Monday, April 29, 2019

The Last Few Days......

  Friday morning I did my last school drop off and the kids and I were bound and determined to be not only on time but early!

I lined their backpacks up in the hall along with my purse.
We left at 7:10 and made such good time we couldn't believe it!
Trystan said, "I can see cars moving but there's not nearly as many as when we leave later."
I had the real time displayed on my phone and they were keeping track of how early we were!
13 minutes!
I was so excited.....that I sailed right past the drive into drop off!
I had envisioned us rolling up to the curb and the helper opening the door and the kids tumbling out calling out their goodbyes.....
Instead all four started wailing, "MeeMAW!!!! You drove right past our school!!!! Now we are going to be late!!! But we weren't. Instead of 13 minutes early, they were only 11 minutes!
I did hear someone grumbling under their breath, "NOW look how far we have to walk!"
I had pulled into the church parking lot right next to the school and we walked over.

I laughed and laughed and I still laugh every time I think about this!!
Not sure the kids thought it was funny.

It was just barely 8:00 when I got back to their house.
I used the next hour or more to do my reading and praying, catch up on my Country Diary and drink two cups of coffee.

Summer came over Thursday night so she and Amber were watching a movie while I wrote personal notes to Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan.
I had a word of prayer before we left for school and asked God to bless each one and when I said Amen, Harrison said, "You prayed for us in birth order!"
Yes, I did! By name, out loud and on purpose!

I left Dallas, stopping by the house to pick up Louis Dean, and we headed over to Trail Lake Nursing Home. It had been nearly a month since we had visited Lillian.

Louis Dean sang some of his 'new' old songs - mainly Ray Price - and Lillian LOVES Jim Reeves.
I listened to a few songs and then went to pick up pizzas for us.
Lillian and Margaret both told me over and over again that they do not eat much.....
well, one large pizza shared by three ladies vanished into think air!
Louis Dean ate a hamburger on the way over so he wasn't hungry.

I changed Lillian's sheets and made a Walmart run for some groceries.

They have a nice little set up with their food and I am thrilled that they actually do eat more than they did. I told them I would be back Thursday and bring lunch.
I always ask them what they are hungry for and both ladies started saying nothing at all - until all of a sudden - Lillian called out, "CHEESE MANICOTTI!"
So that's what I'll be making next week - and I am wondering if anyone has a tried and true recipe? 
I found several online that I'm considering.
I'm also going to make Ruth Ann's corn salad recipe and a watermelon salad with feta cheese and mint leaves.

It was after 10:00 when we got home and we were tired to the bone.

So tired that I spent the better part of the day in bed and so did Louis Dean.

By Sunday morning, I had recovered some but he had I went to church with Amber and Mike. It was a special service celebrating the ministry of Pastor Doug.
He has recently retired due to health issues but is looking and feeling much better these days.

From church, we made a Costco run!! All of us!
Amber and Mike had been there Saturday and were leisurely doing their weekly bulk grocery shopping (the soon-to-be 7 year olds have big healthy appetites!)
An employee came up to them and said the store had closed 15 minutes ago!
Costco closes at 6:00 on SATURDAY??
They knew it closed at that time on Sunday but SATURDAY??

So they tried it again on Sunday afternoon giving them plenty of time.

Our lunch was from the Costco Cafe!

It was super busy so the kids did well entertaining themselves - and ME - while we waited for the food.

It takes a good bit of time to get groceries.
Especially when you count stopping at all the 'examples' the demonstration people give out.
That's what Trystan called the sample......'examples!'

Mike took the girls to softball practice and Amber, Harrison and I went to Target to get the rest of the things.

I had the best time! All three of us did!
Harrison got some treasured won-on-one time with his mommy and Amber and I got some time together. We looked at everything!
So nice to not be in a hurry.
Amber helped me get a few new cosmetics and I really appreciated her patience.
The blush, lip gloss were the brands and colors she uses. I read somewhere that older ladies should wear only matte eyeshadow so she found me some of that. Along with new brushes I picked up an eye liner - again - it's the kind Amber uses.
After I did my shopping, I checked out and set myself up in the Starbucks there to relax and people watch.

