Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday on the Ranch!

Of all the animals we care for - the two most important ones are Blue and Rufus.

Blue is an older dog and not in the best of health so I was so happy when he seemed like he felt good this morning and wanted to for a walk about.
I had the leash on him but let him lead the way.
We went down through the meadow and he sniffed and explored while I enjoyed the sights and scents of the country.

It was a glorious Sunday morning after the storms of Saturday.
Isn't that the way it is in life? Beauty and joy seem to come after the storm.
You just have to hang on and wait for it.

Blue is such a good dog.
Everyone loves him......

From the meadow he led me to the big tank.....

I love the ranch at any and all times of the year but the spring and the fall are my most favorite,

When we come back in May this place will be crazy with wildflowers.

Blue and I stopped to admire the water at the big tank.....

I have yet to take this boat out but it is on my bucket list.

I took this pic from the top of the hill as I turned from the water.
Can you see the white truck and the camper/cabin??
It's at the top to the left.....

Blue and Rufus and I returned to the house and I fed, watered and medicated them before we went on down to deal with the goats.

This is Thumper eating the leaves from the tree!
Can you see Louis Dean back there in the distance?

We are figuring out how to deal with the critters and not totally wear ourselves out.

There's just something so special about a baby......any kind of baby.

And a mama is every bit as special.

It was a good morning with all the critters.

This is the most demanding of them all.
But we still love her!
Or at least I do!

After the goats were taken care of, I went on to feed the feathered critters.
I was rewarded with 5 beautiful eggs.
My original photo showed all five - but a fly was on one and I didn't notice it at the time.
So I cropped it!

No matter.
Farm fresh eggs for a late Sunday breakfast!

Louis Dean has been putting up shelves to store my art supplies.
He is pretty amazing!
We have rearranged some things in the cooking station and I have been tweaking the debris I have out in the front room. We are a work in progress and I love that about us!

Dean and Sherry are back home now and we are no longer on critter duty!
We have several days off before we do our final round of Critter Chores for the month!
I have to say - there's a really good feeling of satisfaction in taking care of the animals that we enjoy so much. Even the geese are more friendly as I have made a point of giving them some dry corn every time we go out to feed.

It's done us a lot of good to be back in the country for a few weeks.
Thank you to Dean and Sherry for their hospitality in sharing their ranch with us!


Susie said...

Linda, It looks as if you had a great Sunday. Everything is so green now. Love seeing all the flowers. Goats amaze me, they will eat about anything. If we could teach them the difference between flowers and weeds, it would be heaven.
Take care of each other. Blessings to all, love, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

even though critter duty is a lot of work, I believe it is good for both of you mentally and physically and sitting and watching the goats do their job has to be fun and mentally stimulating... I wish I could hug old Blue. he is sooo beautiful

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a beautiful Sunday. Our weather was quite the opposite. We had a beautiful Saturday and storms on Sunday. We had a cold front blow in and even have a mixture of snow with the rain this morning. The critters do take a lot of care and I'm sure they appreciated the two of you. Hope your Monday is off to a great start !

Vee said...

Taking care of the critters twice a day has a lot of responsibility. Two dogs and a cat nearly did me in. 🙃

It is so lush there now...just glorious to see all that green with the flowers coming on. Blue looks like a sweet dog. I’m glad he felt like taking you for a walk.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a beautiful sunny day you had! Critter care is work and no mistake!

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh how I loved that video of dear Blue! Such beautiful pictures of all the wonderfulness that surrounds you & LD out on your "country estate". :-) I'm so glad you've discovered a system to care for the animals while still preserving yourselves. Where there's a will, there's a way. It snowed yesterday, here in northwest Indiana, can you believe it? There's only scattered remnants of the white stuff left but still... pooey! But hope is on the horizon as it's supposed to be up in the 60s by Wednesday. Perhaps we'll have a spring here in these parts after all. Love you, Andrea xoxo

Robyn said...

Wow what beautiful country!... Blue is beautiful.. I've raised 14 dogs over the last 20 years, these are the hard days when quality becomes more important than quantity..Just love the wildflowers, I honestly think wildflowers are my favorite. I have to tell you, I LOVED what you said, "beauty and joy seem to come after the storms, you just have to hang on and wait for it".. Just perfectly said.. XO

Carole said...

I admire your enefgy. Today I'm sad about Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris being badly damaged by a fire... what next?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thankfully, you had nice weather on a Sunday and there's nothing better than a breakfast with fresh eggs, Linda. Looks like Louis Dean was having a nice rest outdoors.

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you are back in the country, I know you enjoy your time there and it is nice that you can help so that your son-in-law and daughter-in-law can have a few days off.

Aloha Acres said...

Such beautiful spring colors and pictures.I can almost smell the fresh air

Blondie's Journal said...

Awwww...those dogs, goats, and all the farm critters have me sighing. I'd be sneezing for sure but still...

I love fresh eggs. At the lake we would visit a nearby farm to buy a dozen fresh every every Saturday morning. All we needed was a used egg carton. The kids loved to run through the barn and see all the feral cats and kittens!!

As always, I love how you and LD capture the best of life! Sending hugs...
