Saturday, January 11, 2020

I'm Back!!

My knee surgery was a good success and recovery is coming along well.
I suppose the slight tinge of sadness as I went through the preparations on Sunday and arriving at the hospital on Monday was the knowledge that without a doubt I was in for some painful recovery time.
Been there. Done that. In 2011. Here I was again.

God was so good to me in making me feel special from the moment I went up to the check in desk.
That's our sweet neighbor, Gloria, in between us. She escorted us to the proper place where Louis Dean would be waiting while I got ready for surgery. I was gifted with a very nice stainless steel beverage container and I used that all the time I was there and every day since I got home.
The ladies understood that LD had a flip phone and took great care to let him know how to get the info on my surgical progress. Thank goodness Amber arrived and he didn't have to keep one thought in his head since he knew that SHE knew what was going on!

One of the last things Dr. Sanders told me was that he would put a pain block in right AFTER surgery so I would wake up pain free......for a little while.
Well, I woke up all right. Crying and in so much pain!! They were quick to get it under control but I did so want to be a good patient and I was disappointed that I had cried and carried on so.

I arrived in hospital on Monday and was discharged on Wednesday.
The days became a confusion of thoughts as I could not remember much of anything.
I do not do well with pain medicines but Dr. Sander's assured me to take my meds and stay in front of the pain and then cut back after some healing time had gone by. We figured our a 'recipe' that included pain pills as well as something for nausea.
Still, the meds gave me hallucinations and visions....but only when my eyes were shut. It was like watching a computer screen in my mind......weird faces morphing and changing....shelves of Christmas ornaments to be arranged......books lying on a shelf with water coming closer and closer and I am trying to get to the water before the water gets to the books.
No nightmare kind of things. But when I prayed, I seemed to have more depth and clarity of thought.
So it was smarter to spend more time praying than just thinking.

Amber is a big believer in icing and she kept that up for me.
The three mornings I was in the hospital I was a cry baby.
I seem to have a harder time in the mornings.
By midday, I would be all straightened out again.

I was up and walking the hall within a few hours of surgery and again in the afternoon, and evening all three days.

I felt as snug as could be in my hospital 'crib.' We had to keep the sides pulled up so all my toys wouldn't fall out! I'm a heavy drinker and both Amber and Louis Dean kept me stocked up on tea.

I really appreciate all the angels in Baylor Surgical Hospital.

They always had a smile and a kind word and I was treated with great care and respect.

When I left, I told them I was not going to miss them but that 'I would remember them fondly!'
I was too tired to bake before surgery but we will go back up there next week with cinnamon rolls fro everyone all around!

Amber brought me home Wednesday afternoon in her Suburban and stayed on duty until Thursday afternoon when she had to do school pick up.

It felt every bit as wonderful sliding under the bedroom sheets as I knew it would!
Home Health came that very afternoon to deliver equipment and to sign me up with the program.

Thursday morning was my first Physical Therapist visit.

It went well and Kirby - my PT guy - said I was already at the 2 week point on my first day.

Amber left this note for me to find when I woke up from my nap.
It really does make us feel good when people - especially our children - tell us they are proud of us!

I have spent lots of time in bed napping and being.
They encourage you to get up and piddle around the house doing small housekeeping chores and that's right up my alley. I watered the first house plants I have had in years and I look forward to a long healthy relationship with it!

There's a lot to do in recovery.
I wear these compression cuffs up to 18 hours a day.
I do several rounds of exercises just like the ones Kirby does with me.
I practice walking.....stepping like a high horse in the center ring.

I spent time every day reading Facebook messages and checking on my friends.
My mind is still scrambled a bit and I have found myself holding the iPad or my phone and looking down and seeing all the little icons jiggle......or messages of random letters in the reply box of a post.
If you have seen some of these - just scroll on by and wait for me on the corner!
I'll be getting my mind back soon, I hope.

Louis Dean has been feeding me well.
Friday he made chicken tenders and gravy......and I ate them.
That was NOT a good thing to do.
Too heavy and I ate too much!
Friday night was NOT pretty and I have Pam to thank for getting me back in shape.
She called and I took one look at the caller ID, answered and said, "I'm not doing very well."
She was here in minutes!
She called to check on me this evening and as soon as she heard my voice - she knew I was feeling better!! I think she was all ready to prepare for take off again and was glad she didn't need to!

Amber painted my toes for me yesterday before she left to pick the kids up at school.
Those hose are the dickens to get on but my doctor wants me to wear them for six weeks.
So I went online and ordered some new ones this afternoon!

I bought a movie the other day.  By accident. So I have an old Tom Hanks movie to watch where he plays a bad guy. A Southern bad guy with a real drawl. If I can keep from drive by clicking, maybe I can figure out how to watch free movies on demand!!

I do love and appreciate all my friends and family out there who have prayed for me.
I could definitely feel the power of prayer.

Louis Dean is holding up well.
He has his projects to do and tries to keep up with the house.
He's done a lot of funny things with food but my brain is about to shut off for the day so I will tell y'all about that tomorrow!

Thank you again - for every prayer and every thought.
                                                       Louis Dean and I do so love you, you know.....                                                 


jackie said...

So happy to see your post.

Hoping the hardest part is behind you.

Happy you are being taken care of.

Jan said...

Praying for continued improvement and healing for you. Sounds like you are doing well!

mustard seeds said...

Glad you are onnthe mend. There is no shame in crying. Knee surgery hurts.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m sorry the pain meds make you feel loopy. Our friend could not sleep when he was on them during his recovery from knee replacement surgery. As soon as he was able to cut them back he started to sleep again.

