Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tuesday Treasures!

Today has been full of treasures!
The first of which was my morning cup of coffee.

My son and his wife gifted us with a French press, a milk frother AND a jar of coffee beans roasted by my son! Coffee is to him as wine is to others. He is a connoisseur of coffee and has been known to fly across the country for the day just to roam around and visit local roaster shops.
This was my first cup! Delicious......and I loved the frothed milk!

I woke Louis Dean up at 6:30 so he could get to his 7:45 doctor appointment for his check up.
He goes every 6 months. He came back with a good report - so far. I always feel better after the blood work reports come in. When he got home I made him a cup of the French press coffee and he REALLY loved it! I may have to make him a cup every morning.

Since it was a cold chilly day - this last day of December - we enjoyed our coffee in the den by the fire. Then Louis Dean went back to bed and fell sound asleep for several hours!

Since I'm going to be laid up for awhile, I wanted to get my nails done this afternoon.

Guess who wanted to go with me??

His feet are so ticklish!

No more pictures!!!
Louis Dean is a real treasure and so much fun.
The lady said, "I'll do your eyebrows," and she cleaned him up nicely!!
This will be a regular thing now!

We hit up a couple of thrift stores since this is Tuesday and we get 30% off as seniors!
The toaster oven, toaster and large crock pot all go to the ranch.
The wastebasket is for Louis Dean and he chose the pink Santa! He was only $0.75!
The book is his, too, can you imagine??
I wonder if he has any idea what it's about??

I could NOT resist 5 bunches of faux sunflowers for $0.75 each!

Now for my other treasures!

A robe from Victoria's Secret!

One pocket needed to be mended and it was as good as new!
This will be perfect for the hospital.

The instructions say to arrive in comfortable clothing and when I found this soft dress I decided to get it! I'll wear a long white sweater with it and that will be perfect for checking into the hospital and coming home.

I love this white top and it will look great with skinny jeans.

I bought the cami under this and it's one of those strong ones that smooths one's bulges....

A brand new Chico red shirt!
I'll pair this with black leggings.....

I love nearly everything by Chico's!

A cool spring top to wear in just a few more weeks!

And finally - a comfy gown!
I'm washing it all and will be packing my bag!

This was the first time I've done Tuesday Treasures in months!

Now for my last treasure of the day......
Last weekend Louis Dean's granddaughter, Chandy, and her husband were in Dallas to celebrate their anniversary. They arrived on Thursday night and were staying with their best friends and had planned to come over to our house on Saturday and have a chili supper with us. (I still had chili in the freezer!) Alas, she sent me a text early Saturday morning to let us know she had just got back from the ER. Chris had rushed her to the hospital Friday night when she started hemorrhaging. She is still in the first trimester of a high risk pregnancy. The baby's heartbeat is still strong but she has a subchorionic hemorrhage so the doctor put her on bed rest. We told her to stay where she was and rest and just get home safely. They live in Big Spring. So they did and when she went to her doctor on Monday, he admitted her to the hospital in Odessa.

And that's where she is tonight.

We are hoping she won't have to stay there long.
Her last pregnancy with Bella, who is two years old now, was extremely high risk and she was in the hospital several times.

The fetal specialist will be in to see her in the morning and do another sonogram.
Then Thursday, the diabetic dietitian will be in to see her.
That's what happened when she was pregnant with Bella, she developed gestational diabetes.

Chandy has been cheering herself up looking at all the photos on her laptop.
She's been texting updates for me to read to her Granddad to keep him from worrying.
Chandy has the best attitude during all this.
We weren't in her life when she was ill and pregnant with Bella but we are now and we are praying hard. Chandy has been through a lot and she has done the work to get her life where it should be. She and Chris are both Christ followers and really great parents to the 'yours, nine and ours' children they have between them.
But this is a tough time for her and her family and Odessa is a good ways from Big Spring.
We are so proud of Chandy and will be praying for her, the baby she's carrying, Chris and the children......


Chandy Johnson said...

Awwww!!! You're the sweetest!!! ❤❤❤ I love Granddad went with you to get mani/pedis!!!! 😁 A little jelly but that's awesome! I miss yall so so much and hope I get to see you soon ❤

Bluebird49 said...

Praying all goes well with Chandy.
Y'all found some good stuff and found more great bargains!

Vee said...

Joining you in prayer for Chandy and her family. The Lord knows and He cares.

