Monday, January 6, 2020

Surgery Day: A New Knee!

There's nothing quite like a little surgery to get my mom to slow down and rest. Which is exactly what she's doing right now in her hospital bed as I type. This is Amber, her daughter, by the way.....stepping in for a blog post or two while my mom is recovering from a very successful (and not so little) knee replacement earlier today! Everything went smoothly and according to plan—even right on schedule, which we all know is a small miracle in itself.

For months and months, my mom's been getting through her day-to-day with a very painful left knee. Most of you know by now that not much gets her down or even slows her down. So when I arrived at the hospital this morning to be with her and my dad before she went back for surgery, she was probably the cheeriest pre-op patient in the whole place. Knowing that this knee replacement will eventually eliminate a lot of her daily pain and increase her capability as well as improve her quality of life, my mom was ready to get it done!

Mom and me, pre-surgery and with a smile on her face!

We did enjoy a little comic relief while waiting in pre-op as I'd brought cards that my kiddos had made for their Meemaw. I hadn't even read them myself yet as they'd all been sealed up and handed to me with precise delivery instructions from my children, which I was given four times over of course. Ha! Each of the cards was so cute and very much reflected their individual personalities. Logan chose to make her own card entirely and even included a thermometer in the "mouth" on the front. The other three decorated blank notecards as Santa had given them each a set in their stocking along with fun, new markers. Harrison's card really stuck with us. He'd written a sweet note on the back but it was the simple, to-the-point message inside that was the kicker. It said: "new knee" and "not new knew." So funny and very accurate!

Once Mom got taken back, Louis Dean and I kept ourselves occupied during her operation. Our first stop was, of course, the cafeteria as my dad was on a mission to get a hamburger. We got an update from the staff that all was going well, and afterward moved to the post-op waiting room. In fact, my mom's doctor almost caught us off guard when he came out to see us since we were expecting things to take a little longer. He was very happy with the results and assured us everything had gone perfectly.

After Mom had a chance to spend a little time in recovery she was moved to her room. When Louis Dean and I arrived, she had already gotten up and been assisted to the restroom and was walking back to her bed not looking at all like she'd just had an entire knee replaced! And I shouldn't have been surprised to notice she'd managed to swipe her earrings out of her overnight bag and put them on so fast I didn't even see it happen. She might not be feeling her best, but she's not about to go without a little jewelry! The physical therapist was in as well and Mom was able to do all the exercises required of her and even bend her knee up and down. It's all very encouraging though not unexpected, because I know exactly where I get my tenacity and toughness from—my mama. :)

Dad and I have been her cheerleaders the rest of the day, as she has struggled with nausea and pain on and off. But ever the trooper, she's valiantly worked her way through it all and is officially on the road to recovery. Which, I can tell you she'd agree, is absolutely the bees knees. And that pun is fully intended!

Thank you to everyone who has kept her in your prayers and sent your well wishes!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Your mom is so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. My oldest daughter's name is also Amber. Lovely name for lovely women. I think I will need replacement one day, so will look for more posts about how everything goes!
Thanks and tell your mom to get well soon!

Chy said...

Great post Amber! So happy to hear everything went well today. I'm sure it won't be long before she's home and back to her energetic self.


jujupage1 said...

Your mum is a very strong woman! Loved this post. It's clear you and her have a very good relationship which is good to see. Loved the get well soon cards too. So cute!💜

Bluebird49 said...
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Bluebird49 said...

So very good to see this post. Thank you, Amber -- your mom is just amazing!

Anonymous said...

Dee from Tennessee

Fabulous news !!!! So thankful . And so happy for her l

Carla said...

WOW that is awesome. so glad to hear that she's doing so well. Give her a big hug from me.
Hugs to all

Vee said...

Thank you, Amber, for the update. So like your mom to line up a writer to fill her readers in. I was just wondering how long it would be before we knew anything and here’s the answer. Now I know your mom is tenacious, still I am so impressed with her grit and determination. You might have to slow her down just a bit on purpose. The cards are perfect and so cute. Sending love across the miles and prayers for an excellent recovery.

Tina said...

Thank you so much Amber for posting this! So glad to hear that everything went well and recovery sounds like it's going amazingly well! Lots of hugs to everyone! said...

Great news -thanks for the update, Amber!

Estelle's said...

So glad to hear the surgery is over and went smoothly. Recovery is not that easy but if she takes it one day at a time...with plenty of rest and the necessary home health therapy, in a year, she will be feeling great!

Arlene G said...

Thanks for the update Amber. Love and Prayers to Linda for a swift recovery.

Susie said...

Amber, I am so glad you are with your mom. Sometimes we moms need the comfort of our daughters. ...and visa versa. I am praying for all of you. You are right your mom is a go getter and hates to sit still . I loved the cards from your children. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks so much Amber! What a sweetheart you are to give us the update! She does look so cheery and beautiful before surgery. She keeps us inspired and going around here in blogland. I know she'll have everyone in the hospital hopping...and smiling! Hugs to you and L. D.! Please give her my love and tell her to REST! Hugs, Diane in Florida

Chatty Crone said...

