Monday, July 29, 2019

Pumpkin Love and HEB - Sunday and Monday

I went to 'town' Sunday afternoon. Dean and Sherry had been up here visiting and Louis Dean mentioned it was going to be too late to go if I didn't hurry up. I said 'town' doesn't close so early. It was 4:30. Dean said, "Everything is closed by 6:00 on Sunday."

So off I went in the big white truck.
I took a back road - I guess they are all 'back roads' but this one was even backer than most.
It brought me right up beside the Dollar Store - missing the drive down Texas Avenue.

I had various ad sundry things to get ...... but what a pleasant surprise to see these Pumpkin scented Glade products! I will plug these babies in here at the camper before we go home so it will smell super good when we open the camper up again in August.

We've been sitting out until at least midnight searching the sky for meteor showers.
I saw 3 last night! So did Louis Dean but it wasn't the same 3! I guess one of us is talking while the other one watches the sky - then when a meteor is seen - we switch.

This morning Dean and Sherry left for a funeral and we did a few of the Critter Chores for them
We headed to Waco to do some errands - Lowe's, Walgreen's for our medicines, and HEB.

HEB is my most favorite store with Aldi and Trader Joe's right behind.

I use their steak seasoning on everything from salads to cottage cheese to baked potatoes to steak!
They changed the packaging up and I like to never have found it!

I haven't tried this before - but I bought some!

I call Amber every time I go to HEB because it's her favorite store, too.
She usually wants some seasonings but today she just asked for a South Padre Beach candle.

Louis Dean has a good time everywhere he goes!
When he was checking out he had not realized he bought a yellow meated watermelon.
Boy! Did he get excited! The young man bagging our stuff had never even heard of one!
But he was a big fan of John Wayne and it was like old home week at the check out!

I love the drive home.
We turned off at Walt's Road thereby missing Mart.

My goal every year has been to be here at the ranch every single month.
So far I am right on target for the first time!

This is where we turn to cut across to County Line Road.

I'll close this journal entry and wish you all a good night.
I hope you get to see some meteors!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I never heard of this kind of watermelon. Maybe you will show us the inside. Maybe only Texas has them! Looks like the weather was beautiful! You are both looking so good in these pictures, the country really suits you!

Arlene G said...

We sit on the porch until dark every night at Grimmwood. It is a good way to end the day. Loved going to TOWN with you Linda.

Judy said...

I love your drive home too! Beautiful scenes. And I'm saving that picture of the Texas candles at H.E.B. to pass along to my sister in Texas. I'm wondering what a 'South Padre Island' candle might smell sure brings back good memories of my visits there over the years. How was the yellow watermelon?

Chatty Crone said...

I had never seen a yellow meated watermelon either! sandie

Bluebird49 said...

Never heard of yellow watermelon!
The camper is going to smell soooo good next month. I truly hope you can be down there for some of each month!

Vee said...

💛Yellow meat watermelon? Sounds good to me! Please snag a photo if you think of it...this intrigues me mightily.

Love those stretches of country roads...beautiful scenery and no traffic. 😁

Phoebes World said...

Yellow meated watermelon?? Never heard of it..but I would be willing to try..
Im not quite ready for Pumpkin Spice yet..although Fall will be with us before we know it
Fabulous photos as usual... I love coming on your adventures..big and small.. with you
Phoebe x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if LD and I were out shopping together, we would be doing battle to whom would talk next, the poor cashier would have no chance to talk. I do what LD does.i talk to every single person I am in contact with IF they talk back... I love lines and waiting rooms and anywhere people will talk with me... I also like telling tales. LD and I would be having a duel of words for sure. I laughed at the back back road. ha ha.... I do the back street going to Dollar General and other stores. I know the back route, stay off main streets, to every place I shop..... I remember the years where every store closed by 5 or 6 on week days and 1/2 day on Wed/Sat and closed on sunday.

Susie said...

Linda, I can not even remember the last time I went out at dark to view the skies. I am always wanting to see things like falling stars and full moons. Pretty pictures of your landscapes.I can only imagine LD talking about John Wayne. :) Take care of each other. Love the nice picture of you. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would love buying made in Texas things! The candle sounds amazing. And I'm not familiar with any of the stores you mentioned! I would be lost in them. Love the photos of the ranch and of you of course! You are happy and that makes us ALL happy!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

With such a long trip to town, you'd certainly want to make sure everything was on the shopping list. sounds like you do a goo job of it for the most part. My rotes are 5 minuets away from the house an easy to get to . But I don't have that lovely view to look at either. Which reminds me I do have to get dressed and get out today for a couple of things I'm out of. I stayed in my pj's yesterday, all day and was lazy. all day! I think it was the heat, but I didn't goi outside at all. Sayed in the A/c.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

The stores are 5 minutes away that is.

Diana Ferguson said...

I love your goal to be down there at least once a month! We sure try to be out in our RV throughout the year every month as well with the exception usually being November and December. I just can't leave our house after all the decorating for Christmas! Enjoy your time!

photowannabe said...

Like all the other comments today...I have never heard of a yellow meated please...
You just make going to the store such an's just get it done as fast as I can. I do try to talk with those I come in contact with but I do think LD and Sandra (Mad Snapper) have got me beat by a long ways.
Haven't been out to see the shower yet.. We are getting infested by an ugly little bug that wants to creep into our house and it's bee just too hot.
Hubby is slowly recovering from his surgery and the complications from it.
Thankful God is giving me the patience and strength to be his care giver .
This too shall pass...

BeachGypsy said...

Hi there LInda-my-green-eyed-girlfriend!! Glad to see you had been by and also love catching on all your and Louis Dean's adventures! Love all the country pictures. How is the BEEKEEPING???! Yep, the old plamtation had a spooky vibe for sure! ha ha LOL I am SURE WE WOULD'VE been holding hands.....LOL!! The gate was closed of course, you can go inside during the daytime and it looks much friendlier in sunlight, promise! LOL

Aloha Acres said...

Those country roads are just gorgeous. Reminds me of my childhood in Mississippi

Sue said...

First time hearing of a yellow watermelon. I first shopped at Heb while visiting my daughter in Texas, enjoyed it so much especially the produce section, we don't have HEB in our state.

I would love to stay up and watch the meteor Showers, but for some reason I find myself going to bed with the chickens, totally out of character for me, I guess I must be getting old. ~wink~
Enjoy this special time at your Happy Place.

jujupage1 said...

I haven't seen a meteor shower before in my life. Would love to see one in the future. I heard it's pretty spectacular.