoulder overall becomes him! All of my doctors at the University hospital recommend Miralax. It is very gentle, and is even given to children. Plus you can take it every day if need be. You are doing so well!!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Sounds like you are doing great. Jan from Waco

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you decided to watch church on tv. Getting out is great- but a smaller step for the first time. Plus your resistance is down - and that is a lot of people.
The pain meds slow your bowels down. They will have something there for you.
It is one day at a time and you are doing so great.
It will be a matter of no time before you are up and running.

Bluebird49 said...

I love Endeavor--and most BBC shows!
I do know about the problems with meds and tummies. Like someone mentioned, Miralax can be used everyday, and you may need Colace and tons of water!:)
I'm glad Louis is "behaving"! I'll just let that stand for itself! ;)
Enjoy tomorrow, and take care!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hi Linda - you are working hard on getting you knee working toward its very best - great physio therapist in Kirby. Love your photo of LD - and what a look back to the 90's with your siblings. Love it.

Kathy said...

I am amazed at how quickly you are recovering. Keep up the good work with the physical therapy. And have fun going out tomorrow.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you have such a beautiful bedroom to relax in and have enjoyed staying at home. Our minds are important to stay healthy in the recovery too. You've made such a beautiful home over the years...filled with treasures. It's nice to spend time inside and enjoy it. L. D. is our hero....what a fine gentleman he is! Tell him I said that! heehee! Hugs to you both!

Changes in the wind said...

Post surgery can be a trying time but you are handling well. Preparing ahead like you did can make all the difference and of course attitude Is the most critical so your "I'm in it for the long haul is a winner.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You’re both amazing! So glad how well how everything is going with your recovery!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy dance that you are doing so well. and that LD has stopped cooking so much HA HA… love the photo of him, he looks happy. back in 1990, is when I started selling Real Estate and mother died. two things that marked that year. I may try balancing on a cushion and see how that feels. you sure have a great therapist

photowannabe said...

I agree with Sandra, your therapist is one in a million. What an encourager and very creative in helping you with your mobility.
I laughed at your statement about mowing LD's eyebrows...fantastic choice of words.
It's so sweet that he shares his love of music with you..precious memories in the making.
Keep on doing what you are doing...God is good and knows how, when and what you need.

Carole said...

Eat a banana or two - works better than fibre. You are doing great! Cheers


Love the pic of you four !
You have a great therapist my friend.
Your LD is a music lover and how wonderful of you to enjoy it too, this will keep him well.
Have a wonderful week ahead ahead sweet lady.

Arlene G said...

Oh I love the picture of the siblings...ya'll are gorgeous. And it sounds like LD is getting some new songs ready for the ladies at the nursing home. I know he is a big star there. You had better keep an eye on him Linda.:) So glad you are coming along with that new knee. Do what your body says...if you need to rest, rest!

Susie said...

So good to read how far you have come Linda, in such a short time. I know it doesn't seem a short time while going thru it, but you are doing so well. I know your sweet LD is happy. You are an amazing strong woman. Loved the picture of you and your siblings. You are so right we never know what life has in store for us. Keep up the good work. Blessings to all, xoxo,love you, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's great you have permission to get out and do things. I know you love your home, but you also like to shop and visit your friends too. I don't think that even on my best day I could balance on one leg on a foam cushion. That kind of balance is something I no longer have. Good for you on doing it well. Sounds like your road to recovery is in full swing. The picture of 30 years ago is a great one! I love your smile and it was shinning through then as it is today!

Wanda said...

Good Morning, dear Linda. As I scroll down your pictures, I am so relating to your recovery and therapy. As our house looks similar as my dearest recovers from the stroke. We have to laugh at some of his facial exercises...the therapist..says. PUCKER...PUCKER HARDER...NOW SMILE, SMILE HARDER..HOLD IT FOR 60 SEC.....Like you said, therapy is hard work...but necessary.

I love that you are taking care of yourself and staying in bed as long as you feel like it. Movies are good. We have been watching "Dog" movies this week. Iron Will, Togo, White Fang.....great stories and love the beautiful Alaskan scenery.

Trying a new water pill today to try an get this excess fluid off my dearest...if it doesn't work..guess back in the hospital for a IV slow drip. But God is good....and we trust him one day at a time.

Love and Hugs dear sister in Christ.

jujupage1 said...

Well, it's nice to see that you're recovery is going great. It's a long process but you seem to be nailing it. Love the photo at the end too!