Friday, January 24, 2020

Thursday Out - Friday In

It seems like I'm on a baby schedule - morning and afternoon naps and an early bedtime.

Yesterday afternoon I decided to try my wings and go somewhere.
Not far since it was my first time to drive in about 3 weeks.
There's a Tuesday Morning up on Beltline Road- a mere 1.7 miles away. The newer nicer one on MacArthur was nearly 3 times as I went to the closer one.
I had curtains in mind and as it so often happens - I found just exactly what I was looking for.
The kitchen French doors face west and the sun can be brutal so I keep room darkening curtains up there. Easy to open and quick to close. The ones I chose are close to the ones I already had.
Back when the house flooded while we were away on our cruise and cross country trip back home, the curtains still show a stain about 6 inches up from the hem and I haven't been able to get it out.
Praise God the water that rolled in through the kitchen went down to the den and the sewing room instead of flooding the entire house!

 I will take the old curtains to the ranch with us and hang them between the front room and the bathroom. They will be much easier for me to open and close than what Louis Dean has hanging up there now.

Adter Tuesday Morning, I sat in the car for a few minutes and rested before driving a few blocks down the road to Aldi. I have made a few meals lately and it felt good to go in and get some fresh produce and pick up a few things.

I was only gone a couple of hours and that was enough.
It was an early bedtime for me on Thursday night.

Today (Friday) I finally managed to finish cleaning the kitchen.
I was up at 9:00 this morning and worked for an hour or so after my quiet time.
Then back to bed to sleep until 1:00 and the only reason I woke up then was because Louis Dean was singing! As it happened I was dreaming about him and he sang his way right into the dream.
It was a funny dream and there were TWO Louis Dean's and yet they were both mine.
I don't think the world is ready for two of him!

I took the last Christmas tablecloth off and reset the kitchen table.

I don't suppose I ever get it ALL clean but I managed to get most of it done.
Before I had surgery, Louis Dean bought a big box of Rubbermaid storage pieces.
They have sat in the box on the floor by the fridge ever since.
Finally, today I cleaned out the red cabinet where we store such things and organized it.
I'm taking a bunch of odds and ends to the ranch and will match tops to the bottoms and pitch all the rest!

I love my planner area.
Everything I need to remember or do or keep goes here as well as the current recipes I'm using.
You can see I don't have much written down lately!

You can see why Louis Dean has a hard time cooking in this cluttered kitchen.
He's a real good sport about it, though.
We both keep saying that we never meant to change each other .....but somehow it happened anyway.

I realized that for the last nearly 15 years I have been teaching him to keep house.
He truly did not know how.
He and Ellen were school teachers and they worked all the time and were not as domesticated as I have been all my life. I used to be Mrs. Clean and I have given up a lot of that.
I think we have done well in compromising.
Still, after I had the kitchen all clean this evening and was just enjoying looking at it, I shuddered when Louis Dean offered to cook steaks for dinner tonight!
Thank goodness I had already set things out for tuna noodle casserole and we had lots of leftover veggies in the fridge that we needed to eat!

I think nesting and cleaning and fluffing up makes me feel better.
I just do a little bit at a time and rest in between.
I think I am going to get my Country Diary down for 2008 and read about my right knee surgery and how I was doing back then nearly 3 weeks out.

I guess I forgot to talk about the Gorilla Glue on the counter beside the microwave.
Well, I am happy to say that I managed to chip most of it up. You can't SEE it but if you run your hand over the counter you can FEEL it! A little bit.
It's really no big deal because for THREE years I have listed replacing the counter tops as a goal for the year. And new carpet!
2020 is the year!!! As SOON as I feel better, we are going to go shopping for counters.
No granite or marble or hard surfaces for us. GOODNESS! I can't even imagine how many things would get broken! I'm thinking of darker high quality Butcher Block to go with my walnut cabinets.
When we get ready to do that, I'm going to use that good cleaner - I forget the name of it - to super clean the cabinet doors and then there's a wax - I forgot the name of that, too - to put on to freshen up the color. I have done it before and I hope I have some of the wax left somewhere so I can get the name of it.

Carpet will come this summer. That is overwhelming to even think about - moving all the stuff in the living room, dining room, hall, sewing room and guest room.
I really need to get well before we do that!!

It's after 8:00 so maybe I will be able to stay up a bit later tonight.
That would make Louis Dean happy.
He gets lonely when I'm not around and you know what?
That makes me really happy!!!


Stacy said...