Louis Dean will be looking so fine and feeling so good. Hope that your hospital stay is brief and that you get to recuperate mostly at home.

Such a lot of treasures! I need someone like you as my personal shopper. I never see such finds.

Happy New Year! Many blessings!

Oh that coffee sounds amazing!

Changes in the wind said...

What great treasures you found! Joining with prayer for Chandy and family. I have only had pressed coffee once and I loved it.

Debbie said...

i am not a coffee drinker...i love tea, hot tea, cold tea and very sweet tea!!

you got some really cute shirts...all about the same style, all my shirts are the same style!

i LOVE the red shirt, it looks a little like a light jacket!! best wishes to chandy, i hope thinks turn out for the best!! and bella, what a cutie!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Prayers for Chandy and her family, for a safe delivery. I love coffee, but can't be bothered to make a cup at a time. of course if someone gave me what you got I would use it just because I got it... I had a cup once at a friends house and it was delish. but there were 5 of us, she lives alone, and we had to wait while she made one cup at a time. I finished mine and wanted seconds long before she got all the others served. your clothing finds are delightful. happy new year

Susie said...

Linda, I will pray for Chandy and her family. Power of prayer is awesome. We all are in need.
I am not a coffee connoisseur, but oh boy I know a bad cup when I get one. YUCK. I do not order coffee when eating out, it's no good. I call it all floor sweepings, all places. I think I have gotten used to making our own mixtures, that I can't stand a regular cup. If it's called Joe, Java, or Mud...nasty. LOL
Looks like you got a haul at the thrift store. Bless LD's heart for going along. Hope his labs are great. Blessings to you both in this New Year. love you, xoxo, Susie

MimiG said...

I'll be praying for Chandy and the babe. God will take care of her. Praying for you in the coming days as you prepare for your surgery. Probably best to not let LD use the French Press.... I have one that makes 2 cups, really love it, but as I have 4 different coffee makers, I change them around frequently. The gift of home roasted coffee beans is awesome. That's a fairly lengthy process, I've heard.
Happy New Year!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yes there is a lot of power in prayer and Iwill be preying for them. Hopefully all will be well. ISeems there is always something to prey about and I do a lot of it. Today nth first of my children lives for the long trip back home from our family vacation. He's at the top of my list today. Looks like you will be the best dressed lady in the hospital. Good thing you got a chance to go shopping. Perfect timing. Yum on the coffee it sounds wonderful too. It's been a long time since I've had french press. Will be thinking of you often as you prepare to go for surgery.

Rain said...

Happy New Year Linda!! :) Louis Dean is adorable!! What a wonderful gift from your son and his wife! My French press broke many years ago and I never replaced it, one of these days though because there is nothing like the morning ritual of making a pressed coffee and frothing your milk! I think it makes the cup taste so much better. Great job on the froth by the way!!! I love your white blouse, so pretty! And the robe too! Sending prayers for dear Chandy, I hope all goes well for her and her baby.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A scary time for her, but how great that she is a Christian! How else could one get through times like this? Be sure and let me know what day next week the surgery is, so I can put you on the prayer line the evening before. What a great gift all the coffee things are!! I make foam for my coffee every day. I have one of those little rechargeable foamers, and use almond milk. I love all of your new clothes! And the last one, the nightgown, could almost be worn as a dress! Since you have Louis Dean, I am thinking you will not need to go to rehab after the hospital.

photowannabe said...

Happy New Year to you and LD.
I stopped to pray for Chandy as I read your journal. Praying for a successful pregnancy and a sweet new addition to their lives.
I am so thankful they know the Lord and are putting things in His hands.
You have the most amazing Thrift stores...the treasures you find there are wonderful.
the outfits will be gorgeous on you. Perfect robe for the hospital too.
Love the mani-pedi for LD...I can hear his giggles.
Love coming here and visiting while I drink my coffee...no where as good as yours...

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I pray for Chandy and her baby.
Happy New Year! sandie

Carole said...

happy new year to you and LD. Hope Chandy recovers and the baby is fine. Cheers

Jan said...

Praying for Chandy, her baby and her family. Also praying for you and your upcoming surgery.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You found some great treasure, but the real treasure is family! Louis Dean is fun, and I’m praying even know for Chandy and family!

Hootin Anni said...

Love the blouse for "skinny jeans" very vintage-looking