Saturday, May 4, 2019

And Then There's the Rest of This Week......

It has been a busy week and at the end of each day - I have been so ready to go to bed that I am now playing catch up here on Saturday night! Louis Dean is watching The Virginian out in the den - I can just barely hear it. I have Sara Brightman singing in the living room and the air conditioner is humming outside the sewing room's French doors. It's a good time to journal.......

I will pick up at Tuesday when Summer and I shopped a couple of thrift stores and Aldi before heading over to Dallas to have dinner with the Bells.

I have a Love/Hate relationship with purses!
I see one and think it will work and then it doesn't.

I'm not even sure this is meant to be a purse.
It's a brand new Steve Madden bag with an insert bag.
I love the pretty spring color and the fact that the bag opens up so I cannot NOT find my keys or phone! There's a strap that fastens from end to end across the bag plus the magnet snap to hold the sides together. I have been using it this week and it is WORKING for me! I am so excited!
Haven't used the insert yet.....but this would make a perfect overnight ensemble. I may use it for that after the new wears off of being able to carry everything and still find my keys and phone for awhile.
Even my book fits in it! Currently reading Sue Grafton's V is for Vengeance. Still can't believe she is gone......

Summer spied this wooden carrier and thought it would be perfect for my art brushes!
I plan to put them in their new home tomorrow!

We use coasters a lot. Mostly to cover our drinks.

This is such a cool box. The receipt was inside. It was purchased in New York for $20.
I bought it for $4.

The end side has cute paw prints burned in.
I have it on the bottom shelf in the foyer to hold the things I need to take to people.
Right now there's a poetry book to return to Nita and some of those heat patches for sore shoulders and necks for Lillian. It will slowly fill up over the weekend and be ready for distribution come Monday.

I just love this big basket with the chicken wire.
My current plan is to use it in the centerpiece for the dining room table tomorrow.
Not sure what I will be doing but the Easter setting will be put away and a spring/summer table will be set.

Our next stop was at Aldi to stock up on needed groceries and ingredients for the dishes I was making this week. We unloaded things at home and then headed to Dallas to have dinner at the Bell's house.
Amber was getting ready for her 6th Quad Mom Trip and we were so excited to meet Krista in person. Of course, we feel like we already knew her from all the years I have read her blog and followed her on Facebook.

Amber made an awesome dinner - as she always does - of chicken fajitas and beans and rice. Black beans and fancy rice. Not the re fried and Spanish rice I make. It was all really REALLY good.
The girls were supposed to have had a double softball game - but the storms cancelled them. 
That meant we could party - sort of!
The kids still had to go to school the next morning but it felt like a party with Krista there!
I totally forgot to take even one photo!

Summer and I headed home early since I do not see well to drive at night anymore.

Look what arrived!!!

My bee suit!

All dressed up and no place to go!

Dean and Sherry were picking up our bees as I posed!

Dean shared the experience with me by photos and videos on Facebook.

It wasn't quite the same as being there - but I was so happy to get to see it happen!

After my photo op wearing the bee suit - Summer gave me an early Mother's Day gift.......

A Bee Jar......and not just any bee jar!
A Rae Dun bee jar!
I am going to be filling it with our very own honey in time to come!

Thus ended a very busy Tuesday!

Wednesday was my one and only Stay at Home Day!
I slept late - so late that I made a good lunch for us all skipping breakfast all together.

Fresh roasted veggies with rosemary - my favorite!

A good healthy garden salad.

And baked tilapia seasoned well.......

plus I had baked up all the fruitcake cookie dough I had stored in the fridge.
The cookies were still warm to the touch when I sent a text to June.
Fruitcake cookies are her very favorite!
It wasn't long before Kimmy came by to pick them up and we got to have a nice little visit.
I packed a special tin full for our dear Lily - Nita's MIL and Joni's mom.
I usually bake a batch for her birthday in April but I am late this year!

That afternoon I prepared the food to take to the nursing home the next day.
Summer left to go back to Rowlett that evening.
She is in a bit of a transition stage.
Summer will be moving on from Rowlett in the near future but she's still working out her plans.
Prayers would be very much appreciated.

Thus ended our Wednesday!

Thursday morning I had to wait until the storms passed through Irving before I headed to Fort Worth to the Trail Lake Nursing Home to see Lillian.

