Saturday, January 4, 2020

If You're Happy and You Know it.......Stay in Bed!!

My friend, Virginia, posted  this on my Facebook page this morning and I just love it!

I told her I am doing it up right - it was nearly noon when I got up this morning!

Louis Dean has been working on some electric work and Mike came over Friday afternoon to help him. I spent the day filling tubs with Christmas things and lining them up in the hall so Louis Dean could carry them out to the storage building. I've been kind of enjoying this cleaning, fluffing and nesting as Vee said, and that's exactly what I've been doing......preparing for my new knee.....

Friday night was the start of a special routine.....
a process called decolonization.
I looked that word up and still don't understand how that affects the special bathing instructions they gave me for the 3 days before surgery.
Basically, I shower and wash my hair as usual before bed. BUT after I rinse off - I use a 'highly effective antimicrobial soap containing Chlorhexidine Gluconate 4% (CHG) - the soap doctors use before surgery. It's like a foam. Louis Dean has to help me on the back side and he says it's the least he can do to help me get ready for surgery! Then I have to stand in the shower for 3-5 minutes before I rinse it off. I have to use a freshly laundered bath towel to pat dry and wear a clean nightgown and go to bed on a freshly made bed with clean sheets. This takes time.
I just read the instructions again so I could know how to spell all these words and saw that it says NO perfume, lotion, powder or deodorant to be used during this 4 day process. OOPS......

This morning I made my coffee with frothy milk sprinkled with cinnamon.

Ginny told me she uses frothed milk in her coffee every single morning and uses a mixture of sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle on top. I mixed mine up and am ready for tomorrow!

Now that Christmas is gone, I started cleaning the bedrooms and bathrooms and moving my way from the back of the house towards the front.

I thought I would miss the warm coziness of Christmas....
and I thought the house would seem empty and boring....
but I am actually loving it.

Coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon.

I've been working and then taking a break.
It helps to have a good book to look forward to reading for a few minutes throughout the day and I admit to staying up at night to get in a few more chapters.
It's a novel set in Scotland and involves a mother and daughter during both World Wars.

Tomorrow I am going to finish the kitchen and move on to the den.

Winter can be just as warm and cozy as fall and Christmas.
I'm keeping the Christmas tablecloth on for awhile just because.

Guess what I'm going to do tomorrow??


Judy said...

Smiling at your quote...'if you're happy and you know it, stay in bed'! I was also a little reluctant to dismantle Christmas decor thinking it would all look too bare...but I like too! On to new things for 2020. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed year.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you like the cinnamon sugar mixture. I actually sprinkle it on so thickly that it probably adds to my morning calories. But I don't CARE! I'm glad you are resting up as well. Because it is hard to get good sleep in the hospital! I will put you on our church prayer line tomorrow with the Sunday requests. Then I will send you a copy of it. I have a tip for you when you come back home. It is hard to get up from sitting. So I used to put an extra couch cushion on the couch or chair. That way I could spring right up, and not have to struggle as much. Sit up HIGH, and it's half the battle.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’ve taken down the tree in living room , but am leaving some garlands with lights for a few more weeks. I moved furniture around and got a few new chairs! I’m loving the way it looks in my house!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the big day is almost HERE! prayers for your surgery and recovery and so glad your home is fluffed and nested and that you can stay in bed while you are nice and CLEAN. ha ha… good job preparing for the day.

NanaDiana said...

It is quite a process to get ready for surgery. Better safe than sorry as far as keeping infection away! Praying for a successful surgery and healing for you.
I am starting to sort as we prepared to move once again. I think this will be our final move--well, before the undertaker's that is. lol
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday- xo Diana

Changes in the wind said...

I haven't had surgery in many years now and had no clue about this cleaning much work but it will be worth it if it helps keep from getting a infection.

Susie said...

Linda, You are doing a fine job , getting ready for your "down" time. Gosh prepping for surgeries is huge chore these days. If we could sew ourselves up, the drs would have do part of that even. LOL Ted had use special soap for months. Towels and washcloths that only he would ever use , fresh all the time. I am praying you and LD. I will say extras too. Blessings, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

LEfting said...

I've had both knees replaced, and the best advice I received was "Do your exercises!!" Every single person I met who had a bad knee replacement did not do their exercises, it is SO important! Here in Canada we get a physiotherapist come out to our homes for the first month or so, then I had to go to the hospital for physio after the surgery but it is the difference between a good result and a bad result! My favorite part of knee replacement? It only cost us $14.00 and that was for parking so my husband could visit me...I love LOVE LOVE our medical plan!!

Vee said...

I can’t wait to tell my sister “The Nurse” about this bathing process before surgery. She may know about it as her little charge has had quite a few surgeries this year, but she hasn’t told me about all the bathing, if she has heard of it. I am glad that you have had a plan and got it done. That won’t be on your mind while you recuperate. This is all making me want to go back in your blog to the first time you had this done. It must have gone very well because it doesn’t stand out to me. This time is going to go great, too. No more of that horrid pain you’ve experienced. Plus, your readers and friends and family are covering you in prayer. God is good and He has always been watching over you. He’s going with you!

Vee said...

Good heavens! There’s been a whole lot of surgeries going on over here! I totally forgot that Louis Dean even had knee surgery and you took great care of him. Did he have to do all the special bathing or is that a new protocol? See how terribly nosy I am. It’s my one true weakness. Ahem.

Tina said...

Love how everything looks now that you've cleaned and fluffed! I agree with you that you will recover much more quickly and your mind will be at ease with a clean house! Many prayers coming your way for your upcoming surgery and recovery! I know you'll do great and be so much happier with your new knee! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Rain said...

Hi Linda :) Beautiful post. I love seeing snippets of your cozy home. I add a little vanilla sometimes to the milk before I froth it and it tastes lovely! That is a lot of prep work for the surgery!

Wanda said...

Good morning sleepy head..haha. I will be singing that tune all day. It's now stuck in my head. Got a new computer, and got Don home from the hospital after the stroke last week. I hoping 2020 will not be the health issues of 2019. But God is in control and I rest in that.

Haven't commented lately, but take time to read and see your pictures.

Sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery...but praying it will be a total success. Hugs and Love.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are making such great progress and will be raady for some recovery time after surge. I can't imagine that your house is ever anything but comfy and cozy.

photowannabe said...

Good for you ...bed is a good place to be.
Love all your preps for surgery. Prayers for you.
That foamy coffee sounds delightful.
LD is a saint...Love how he loves you.

Arlene G said...

Prayers for a successful surgery, an amazing recovery and that you are up and about in no time.

Carole said...

Way to go, LInda! Cheers

Chatty Crone said...

Tomorrow is the big day. Blessing and best wishes. Sending a hug and prayer.

MimiG said...

Sending prayers and love this morning! Woke up thinking about you, but knowing all will be well.

VintageCrafter said...

Sending you warm thoughts and wishing you a speedy recover after your healing surgery. Love your cozy decorating!

jujupage1 said...

That's a long process you have to go through before your operation. I thought I would miss Christmas too but I'm enjoying all the space in the house! 😊💜

BeachGypsy said...

Thinking of you !!!!hugs!!!

photowannabe said...

Just stopped and prayed for you as you are in surgery today.
Love you and know all will be well.

BeachGypsy said...

been thinking aboutcha all day! Hope all went successfully and you're now on your way to RECOVERY and getting back to normal. Hope Louis Dean or someone can update us when they are able. Hugs!! GET WELL SOON