Saturday, April 13, 2019

Weekend Critter Duty!

Friday was a pretty day to be back on Critter Duty!

We are getting our act together and have figured out a few things.
It involves a good bit of walking so we feel like we have got our exercise in.

Thumper really likes this table. 
He held his position for a long time.

It takes about an hour to make the rounds.
We start with the ducks. I feed them the corn and leave the pen door propped open so they can go on out after breakfast.
From the ducks we go to Dean and Sherry's house and let Rufus and Blue out, I get their medication ready - wrap the pills in cream cheese - and fill their dog bowls.
Then I gather the food for the pups and new goats and we head for that pen.
The trick there is untangling the chains at the gate while both MeeMee and Thumper try to get out of the gate as we are trying to get in. Louis Dean takes them out one at a time to the meadow while I untangle the chains to the inner pen where the new goats are. I feed them and the pups.
Then we take them out to the meadow.

And lastly, we tend to the chickens and peacocks.
The new baby Polish chicks in the brooders as well as the 'teenage' chicks all get crumbles while all the others get regular feed.
Morning chores were DONE!

I made BLT sandwiches for lunch.
Louis Dean worked hard on the shelves he's building for my art supplies while I painted the kitchen cook table. As lovely as the weather was on Friday, we were already bracing ourselves for the storms arriving on Saturday.

Sure enough! We woke up to rain this morning and waited and watched the radar for a break before going down to take care of the animals. We did fine until we were leaving the goat pen. They stayed in the pen today since it was storming and they have shelters. That's when the wind and rain blew in like a freight train. We made as mad a dash as we could in our boots heavy with mud for their house. No way we could make it to the camper in that storm.
As it was - we were soaked to the skin! We waited it out watching the weather channel on their TV and we were grateful to only have the wind and rain to deal with. Other counties to the east had tornadoes and truly dangerous weather.

We made it back to the camper during a lull in the rain and changed into dry clothes and had another cup of hot coffee! Then Louis Dean went back to bed.....for three hours!
I visited with a friend on the phone and then watched a movie.

I love this movie and have seen it so many times.
Robert Redford was still young and handsome back then!

The wind has been blowing harder and harder as the day went on.
We put on the driest of our wet jackets and headed down for the last round of chores.

You must have mud boots out here!
I have three pair!

We made good time and headed back through the grassy fields as opposed to the muddy roads.

Little streams appear with heavy rains. 
Sherry has been doing some tractor work and water collects on the ditches.

Louis Dean made a bridge for us to cross over!

The goat pens are at the back in the center.
The rain had stopped and the sun was shining and the wind was blowing!

We stomped our boots in the grassy water to get rid of some of the caked mud.

That wind has blown cold all evening!

We did what we needed to do in the front room and then shut ourselves up in the camper where we each wrapped up in a warm blanket!

We need to restock our movie basket because we have resorted to watching Boston Legal - again.

I will close tonight's journal entry with this thought.....

Somehow this made me feel better today as I dressed in layers of mismatched clothing, a headband and two aprons!


Judy said...

Hahaha. Love the 'poster' you closed with! You had a crazy day on 'critter duty'. Stay cozy in your camper!

Carole said...

Glad you didn't get the worst of the weather. I was a bit worried when I saw the weather on CNN/Fox Cheers

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was worried about you when I saw about the storms in Texas. So glad you are alight! It is good to see a post from you. Your sky pictures are beautiful. These chores are so much exercise and walking!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you are ok, I could tell by the news you were going to be in the path of the mega storms... until you started critter duty, I never really thought about my dream of having a ranch being so much work. I have said my whole life. I want dogs and goats and donkeys and horses and cows.. never thought about the daily duties of having all that. you are getting it the best way. short doses of doing it, not 365 days a year.

Vee said...

Now I’d say critter duty can take a toll or is it the foul weather. So glad that the worst of it stayed away from you. Sounds truly scary. You Texans are tough and brave.

Some great pics of both weather and contrary goats. Thumper on the table cracks me up. Talk about defiance. I see those big wooden spools around farmyards for goats to perch on.

🌿Have a blessed Palm Sunday...

Anonymous said...

What an adventure! Your photos are beautiful, that sky and green fields, oh my,,,,

Susie said...

Linda, Glad to read this post this Sunday morning. I have been thinking of you. I worried about the storms moving thru the south. My brother in Alabama is in the hospital, had his gall bladder out. So I know he wife can't do much. All of you are in my prayers. You got some pretty sky shots after the rains. Stay safe there. And warm. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that last quote! I'll save it! And you and Louis Dean stay young with all the fun...and do! Hope those bad storms are over today! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You certainly do get your exercise there and do double duty when it's muddy. Glad at least one day was dry and sunny. All of us, critters included don't like been cooped up very long at all. It's pouring outside here today. But I'm very thankful yesterday was mild and sunny. We got to spend a lot of time outdoors and it was badly needed.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh Linda, you make even the hardest days sound like fun! <3 <3 But seriously, I understand how difficult being outside in that kind of weather, like it or not, is. And that's a whole LOT of walking.... your picture puts the distance in perspective for us readers. I pray you are able to "hang up your mud boots" when the time comes, without guilt, when you folks feel you are unable to do the animal chores anymore.... despite having the willing hearts to do it. I baited my humane trap this morning, to once again attempt to catch the feral cat in my yard, but I doubt the chicken I placed in there will stay hot & "smelly" (aka: enticing to a feral cat) for long... it's 36 degrees outside and raining. *bleh* Oh well, I baited the trap anyway so we'll see. I'm going to catch that rascal when I least suspect it. Have a beautiful day of rest, my precious friend. Love, Andrea xoxo

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That’s a big task anytime, but in that kind of weather it’s huge! Glad you were able to shelter in Dean and Sherry’s house for a while! You all need to get a gator vehicle for the ranch!

Bluebird49 said...

I thought about youall when I saw the weather in TX!! I'm glad you were only wet. I am glad they have you both for critter duty. I wouldn't be able to help!
Thumper likes to oversee his property!!

bj said...

The weather in our part of Texas was terrible, too, but we needed the rain sooo much and so thankful for every drop. We had a terrible sandstorm one day that made national's sunshiny today but still a little cool.
Love seeing all your good photos...and I am about to have a BLT for breakfast....:)
Much love....

Wild Oak Designs said...

Such mud! I remember doing chores in mud, oh my! Your BLT looks delicious! I am on a diet for cholesterol and high sodium and that is one sandwich I miss! We have too many tomato plants outside that I am sure at sometime I will give in and have a BLT.
Love the boots...

Estelle's said...

Hopefully, this comment will post. I have had a difficult time commenting from those photos that must be checked! The country is gorgeous and the goats are so darn cute. I am heartbroken for the baby who was not going to make it...I couldn't do it! I know you are in your happy place so enjoy every minute!

Robyn said...

Wow I got tired just reading all you were doing. So glad you didn't get the tornado's.. Your photos are beautiful.. As much as animals are wonderful they sure are a lot of work. I am hoping this summer to get chickens again only this time I am only going to get 3 or 4. Last time we had them before I had to rehome them due to a surgery my husband had to have, he had 17 of them!.. It was a chore not a delight so this time, only a couple.. I sure hope you're having a restful day today.

Aloha Acres said...

Oh my goodness, what a day. I think we are going to have our first real Virginia spring storm tonight and I'm not sure what to expect. It's been a long time.