Wow I wonder if it went as quick for her as for us. I bet she is home or near going now. I have been thinking and praying for her too. Thanks Amber. It is a relief. I am surprised they let her wear nail polish though. Interesting. Tell her hello from Sandie/Chatty Crone.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you Amber for updating us, my first thought when I woke up, was to wonder how the surgery went. I knew she would be fine, she always is, and I am happy to hear she was up and wearing jewelery on same day... she is amazing and you inherited it... hugs and love

Changes in the wind said...

So happy to hear the good news and that all went well. She will do fine because she works hard to have a good attitude and it does indeed make a difference.

VintageCrafter said...

So happy that everything went well and that your Mom is on her way to healing and a speedy recovery!

MimiG said...

So happy to read this good news! Continued prayers for recovery. Tell Linda I almost didn't recognize her in the picture - no earrings on!
Much love being sent.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank you Amber for the update. I know I've been wondering how it was going. Your mom has been in my prayers and now will pray for a speedy recovery. Have the battle is in the attitude and you r mom does hav a good one. Thankfull she'll soon be painfree and able to do more.

Deanna Rabe said...

She's the cutest, too, and you get that from her as well!

Thanks for a great update. Glad she's worked through nausea and pain, and is doing so great! That's answered prayer! I'll continue praying for her as she recovers. Its going to make her quality of life so much better!

Latane Barton said...

So nice to meet you Amber. And, know that your Mom is in very good hands. I loved the cards your children made. That put a smile on her, I bet. Give her my love. Having gone through two knee replacements, I can relate but I know she's got me beat in recovery hands down.

Karen said...

So glad all went so well. I will be following asi will have surgery this spring and I am such a chicken! I have put it off for too many years! Praying for her and your family that all continues to go well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the positive message and much good luck with recovery.
love, Phyllis

Amber said...

Those are my fingers ;)

Teresa P said...

Thank you so much Amber for updating all of us who have been praying for your Mom and are thankful she did so well. Hopefully, she will be on the road to healing and recovery with each day. My Moms friend is at least six years older than your Mom and had knee replacement surgery last year and did beautiful!

The cards your kids made for their Mee-Maw were so precious! I know Louis Dean will be a great care-giver and nurse as your Mom recovers. I always said Linda was the Energizer Bunny before but with a new knee she will be the Energizer Bunny on steroids!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is so nice to see you, Amber!! first let me say that you are an amazing mom, and an amazing person!! I have been praying for Linda, and am SO glad to have an update! Wow, she is doing much better than most people I have known with the surgery! I am SO glad!!! Prayer works! The cards are adorable, and I am so glad you posted them.

Diana Ferguson said...

Prayers for Linda!!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs, love and prayers Linda as you continue your recovery from surgery. Amber, thank you for writing today.


Rain said...

You're so sweet Amber, thanks for the update! Love you Linda!!! Get well soon!!! xxx

Hootin Anni said...

You go girl....Linda!!! I know from meeting you through blogging you're the strength of your life's journal. And, Amber, I so appreciate your taking time to keep us posted. Take care, wear those sassy earrings and keep smiling!!

PS...did he get his cheeseburger?

Joyce F said...

Thanks to Amber for letting us know you are doing well. I got a card out to mail to you Linda but seem to have mislaid your snail mail address. Know that I am thinking of you and sending you best wishes from Kansas. Praying you have a smooth recovery.

photowannabe said...

Thank you Amber for the update and sharing your kiddos darling cards to your Mom.
They will definitely speed her recovery along.
She's an amazing woman. What a trooper!!
Prayers continuing for a full recovery...pain free!!

Anonymous said...

I typically just lurk and don't comment, but I've been following this blog for quite a while. Anyway, what a great report! I've been keeping all in prayer, as have many others, and as usual, God is faithful!!!
Love the earrings story....

Carole said...

So glad it went well. My thoughts are with her all the way from New Zealand. Cheers

Wanda said...

Amber thanks so much for the update, as we all love your mom, and your entire family that she is so willing to share.

The cards were adorable! You are a precious daughter, and remind me of my Michel who is our oldest daughter and has been my right arm during this year of my dearest health issues.

Give a hug and kiss to your mom from me.

BeachGypsy said...

Just checking in on you!!--so glad Amber posted this! Thinking of you my friend and hoping your recovery is COMPLETE AND SWIFT. Hang in there.....the worst is behind gets easier now.

Judy said...

Thanks for the update, Amber! Glad all went well and my thoughts and prayers will be with your mom as she recovers.

MimiG said...

Just checking in to see how Linda is doing. Hopefully home from the hospital and reading a good book! Prayers continue.

BeachGypsy said...

I know you're not up to blogging....just wanted to say howdy and letcha know I'm thinking of you!! Hugs!! HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL......

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the updates, Amber, on your non's knee replacement surgery and afterwards. Glad to hear she is doing so well and may it continue that way until she is fully healed. The cards that your children made were very uplifting to her, I'm sure.

jackie said...

Hope all is well. Hope you ae home resting up and welling better every day.

56steps said...

Amber thanks so much for letting us know how your mom is doing.
I'm so happy to hear everything went well with her operation.

The cards from your kids are so cute.

Sue said...

So happy that Linda is doing so well, Amber, prayers for a quick recovery!She is an amazing woman, I have watched her along with louis Den tackle lots of projects.

This report is also encouraging for me as my DH is having a complete knee replacement on Jan.
Thanks for sharing.