Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tuesday! Art and Busy Bees!

Sherry and I have spotted our busy bees all over the ranch.

She came up after work today to size up the bees Louis Dean discovered in the meter box up here by the camper. We are so excited!! FREE bees!!! Sherry's bee mentor is coming on Thursday to help her move them to a hive. Sunday we will be helping a fellow beekeeper harvest their honey and our honey harvest will happen next weekend! The last 12 days have been busy happy days for us!

Tuesday is my traditional Art Day and I need to get a move on with finishing up some projects and starting my Christmas paintings.

So what did I do first?
Use the paint on my (frozen) palette to rejuvenate a weathered wreath!
I had already started painting the pears before I took this photo.

The wreath went from distressed to colorful in the space of an hour!
I paint with oils so after it dries, I'll add some highlights and shadows and will buy new foliage picks to brighten up the greenery. I love redeeming things!

I finished The Duck Pond. It is already hanging on the wall in the front room!

I painted this sunflower on a colander for my sister, Luann.
In looking though my project list, I remember a painting of Miss Pepper to do for my Canadian friends, the Larsen's. I hope they get to travel to Texas this fall and I will hopefully have the portrait ready by then. And there's the painting I promised my friend, Tim.... I have a lot to do and I need to get with it!

I have this Christmas painting ready to start tomorrow.
It is a 12 X 16 re-purposed canvas.

This one is a square canvas.
I have two other Christmas paintings planned.
One for my Christmas card.
One for a giveaway.
One for Fort Worth Family Christmas tree.
One extra?

Artists are seldom tidy.
I am a good housekeeper. 
However, my paint buckets are messy and I seemed to use a dozen or more brushes tonight.
My turpentine gets murky and all my rags are smeared with paint.
Yeah, I had a good art day!

It was really hot today. I was in the front room with open windows and great ventilation and still had to come inside the cool air conditioned camper to cool off a couple of times while I was painting.

Then the golden hour arrived.

Louis Dean had already gone over to the garden and watered.

The wind picked up. The sky darkened. Rain came down.

We closed out our Tuesday with a good movie.
I love Richard Gere and and I love this story.


Ginny Hartzler said...

what a huge difference in the wreath! You made it come back alive, like magic! Well, not magic, but talent. I love the sunflower on the colander! And your duck pond picture is wonderful. Art and the ranch, what could be more relaxing?

Bluebird49 said...

You make me smile with your joyousness!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love Gere also, can't remember if i have seen this, i think i have. love the sunflower on colander.. i liked seeing how you start a santa painting. i am trying not to be jealous of your paitning skills. the wreathe looks better than new to me. no change in bob, will keep you posted. we go at 7 am for bloodwork and he gets the second antibiotic at 10 am

Lorraine said...

I love what you did with the wreath and your duck pond painting is really lovely. You are very talented. :-)

Phoebes World said...

Great job with the wreath... and I love your paintings. You are very talented and have a great eye. Looking forward to seeing the finished Santa painting.
Phoebe x

Aloha Acres said...

I so wish I could paint. I've tried a few of those "paint parties", but I'm so intimidated. Everyone else makes it look so easy

Susie said...

Linda, You did indeed save that old weathered wreath. Your duck pond painting is so nice. I love seeing your art work. If I lived near by, you would have to run me off with a broom, because I would be hanging around wanting to paint with you. LOL Oh I like that movie too. I do love dog movies. Can't wait to see your honey and I am not talking about LD. :) Blessings, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

Estelle's said...

Oh the duck pond painting is just gorgeous Linda...you have such a gift for painting....going to be very hot in the coming week...stay cool and enjoy the days at the ranch!

Deanna Rabe said...

I love seeing your art! What a clever idea to repaint the wreath! The duck pond is beautiful.

Its hot here, too! I need to get some plants in the ground, but that'll wait until early evening. Maybe I'll catch the Golden Hour! I do love it and the Blue hour, too!

Stay cool, friend. Happy honeying!

Arlene G said...

Cant wait to hear about your honey harvest Linda. Today I am draining my beeswax to get as much of the honey out as I can before rendering it. Ginny, at Small Things, recommended a book called Beeswax Alchemy. I want to find lots of ways to use the beeswax. I plan to order the book from Amazon.

Vee said...

Thank you for the sweet dreams wish... On that steroid high, I was awake and going for 24 hours. I did get seven hours of sleep last night. Hope to catch more tonight, but have two more days of steroids after this. Then I’ll turn into a slug until next time.

So much to love about this post with all the paintings...love the ducks! Love the refurbished wreath! I never think to do such things...I just toss them out...wasteful of me!

Question: Would Louis Dean allow you to use his likeness for one of your Santas? He has such a kind face and would make a wonderful subject. 😊

Happy bee times! 🐝

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's always nice to see what you get up to. You are Always busy as a bee, for sure. Thank you for sharing your Happy days at the ranch. I could only wish to do as much as you. Happy Wednesday!

photowannabe said...

I can't wait to see your finished projects. The wreath is fabulous...like Vee I probably would have chucked the weathered one...Repurpose is the way to go.
Love the Santa beginnings and well, all of your wonderful art work.
I am looking forward to seeing the bee honey and all the photos that will go with it.

jujupage1 said...

You're such a good artist! Can't wait to see those Christmas paintings when they're completed!💜

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a great job on bringing that wreath back to life, Linda. And how exciting to get free bees and honey in the same week! The end of day photos were lovely. Looks like you aree getting into the holiday spirit with your painting start.

Carole said...

Looking forward to seeing your nativity. Great subject. Cheers