I have learned it's best to go on in and set up lunch before going going to see Lillian.
That way we go right on in to eat.
The staff usually have residents pushed up to the table - and I cannot figure out why.
The TV is to the right and the table is in the corner.
Anyway, I push them away from the table and adjust their covers and make sure they don't feel like I am being rude. In truth, they really do not understand much of what's going on anyway.
Next time I do this - I am going to use the bigger living room up by the entrance. It's prettier and cleaner and I think it would make for a nicer ambiance.

I served a watermelon salad.....made with feta cheese and mint.

And a corn/cucumber/cherry tomato salad.
I forgot to take a pic of the homemade Cheese Manicotti!
It was delicious if I do say so myself! Lillian and Margaret agreed!
I also had garlic bread and fruitcake cookies for dessert.

The storm clouds were gathering over the Fort Worth skies when I left the nursing home Thursday afternoon. I managed to get home with only a few showers and no trouble using the directions on my WAZE direction thingy!

I arrived back at 5:00 just in time for wine on the driveway with Louis Dean.

I called this 'dinner' that night.
Worked for me. And for him.
Win! WIN!!

Thus ended our Thursday!

Louis Dean was up before I was Friday morning and he was knee deep in The Virginian when I got up. He brought me a cup of coffee in bed and said he would stay to visit but he had to help the Virginian because he was in a tight spot.

When I finally got up and we had done our reading and prayer time - he said he had a special Virginian that he had recorded and saved just for me......

He knows I love Robert Redford!
It was a really good show and Robert Redford was really REALLY young and beautiful!
He has not aged half as well as Louis Dean has!
Just saying.......

Amber was on her Quad Mom trip and I wanted to spend some time with the quads so I was headed to Dallas once again......

I snapped this pic before I left!
Louis Dean had hired the MG Tree Service of Irving to top off the big elm next to the gazebo.
I left him to it.

Mike did the school pick up so I made a trip to Hobby Lobby.
I love that place.
I picked up supplies for a Mother's Day gift the kids were going to make for their Mama.

They had been at school all day long - and it IS a long day!
So they wanted some time to run around the neighborhood and play and get some of the kinks of sitting at a desk out.

The sanitation workers are all heroes in the eyes of children and their parents.....and this MeeMaw!
They rode their razors up and down the street until they saw the trash truck.
Then they followed it.
Such fun!
Especially when the 'jaws' of the trash pick up squeezed so hard the trash container broke!
NOT our trash was one further up the street.
Yes, the kids followed the trash truck as far as they could.
The kids played and I sat on the front porch and watched them.
I even napped a few minutes and then I read my book and sipped my tea.....and all four of the quads sipped it along with me. I am famous for my tea and I never fail to share it with them. They have been sipping it from a very early age.

We finished the project for Amber's Mother's Day gift and Mike served us all up Pizza, Popcorn, Coke and Movie on this Friday Night Tradition!
I got home after dark so I couldn't see the missing tree branches but Louis Dean and I sat out on the deck smelling the honeysuckle before the storms came in again and we went to bed

I took pictures this morning!

No dead limbs over the gazebo or the power lines.

Unfortunately, one limb fell and bent the frame of the gazebo.
No worries.
Louis Dean can fix it!
He told the tree man, "I can fix the gazebo. I COULD NOT take down that tree."
Then he said, "But back in my 60's I could have!!"

So he has been busy today doing what he does......

and I have been busy doing what I do.
I redid some of the wall around the kitchen table.
I set up the place setting in anticipation for lunch this Monday with Brenda.
I have been redeeming the house room by room.
So far the den, laundry room, kitchen, foyer and living room are all clean.
I'll move on to other rooms tomorrow.

This was cause to stop and enjoy a happy hour moment.

We even had snacks.

Now I am going to go back to the den and close out the last few minutes of Saturday night with him.

Sleep well and wishing you a blessed Sunday!


BeachGypsy said...

MERCY!--girlfriend, I get plum worn out just reading your posts, ha ha LOL!! But there WERE several days on there, so that's why I guess, right? Anyway, y'all have been BUSY. I do love that picture of the glasses and the candle, looks like it belongs on a calendar or something. Loved seeing all the pictures and looks like you did get the manicotti fixed! I've made that a few times and it does taste good. Hope your weekend is going well, we're having a little rain here. Love seeing all your shopping goodies! And look at you!!---all dressed up in your bee suit, it's adorable, just like you! Makes you look very "official".

BeachGypsy said...

