Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nursing Home and Rest and Recover Time.....Wednesday and Thursday

It was nearly 2:00 Wednesday afternoon when we arrived at the nursing home.
Louis Dean set up his music in the TV room - and I unscrewed the connection to the big screen - since I cannot figure out how in the world to turn it off and even the staff doesn't seem to know! 
Wonder who it is that turns it on??

Louis Dean was really tired - that's why we were so late getting over there.
I knew once he started playing music he would perk up.
He didn't. But he played and sang very well and everyone enjoyed him.

Several people came down to hear him.
See the little man back there? He would hover around but never came all the way into the room.

This is Lillian's roommate, Maria.
She's a beautiful lady and Louis Dean sang a song just for her.....
Ava Maria by Marty Robbins.
Every time he sang her name - she would laugh and smile.
She only speaks Spanish but she and Lillian get along well together.
Maria had a terribly high fever when she was a child and that fever left her with brain she will forever remain a child. Lillian is a sweet caretaker at heart and is a comfort to Maria.

Roberta joined us for a few minutes.
She is now 101 years old. She's on oxygen 24/7 but she said she needed to get out of her room for a little while and the nurse hooked her up to the portable tank.
I had a basket of pound cake slices and handed every single one of them out.
I even ate one!

After the music, Louis Dean stayed in the family room and rested while I changed the sheets on Lillian's bed and made up a grocery list.
I stopped by to get him and he said he would just sit there while I did the shopping.
He not only sat there - he went sound asleep and I was gone for well over an hour!
I picked up pizza on my way back and we all ate supper together in Lillian's room.
We put up the groceries and hugged each other goodbye like we would be gone forever!

I feel real good about Lillian and her situation now.
Maria's sisters come in often and keep the room clean - not relying on the home which does a mediocre job of it. 

It was after 8:00 when we headed home.
I'm thinking perhaps I will go a little less often this fall and take Louis Dean over just once a month to do music. I am looking forward to giving Lillian a birthday party in October and her spend the weekend with us.
As we were leaving last night, another lady was going out and we thought she worked there since she was in scrubs. Turns out her mother is in the room next door to Lillian and she remembered Mother.
From now on I will make sure to take her mom a treat and check in on her.
We all have to look out for each a nursing home or wherever we are.

We were so tired we came right in the house and went straight to bed.

While we had meant to go to the ranch today - we were simply too tired so we decided to take the day to rest and recover.

When I got up late this morning, Louis Dean was going back to bed.
He had been up at 6:30 working on that final bit of the gazebo frame.
He fixed it and was so happy about that!

Later he helped me frame and put the fence on my cow painting.

It is on the wall!

And I like it!

The gazebo frame is now a done deal.
That tall PVC pipe is gone and when we get back home we will start putting everything back - the cover, curtains, netting and furniture.

In other news, Summer shared this pic of Rayne with a couple of friends.

She lives her life in a little piece of Paradise!

Rayne has a heart for animals and is something of a dog whisperer herself!
This is their latest foster dog. They take them in and nurture them until a home can be found for them. They end up going to sometimes far away places - Texas, Florida......
I do not know what God's plan is for Rayne's life but I'm certain she will be involved in some major way with animals. She is quite a girl.

I close tonight with this fun painting my friend Christi sent me on Facebook!

I love this!!!

The artist is Joyce DeGoede

And that's it for tonight!
Louis Dean is already asleep and I'm going to hop in the shower and then into bed.
Next time we visit it will be from the ranch!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I ADORE your cow picture. she looks perfect in that spot on the wall. It was a stroke of genius to use the wood as fence posts. And the cow looks like she wants to be your best friend. Is that the sea behind Rayne? Wow, paradise indeed.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thank you for your posts and sharing your visits to Lillian and all the others you keep under your watch. Looking forward to the return to the ranch. Glad the gazebo frame is finished - LD tackled and fixed a big job.

Bluebird49 said...

The heat drains us, I feel, as we get older! It was good of both y"all to see Lillian and spoil her. :) I wish she could be in a little apartment or something! Poor thing atill missing her husband! You Texas ladies are tough!
I think our AC unit may need Freon.I hope that's all it is. It's been running continuously for days and our house is just 900 sq. ft. The lowest it's been in here is 77 degrees. Running the vacuum etc., cleaning, and making those pies has about done me in. Looking forward to seeing the kiddos tomorrow night! They love chocolate pie.
I love the cow in her frame, fence and all!
Rayne is growing fast, and I love animals, too!
God bless you and be with you in your travel down to the ranch. I know you can't wait! It was such a welcome surprise to see your text!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your cow painting turned out great! Glad that Lilian”s situation is so improved!

Rest and enjoy the ranch!

Susie said...

Linda, If only everyone could be as kind as you and LD. I hope LD is getting plenty of liquids and rest. The heat might be working on him. Be safe at the ranch. It was so hot here, we ran to town to get meds and a few things from the store and then right back home to our AC. I love how well the cow picture turn out. So sweet of LD to help with the fencing and frame. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie

Aloha Acres said...

Love the cow picture, but that last pic with the donkey and wine glass is my favorite. You two get some rest before you head out on the next adventure. This heat is taking it's toll .

*I think I fixed the "follow" button on my blog. Let me know if it doesn't work.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm hoping you both feel refreshed and renewed today so you can get out to the ranch. The heat here has slowed me down considerable. And being in a/c is not all that desirable, but right now it's in the house for me. The only place I feel comfortable. Still it's better than having snow. I do agree we need to look out for each other no matter where we are.

Changes in the wind said...

Hope LD gets rested and feels better. Your cow picture turned out great and the fence was icing on the cake. Know you are looking forward to being at the ranch, it is a refreshing time for you both.

Arlene G said...

Have fun at the ranch!! Love your cow picture with the fencing.

Rain said...

I love how you made your cow fence!! How creative!!! :) Oh, gosh...Alex and I had to stop taking in fosters because we just ended up keeping them all lol...enjoy your time at the ranch, I know how much you treasure it! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I love that horse and wine glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Hope Louis Dean is okay being that tired and all.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the dog, love the donkey painting and LOVE LOVE the cow painting. Stunning. love the frame and the fence. great job. glad you are thinking of a little less time at the home, I sometimes fret over how much you do. and I don't see signs of your cut back you said you were going to do.. so glad she has a nice roommate now..

photowannabe said...

Whew, you make me tired even when you "cut back" on all you do.
I'm so glad LD slowed down and took some deep rests. Those old batteries need to be charged now and then.
So glad the gazebo is finally ready to go...lots of hard work and LD does an amazing job.
You are such a dear to see to Lillian's needs all the time. I'm glad her roommate's family helps keep it clean too.
Oh my, how I love your cow picture. The fence just makes it perfect.
You may have to do a painting similar to the mule and wine would be outstanding at the ranch.
Rest well and enjoy your time at the ranch.

Carole said...

that donkey is a real hoot! LIke your cow too...although I wouldn't hang one in my house - being a dairy oountry cows don't have much mystique... Cheers

Hootin Anni said...

That last photo...I'll drink to that! Excellent. Love where you hung your cow painting. And singing to Maria was wonderful. So warm & loving. Ave Maria is a old, old song. Love it.

And to answer your question Linda...yes, we've had 100°+ a few times. (Real temp, BEFORE heat index is added)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So nice to see that Lillian has a sweet new roommate, Maria, and that she also enjoys Louis Dean's performances. The framed cow art looked great and the donkey was just plan fun.