Amber and I had looked at jewelry and accessories and she pointed out how 'in' tassels are these days. So when I got home and noticed the new pair of gardening gloves I had picked up at Dirt Cheap - I took a pic and sent it to her. I had not noticed the tassels before.

Finally, I am up to Monday - today!

I had my yearly checkup with Dr. Abraham and it looks like everything checks out.
Blood work results will confirm but I am confident all is well.
I made my doctor laugh!
I mentioned that we lost Mother in January and when she asked, "What happened??" I said, "She DIED!" It's always a good thing to get to laugh with your doctor!
I've been going to her for over 20 years and she is the very BEST doctor I could have!

I got a pneumonia vaccine in the office and then went to the hospital pharmacy to get my first shingles vaccine. I am a wimp when it comes to needles so both times they asked me if I was okay.
They warmed my arm could be sore later but I said I'm not worried about soreness later - I'm worried about the needle NOW!
I should have paid attention.

I was in such a good mood all day long!
It was with a sad heart that I opened the dryer door and realized I had killed a gecko.

I washed a lot of fabrics from the gazebo and the poor little thing must have gone through the washer and dryer cycles. He didn't make it.
Louis Dean was, once again, my hero.
I couldn't bear to do it myself.

I meant to finish cleaning up the den after the carpets have been dried, treated and dried again.
But the only real accomplishment today was organizing this bookcase.

It holds all my Country Diaries from 1984 - 2018.
I missed getting a 2014 one and used a different book for that year. 
The one and only year I missed.
All my journals, prayer journals and sermon notes date from 1984.
My house burned in 1983 and I lost all the others....
but I have been faithful to write every day - or catch up - for the last 35 years.
I did not realize how many personal journals I had in addition to my diaries.

The vaccines have really done a number on me and I have had to go to bed yet again!
It's taken all day to do this journal entry and I have been working on it a little at a time since this morning. I hope I wake up feeling much better tomorrow!


Vee said...

Never know what one is going to find a dead body, Thursday cheese manicotti. (I don’t believe that I have ever had the pleasure of trying it even so have no recipe recommendations.)

Love the photo of Mike and his kiddos. Frame worthy.

May the new day find you feeling better. I do believe the shots can wear one out. Imagine how the children feel when they get so many at a whack.

Your bookshelf is beautiful! 📚 Amazing that you have so much of your life documented.

Arlene G said...

Oh My, I would need LD to get that gecko out too!! That is where I am a sissy. Hope you have recovered from your vaccines. I am finding as I get older that I have to rest a bit between chores as well. It is better to admit it and do something about it than to push on. Love the story about you driving past the school. That is something I would

Susie said...

Linda, The children have grown right before our eyes on your blog. All of you are like family that live far away.
Glad you visited the ladies at the home. I had manicotti for the first time last week at the hospital cafeteria, it was good. I wish I had journaled more myself. I have bits and pieces here and there.
I have been home for a day and a half, heading back to the hospital this morning. Ted gets radiation today , a tiny dose from across the room , on both front and back. Tomorrow is the bone marrow transplant. All the prayers have helped us. Blessings to all of you there, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never had a sore arm like the one I got from the shingle shot. for 3 days I could not raise my arm to comb my hair. they warned me. she said go home take tylnol or whatever you take for pain and get ahead of the pain. bob had zero pain and did not know he got it. I love seeing the quads, they are so grown up and adult acting. he he he on examples. but that is what the samples are, examples of what you can buy and eat... sounds like more fun but I do get why you are exhausted. I can't wear eye make up of any kind due to allergies and I never had allergies before. even the non allergic mascara has me clawing at my eyes with itching...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You certainly did a lot helping out with the kids and all so you deserve some rest. They say that some to have reactions to some vaccines so it's best you take it easy. I got my first pneumonia shot this year, but haven't done the shingles one. Take good care and feel better !

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm tired just reading all that you do in a days time! How nice that you can help with the little ones when you are needed! They are so sweet and you really have to be organized to get things done on time. I have never made the dish you mentioned but I wonder if they might have a big tray of it in the frozen foods section of the store. I remember getting some lasagna frozen one time when I had a big dinner to prepare and needed something extra. Hugs!

Diana Ferguson said...

