Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday in the Country.......

I slept well and long and it was late in the morning before I stirred out of bed,
As in nearly noon.
It's a lovely feeling to slowly wake up knowing you have a completely free day waiting for you.

Louis Dean was up earlier and brought a cup of coffee to me while I was still in bed.
 I could have stayed there awhile longer .......

except he told me we had goats in the front yard!

I had to get out there and take a picture of them!
It's what I DO!

Dean was down here in no time to retrieve them.
Keeping up with all these critters is not an easy job.
Still, we appreciated having them down here mowing our lawn for a couple of hours!
It made a big difference!

It's been a slow and easy Monday - especially since it started so late.
Louis Dean and I had our routine coffee/devotions/out loud reading time.
We are in Gods and Generals and at the point of September 1862.

I spent the afternoon doing some housekeeping chores.
My tiny little bathroom and the pantry.
That took some time.
WHY, oh, WHY do I keep things that have long expired???
I would be ashamed to let you know of all I threw out today.

While I cleaned, I also entertained myself with a Bond movie!
Amber gifted me the set of four Daniel Craig 007 movies and I have only one left.
Of course, I have seen them time after time but he will always remain my favorite Bond.

Louis Dean has been working in the big bathroom and this is the view from the window.

I saw the Great Pyrenees pups over in Mr. Jackson's pasture and called them home.

To their credit, they came right away!

They are really great dogs and do their job well in protecting the goats.
It's not their fault they are so big and I am not as strong as I need to be.
I am figuring it out as I go along.

Louis Dean is waiting for me on the front deck so I will close with this photo.
I'm still basking in the glow that I am nearly 71 years old and I was kayaking for the first time yesterday. AND that I am now a bee keeper lady!!!
Tomorrow night is our bee meeting and I am so excited!!


Vee said...

There’s always something exciting and new to look forward to! You wouldn’t believe what my exciting and new was today. 😉 Love that photo of you and Sherry in the kayaks. Have fun at the bee meeting!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is how you keep yourself always young...trying new experiences and earning new things!! This bee quote is so interesting! I LOVE the view from your big bathroom window!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

New skills. Ranch time love.

Tina said...

You have every right to be proud of yourself! You're an inspiration to this
"mature" lady ;) I'm going to definitely try harder to be open to new experiences and have fun doing them! Have a great evening and a wonderful Tuesday! Can't wait to see what happens at your beekeeping meeting!

Bluebird49 said...

Love Craig as Bond! Can't imagine a better 007 now!
You always sound almost breathless with anticipation of the next thing! How wonderful is that!

Chatty Crone said...

I just said that in my last comment - AMAZING!

Susie said...

Linda, Those dogs are getting bigger. They looked so cute getting back to you. If we could just train a goat like a Rumba to go in a measured off area to eat the grass. LOL. They will eat your little trees if you don't watch them. Have fun today there at the ranch, be safe. Blessings to you and LD. xoxo,love you, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

life is different for you there for sure, but still you are doing what you love and even finding more to do. Life is to be lived to fullest and I think you do a very good job of that.

Arlene G said...

Yes, goats would be helpful at Grimmwood but Bruce would have to care for them and I think he has his hands full with the Glad you are enjoying your time on the ranch.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am 44 days away from 75, three quarters of a century. OH MY and I have never and will never been in a kayak or canoe or rowboat... you are so brave. and adventuresome... I love those pups, but then I love dogs so that is not a surprise. they came so well when you called them.....

Changes in the wind said...

Having goats "mow" the grass is clever and am sure they enjoyed it. It is exciting to learn and do new things.

Sue said...

They say you are as young as you feel, I am thinking maybe 39!~wink~ we bought a hive of bees last spring, they left us before summer's end, I guess they didn't like it here.
I am hoping to find another hive soon. Good luck with yours, maybe Dh and I should have taken some classes.
I might have been tempted to stay in bed longer too! Have a great visit to the ranch.

Aloha Acres said...

You bless me so much. I sometimes "worry" about this farm we have recently purchased. I think we are too old for this mess. LOL But, look at you! Kayaking and bee keeping? I doubt I have 1/3 of your energy, but I pray to find it. There's so much life to be lived.

Estelle's said...

You are adorable Linda....thank you so much for sharing the ranch with us! Love it all!

photowannabe said...

those pups have such precious faces. I sure love a delicious slow start to the day.
Enjoy your "lazy" day...for you I think that's impossible.

photowannabe said...

Oops, I didn't mean it's impossible for you to enjoy your lazy day...
I meant no day is pure lazy for you.
You are an amazing bundle of energy.

BeachGypsy said...

Linda my new issue of better homes and gardens arrived and there is a whole article on beekeeping!! Page 94! August issue

Deanna Rabe said...

Enjoy your bee meeting, Linda! Good for you getting out on the kayak!

Those dogs are cute and are going to be so big when they are fully grown!

Carole said...

Amazng that you've taken up kayaking - well done you! Cheers