P.S.--I sure do remember watching the Virginian and my favorite....The Big Valley. Loved Rifleman too!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LD and Bob, could do any and all things in their 60's and still do a lot more than most men could ever do... I loved the Virginian, more for the star than the show.. I like to watch our trash truck pick up the cans and when I hear it rumble go to the window to watch. I also love the trash pick up. a giant claw that he grabs trees limbs and brush or grabs a sofa. I love to watch him use that claw. that is a pretty purse, love the color... glad your bees are home and you are ready for a visit to them

Vee said...

It is a wise man who knows when to call in help. Now there are no worries about a tree in the wires or on the gazebo or worse.

Hope that Amber had a wonderful time away...a time of refreshing.

Yes, will pray for Summer.

You are adorable in the bee suit...course you know not to leave your sweet little toes out for the bees. 😆

Always good to see what you serve Lillian and her roomie. Special times for you all.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Another busy week for you and I'm hoping that Sunday is a relaxing one for you. Will be saying prayer as requested for a good move for Summer. And it's good to hear the tree was trimmed and Louis Dean can now redeem the gazebo. I know you love to spend time out there.

Happy Sunday from house to yours!

NanaDiana said...

I LOVE that you keep as busy as a BEE and now you have the suit to prove it! That was a great gift from Summer. I am praying for her transition. I know how hard that can be in the best of times. Your food looks as good as always and glad you got the tree down but sorry for the damage. At least LD is able to fix things. xo Diana

Bluebird49 said...

I'll bet there was still lots of your work you didn't mention.
It's so good to see you and Louis Dean enjoying wine in the driveway! I am so glad he did not try to take down that tree himself!!
Lillian and Margaret look great! My mom's name was Margaret,too. Man! I miss her so much.
Well, our son and his wife and David and Kat are driving down to grill for us this evening! And I still get some stuff put somewhere --:ugh! I made two chocolate meringue pies last night, and a bowl of potato sald. All I have to before 4pm is unload the dishwasher, put in the baked beans and get the corn on the cob cleaned. It's rainy but Ed said he'd bring his tailgating grill and the little tent to sit under. Sure hope David will be up to coming, too. l haven't seen them since Febrary! Looking at rainy weather, but seeing my sunbeams walk in will clear up any gray!!

photowannabe said...

Boy oh really are SuperWoman!!
I get exhausted just reading your journal.
What an enriched life you lead and your partner makes you a very blessed couple.
I truly love your Bee outfit..of course you would look great in a gunny sack...because you are beautiful both inside and out.
Love coming here and getting my batteries charged.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't wait to see what your summer table setting looks like. My favorite of your finds is the basket with the chicken many things you could do with it!! I remember that one of your ladies had asked for the cheese manicotti. You look so cute in that bee suit. Summer got you the perfect gift; the bee jar is gorgeous! Hooray, the tree is finally GONE!

Arlene G said...

I was getting worried about you Linda. I always look forward to your posts. So glad to see you here this morning.

Susie said...

Hi Linda, I am so happy to be reading your blog....I was so worried. I have been at the hospital with Ted since Tuesday and worried about the bad storm. Glad everything is good there. I will pray for your Summer girl. To have a smooth transition. Oh my Lillian is looking so much better. Bless your good heart for taking her under your wing. I love that the quads followed the trash truck, so funny. I love the cozy kitchen spot. Happy hour with your sweetheart, so good. Blessings to all of you, love you, xoxo, Susie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Linda!

You find the best thrift store goodies! I 7realy like the wooden carry all that will hold some of your painting supplies.

Keeping bees is so good! I would love to do that here but I'm afraid a bee apiary would attract bears or raccoons.

Your quad grandchildren are getting so big! It's so good to hear of their activities

Carole said...

Good to catch up with your activities. And have I said how much I like your blog wallpaper?? Cheers

Teresa P said...

As usual you have been busy as a bee (Pun intended). Kidding aside, I find beekeeping so interesting and are friends with a couple who are beekeepers. I always love listening to their stories and even challenges as beekeepers.

I love to catch all the old western TV series such as the Virginian, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, The Big Valley, etc when a actor named John Anderson was starring. Our next door neighbors in VA were John's father & mother in law. Their daughter Pat and John came for a visit one Christmas from CA. This was around the time when John's acting career was really starting to take off. I was only around 4 and don't remember the visit but I always thought it was neat having a movie star in our living room once! John passed away in the 90's but he had a very long career. Although he starred in a lot of westerns he also starred in movies such as "Psycho" as the used car salesman, Smokey and the Bandit II and other TV series such as Twilight Zone, Murder She Wrote, Perry Mason and many others.

Teresa P said...

I forgot to add in my above post that I will be praying for Summer as she goes through the move transition.