Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Best Day EVER!!!!

This was like the best day EVER!!!

Sherry brought me a bouquet of fresh sunflowers  - picked by the side of a country road on her way back from Mart early this morning. 

I had set my alarm to get up because Sherry and I had a date!

We donned our bee suits and went down to check on our girls.

There they are!!!
Busy bees making honey!

Sherry knows so much more than I do!

I'm just grateful to be her helper.

Bees are fascinating. 

I was so excited I forgot to pay attention to taking pictures!

I saw honey dripping from a frame and got so excited I was light headed!
The honey at the top of this frame is capped.......they are still working on the rest.
The super below this one must already be full.
They move upward as the season progresses.

Who KNEW I could be a Bee Lady???
We will be harvesting our honey sometime in August.
Our bee meeting is this Tuesday and we are going to see if we can volunteer to help someone harvest theirs as practice for when we do ours!
I/can't wait.

Louis Dean was still asleep when I got back so I decided to get some more sleep as well.
He didn't sleep well last night and, therefore, neither did I.

I made us a late breakfast and then we watched the rest of The Desert Fox - a war movie.

Dean and Sherry arrived at the door bearing fresh black eyed peas and okra - fresh from the garden!

We all sat right down and shelled them then and there!
Plans were made for supper tonight and I was to cook these peas plus make some pepper poppers, a salad and cornbread muffins. Sherry made pork loin, creamed new potatoes, her pepper poppers - we both LOVE these! - and I had strawberry cheesecake for dessert!

We had the food ready and both guys were busy over in the garden watering and such so guess what Sherry and I did??

We went kayaking on Lake Toguchi!!

It was so much fun!!!

I laughed and whooped and hollered!
It was a bit like skiing! If you wanted to turn left - you paddle to the right.
I went into the trees a time or two but I loved every minute!
From one end of the tank to the other and back and forth.
I could have stayed out there for hours and hours.
Hopefully I'll get to do this again before we go home and I will take my phone in a plastic bag so I can take pictures. Dean went down to take these and I love him for doing that.
At dinner tonight, I asked him to send me one for my journal entry tonight.
He sent 18!

After showers we gathered together in the front room here for our country dinner!
Today was more fun for me than Disneyland!
Bees, sunflowers, family, kayaking adventure, family dinner......
I am about to go to bed now with my heart so full of gratitude for my life.
Like I said.....this was the best day!!!
Thank you, Dean and Sherry!!!
It is so much fun to be here on the ranch!


Wanda said...

This is the first time in history I've been your first comment. What a fantastic day. I look forward to some of those when my dearest gets his new pace maker. Love and Hugs and thanks for all your prayers.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow. You had an entire summer vacation in one day. What amazing adventures! When I saw you on Facebook, I couldn't believe my eyes! Are those bee outfits hot?

Bluebird49 said...

Honey, you always find a way to make each day your best day! Just managing one small task a day makes mine, but I do have good memories of being adventurous!
Just imagine the tales your grandkids will remember about you years from now! What huge smiles they'll have on their faces. :)

Nancy Chan said...

Its always a pleasure to visit your blog and read your post. Its a wonderful day full of excitement. I have never had the opportunity to get up close to see the bees at work in a bee farm. Must have lots to learn from the experienced people. Kayaking looks fun too!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

The best day!

Kathy said...

I love how excited you are over the little things in life. So glad you had a best day ever.

Susie said...

Linda, So glad you had a great day. Doing things that are new and exciting for you. I would love to see the bees and the harvesting of the honey. Good of Dean to take pictures of your kayaking and send you plenty. :):) Stay smart in the heat. Blessings to all, xoxo, Love you, Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

This is the kind of day we hold in our hearts forever!

Beauty from beginning to end, and joy because you have eyes to see it!

Tina said...

You are so brave to go kayaking (and honestly the bees take bravery too!) You inspire me to go outside my comfort zone and try things I wouldn't necessarily think I have the nerve for! But seeing you enjoy these things makes me realize that the best days are the ones when we let go of our fears and just jump in and LIVE! Have a great Monday on the ranch (I know you will!)

Estelle's said...

This was indeed a great summer day...I had fun too just watching it all on this post!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my you did have a wonderful day for sure. It will be wonderful to enjoy your own honey soon! I've never been kayaking but you make it look like fun. Fresh food from the garden does make for some wonderful meals and you have some lovely people there to share it with too. It's raining here this morning cooling things down . whew!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is one date I would not go on with you and Sherry, but I did enjoy the photos and I know how important bees are for our environment. no kayaking for me either but love the pics. I LOVE OKRA and I LOVE peas and even more when cooked together. tell Sherry she did a fantastic job of picking the sunflowers because she got some of all sizes. makes the boquet so beautiful

Arlene G said...

Oh your honey looks good. Did y'all use a queen excluder for your boxes of honey? We did not do that without first hive but are trying it out with our second hive. We had a lot of brood comb in the hive we just harvested so marvin decided to use the excluder in the new hive. We are Bee keeping is fascinating.

Changes in the wind said...

I can tell you that it sounds like the best day ever....interesting, fun, heartfelt and great food.....couldn't ask for more.

photowannabe said...

Full heart....full tummy.....full of family love....

Nothing better and you being the Bee Queen on top of everything...

What an awesome day

Nonnie said...

The bees are fascinating. We had honey bees inside our wall one year and had to have a professional come out to take care of moving them. It was amazing how they were operating in there. The sunflowers are beautiful. Now, is that lake in Texas?

Carole said...

fabulous day . BTW aren't all bees, except the Queen, male? so they could be your 'boys'. Cheers

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really does sound like the MOST fun! And fresh veggies right from the garden...doesn't get any better than that! Enjoy your evening! You'll sleep good tonight!

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a wonderful day on the ranch. You have lots of energy!

Vee said...

What a great day! The kayaking looked especially fun. I am very impressed with the bees. They are doing a great job and soon you will have your own local honey. How healthy you will be!

Chatty Crone said...

Are you kidding - you are a bee keeper too - is thee anything you don't do? And kayaking too -my husband almost capsized in one and died! You are amazing.