Linda, I love your bookshelf with all those precious journals you have kept!! Unfortunately, I am not a "writer;" instead I tend to be a "lister" if you know what I mean.

I was a scrapbooker when I was young as well as when my children were growing up. That was before scrapbooking became popular with all those cute things! Since I began blogging I tend to use this as my written journal for my grown children and grandchildren. I have printed books for them of my blog posts through 2017 and will do another book of later years in the future. I think they will enjoy seeing family photos, reading about events throughout the years, and seeing how God blesses.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Take your time to rest. Vaccines can make you feel bad, besides a soar arm. If you're still feeling bad after a day or so, call your doctor.

You're such a blessing to everyone you know! I'm sure the ladies are looking forward to manicotti!

I love your photos of your journals. What an amazing thing to be able to read what you did on different days years ago. You'll have an easy time writing an autobiography!

Donna said...

I found out that straight Medicare will not cover the new shingles 2-part vaccine. So, at over $300 for it, I won't be getting it. Did those of you that got it have a Medicare Supplement that covered it?

Linda said...

Hey, Donna! I do have a supplement that helped cut the cost. I paid $78 and I’m guessing the next one might be $78 too. Without insurance the pharmacist said it would be $168. I didn’t know it would be so expensive even with insurance but I’m doing my dead level best to keep healthy and since I was there I went for it!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have been so busy having FUN!! But at our age, even fun can be so tiring. I love your beautiful secretary desk. I have one, but not this pretty. Yes, Costco's Saturday hours have always annoyed me! For some people, Saturday is the only day they have to sleep in and shop there. I would much rather they closed Sunday, and stayed open late on Saturday! We got the old Shingles vaccine, but have not had the new one yet, Shinglex.

Bluebird49 said...

"...her children will rise up and called her blessed.." I love that you always let the quads know that God is all important, and that Jesus has freed us from bondage! They see you,( and their parents),reading the Bible, praying for them and with them, attending church! This is what so many children miss these days, I'm afraid!I
Ever made manicotti -- never eaten it. Lasagna and spaghetti are the limits in pasta I go to. Still do spaghetti, but not lasagna as much, since it is just us two. It's always good to venture into cooking something new, though! (How you find the time, I do not know!) I am so glad Lillian and Margaret don't seem to have diet restrictions, and I know they feel so very blessed to have you and Louis as their family!
Good to see those happy quads always! And so good reading about your and Amber's visit and shopping trip. I truly miss that so much with my Sherry! It's been 20 years, and she'll always be 31. I know she's in a better place, but I can't help being selfish a bit, wanting her here with us; being able to meet her grandson and knowing that he has a brother or sister coming around Christmas!
I'm thinking of reading through my journals and shredding them. They may be too personal,(I'm sort of a private person!), even for my son. But I have one of my grandmother's and two of Mama's and I just treasure them! I don't know what to do exactly, but yours ook awesome -- and Linda, I think you are an awesome woman who has come to 70 years, and has been able to shake off the bad times you had, and to look forward with not only hope, but excitement! You're a bright light to me!! 💕

Carole said...

Those early starts must have worn you out. HHope your energy returns tomorrow. Cheers

Curtains in My Tree said...

Your days are so full and interesting.
The kids are really growing, your make up looks wonderful.
Glad you got all those shots, I did also early last winter, us seniors need vaccinations also LOL
I finally quit working at my ripe old age and enjoying being home working in my yard etc

Judy said...

I hope you woke up feeling better! You are one busy lady! I love that you have kept journals for all these years! I wish I had.

Nice pic of your grands and their dad.

I just got my second shingles shot. The shot itself doesn't bother me...the sore arm later and the cost hurt though! We have no medical coverage for vaccinations, but I think I'd rather spend money on prevention than dealing with shingles.

Chatty Crone said...

How in the world do you do all that Linda? How often do you babysit and get the kids ready like that. 11 minutes early is great, You are a busy gal.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh goodness, you are BUSY! I asked the pharmacist about the shingles and phuemonia shots the other day. I want both, but think I will get one and wait awhile for the other. The shingles one scares me...I hear it hurts. (I'm a big wimp) Have a blessed weekend!