The kitchen may be cluttered, but it sure looks homey, cozy, and inviting to me! I grew up in a family that collects and saves and decorates. I like looking around a home and seeing what the homeowner is all about. Glad that you are feeling better and beginning to get about more.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

These posts made me smile! Good for you driving already! Your dream made me chuckle - two Louis Deans!

Keep on with your recovery, and rest.

Bluebird49 said...

You sound good! It'll all comeout in thecwash, as they say! Y'all have been so focussed doing stuff at the ranch, and you can't do both places at the same time. Thinking about the things you have to move to get counters and carpet is just too much right now, but I can hear -- you're gearing up for battle this summer!
Don't tell me Louis Dean had the guitar out while you were sleeping!!😲💕

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you got out shopping, and you got a lot done! You are getting better every day! The kitchen looks really organized.

Tina said...

I'm so happy to hear you got to go on a little outing but are still resting up! I love Tuesday Morning, we used to have one but it closed up and I miss it! I could always find good and interesting bargains there. I love your idea of butcher block for the countertops. I agree, granite or the like would not be very practical for us either. I'm glad you got the kitchen cleaned up, you must feel relieved about that! You'll probably sleep like a baby tonight! And that cartoon at the end is 100% on target, you and Louis Dean do rock! Have a great weekend!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

You certainly had good and a busy day Linda.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I think you area a busy gal. And you work one day and rest the next - that is the way to go. Your house looks like a real home!

Vee said...

Looking good! Since you’re replacing counter tops, you don’t need this remedy for getting the gorilla glue off, but a bit of Windex and a quality new razor blade at the right angle will take anything. ☺️ Goodness, I woke this morning after sleeping well and was ready to return to bed in twenty minutes. I need some Geritol! Ha! Oh you should have seen my face when you said that you found just what you were looking for (drapes). I NEVER find just what I was looking for. Someday, I’m going shopping with you!

Changes in the wind said...

It would be interesting to compare your knee surgery's. Glad you were able to get out and shop a little and that you got things back in order to suit you.

Estelle's said...

It sounds like you are on the road to recovery Linda...very different than my husband's...not allowed to drive for 6 weeks..your house looks warm and cozy....take it slow and easy....hugs and blessings!

Arlene G said...

It sounds as it you are doing well Linda. Taking rests are important. I read your blog right before I went to bed last night and I dreamed I saw you and LD going into a local church. Well I stopped my car, left my door open and ran up to meet yall. We were hugging and talking when I realized someone had taken my purse from the car while we were visiting. I had to chuckle when I wokr up this morning. What a dream....Maybe one day we will meet in person!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for driving yourself on a short shopping expedition.. good news, also good news LD did not cook again. ha ha.. I could not survive 2 bobs, that would be a nightmare. I am sure he could not survive two of me either

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

t sounds to me that you are just about back to normal there. That was a quick recovery. So glad you are doing so well.

Susie said...

Linda, Two LD's...holy cow. He gets as much done as two men anyways. Glad you are able to venture out and enjoy it. Please use care. Blessings to all, xoxo, Love you, Susie

photowannabe said...

Like others have said...your recovery is amazing. Baby steps and lots of rest sounds like the perfect prescription.
I had to smile over the dream of 2 LDs...Two of our hubbys would be a bit much for many of us..(:0)

Carole said...

Rock on!

Rain said...

TWO Louis Deans and they are both yours? That sounds like a good dream to me! :) I would love to have two Alex's!!! :) You sound in such good spirits Linda, it's really nice to read, I hope you continue to recover quickly!

jackie said...

I think you might be thinking of Bees wax for your cabinets??

Nancy Chan said...

Glad you know you are up and about. Do take good care and don't overdo it. Along the way, married couples learn to get along with each other by. I have a small kitchen and if a second person comes in, it will be too crowded. I have in mind to clear some of my kitchen stuffs but haven't have the mood to do it. Happy weekend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to read that your recovery continues, Linda. We can tell you are feeling so much better when you start tackling those household chores. i agree that your kitchen looks warm and know what you mean about the lack of counter space as we deal with that in our apt, but nothing can change that so we try to work with what we have. I wish we had the space to leave out some of our favorite larger appliances, like the KitchenAid, but then we most likely wouldn't even use it any more than we do now.

jujupage1 said...

Love your house! So hickledy pickledy but cosy and full of art and personality! I can't wait to see what your new counters would look like later on! 💜

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

So happy you have been able to take a little trip out! Don't overdo my friend ♥