I’ll pray that God will give you clarity. I’m delighted your knee is doing so well! Good for you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Horray, I am so glad to see a post from you!!! Seems like you are progressing way beyond what is expected! And the worst is all over now. Pain meds will really mess with your mind. especially one called Dilaudid (wrong spelling!). Despite all you have been thru you still look even prettier than ever! And what a blessing that Louis Dean can cook!

Kathy said...

I am so glad to read a post from you and to hear that you are doing so well. Keep up with your medication and your PT. Praying for you and LD.

Tina said...

Yay! So glad to see a post from you and to hear that you are well on the road to recovery! I don't do well with pain meds either so I know just what you're talking about. They make me feel out of my head and sick to my stomach which is definitely no fun at all! It sounds like you've had lots of good care from Amber, LD and your neighbors. Praying for your continued recovery and so glad you are doing so well! Have a good Sunday and take care of yourself!

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad all went well and that you are on the mend. See you again soon!

Vee said...

Linda, you’re so pretty there with your thumb up! I am beyond impressed that you wrote this post. I expected to keep hearing from Amber for a few times. So glad that you are safely through the surgery and hospital stay. Sounds as if lighter fare is what you can handle just’s what works best for me these days, too. God is good and I loved what you shared about praying over thinking. Much love...

Bluebird49 said...

Welcome back-- you look great and so do your toes! I'm sorry to hear last night was bad, though. Good to know you feel better now!
I hope every day will get better by leaps and bounds!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Keeping you in my prayers Linda. You did WELL. The drugs to keep your pain level bearable sure has a 'kick'. You were and are surrounded with love.
Hugs and Love

jujupage1 said...

Glad to see you're doing well. You are lucky to have such great family and friends to support you. Hope the rest of the recovery goes well!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welcome back! so glad everything is going well and you are able to putter around the house. I have never had the surgery but I know I am a cry baby with pain, so cry away, I would.. I can relate to the visions and hallucinations. all anesthesia, all pain meds, even ibuprofen, give me visions. I hate to think what a prescription pain pill would do. 2 ibuprofen at bedtime stops the pain but I have weird dreams all night. so glad you have Amber and Pam and LD to help when you need it. if you have prime, you can log on your laptop and watch prime movies, with it sitting on your bed.. it is easy to buy by error.

MimiG said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're home and on the road to recovery! I didn't worry, cause I had turned it over to the Lord, but I did wonder. You sound like a model patient to me; I've not had that surgery, but I think you would be a role model for anyone that does! Take the meds as long as you need to - even though you don't want to! Amber knows best.. Tell LD to look for some lighter meals right now-maybe he can find some good salads on the Food Network! Or order some good takeout salads for a few days. He can get a steak to go with his. LOL

Changes in the wind said...

You are doing great!! That is not easy to have surgery and like you I don't do well with pain but unlike you I will happily take the meds. So glad for all the support you have. Keep up the good work on following orders and resting.

Arlene G said...

So glad to hear form my Linda and know she is doing well. I know knee surgery is no fun but the end result will be worth it. When I was a nurse, I would not go to the hospital where I worked to have my first child. I decided if I wanted to scream and carry on, I wanted strangers and not people who knew Glad you have such good nurses at home. That makes a lot of difference.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness Linda you have brought back my mind to December 2012. Oh vey. You know they already had the pain block in me when I came out of surgery - so I felt great. However when they pulled it out about three hours later - what a surprise.
Well you are done now - you have only to look ahead. I am so proud of you. You look like you are eating healthy and taking one day at a time. Sorry about the nausea with the pain meds.

Carol said...

So glad that you are recovering well and I am sure that you will be glad to be up and about again on the new knee. I will continue the prayers for you and LD

VintageCrafter said...

I'm so glad that you are on the mend! I can see you are cared for very well by everyone and that you have "turned the corner" so to speak. Take good care of yourself!

Latane Barton said...

What wonderful news. You are Superwoman!! I expect to see you fly by my window with your cape swirling out behind you any moment now. Love you.

Sue said...

You are a trooper for sure, Linda, and a great support group, continued thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery, we are on count down here.

Wanda said...

Oh my what a journey you've been on. So glad you reach your destination successfully. Love seeing the pictures of your journey and the honesty you share with us. Surgery is no picnic, but you have made it so well and I love the pic of you in your own bed with pretty toes. HaHa. Keeping you in our prayers.

We both have great men...don't we. Love them so much.

Cheapchick said...

So glad you made it through surgery and now you just have to heal up and start to hopefully live pain free

photowannabe said...

I am so thrilled to see this post and how wonderfully you are recovering.
It does take time but with your attitude nothing is impossible.
Good on the pain meds but they sure can mess with one's mind.
Continued prayers for you and LD.
You've got a good one there!!!
Your photos are terrific and I love your twinkle toes...

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better.Was nice to see your post this morning.I hope your healing goes quick and you can be back in country soon.

Carole said...

Some more uninvited advice for you today. After surgery I didn't do well on the pain killers they prescribed - I found it just as good to take 2 paracetemol or ibuprofen religiously every 4 hours whether or not I thought I needed it - it took most of the pain away and I remained clear headed. Feel free to ignore of course - I'm not a doctor or anything! So glad the knee is looking much better. And congrats to Amber, LD and everyone supporting you. Kia kaha

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It looks and sounds like you are really doing well. Not many can look as good as you do after having surgery. So glad all went well and that you have plenty of love and support to help you get through it.

56steps said...

So nice to hear from you. You are doing wonderfully so soon after your surgery.

All good thoughts sent your way for continued healing

Take care

Debbie said...

I was so glad to see your comment at Lakehouse today, Linda!! What sweet words!!
I prayed for you as soon as I read you post. It sounds like you are on the mend, and being taken well care of.
Rest, and enjoy all the deserve it all!!
Love to you, my friend.