Tuesday, April 23, 2019

From Wildflowers to Garden Flowers - We are HOME!

Three weeks at the ranch went by like the blink of an eye and all too soon we were locking the gate behind us!

Then just as Louis Dean got back in the truck I had to tell him I had left my phone in the camper.
So, we turned around and departed all over again!

We stopped in West at the Little Czech Bakery and filled three big bags full of delicious baked goods!! Some for us and some to share with Amber and the family when we go over there tonight.

Our sweet neighbor, Olga, had sent me a text and some photos of our rose gardens while we were on the road home.

Everything is looking so lush and green!

I love my rosemary and intend to grow some at the ranch.

Roses and honeysuckle - my favorite!

Louis Dean dearly loves his roses.

We sat out on the driveway just enjoying the fragrance of Home!

I planted this but I cannot remember what it's called!
It is growing profusely and has intermingled with the honeysuckle on one side and the Carolina Jasmine on the other.

But my favorite is honeysuckle and it is blooming everywhere!!!
The plants the birds gifted us as well as the ones I have planted on purpose - it's ALL blooming!

Louis Dean unloaded the truck and I started the laundry and put everything up.

I even cut some bouquets of fresh herbs for the kitchen and this one of roses and honeysuckle for his bathroom. It was a surprise for him when he went in to draw his sudsy hot bath. 
He's in there soaking now. I imagine he will be all relaxed when he gets out.
It just came up a big storm and poured down rain so I am guessing the grand girls softball game is cancelled. We had intended to go before going on over to spend the night.
I have unpacked and then repacked a bag to take with me to Amber's.
She is having a procedure tomorrow and we are going to do the school runs for them.

We are settling back down to our city life while fondly remembering how wonderful our country like is! We truly have the best of both worlds.

And now, please excuse me......I have got to go online and buy me that bee suit!


Carole said...

Can't wait to see you in the bee suit! Cheers

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know if you noticed, but I've been gone for a couple of weeks - my computer crashed and it has taken me forever to get myself going again and I am totally back yet. I may not go back and answer all your letters, but I am here.

I love your life - country to city and city to country. I love Honey Suckles.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your yard looks so beautiful! And I can almost smell the honeysuckle now. I hope Amber does well with her procedure. During my long comment on your last post, I forgot to tell you how I love the beautiful blues and greens you captured on the ducks.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Your home welcomed you back.

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm loving your blooms, Linda You know, there are many that you can actually add your bath--just Google. I also love min erase salts...definitely not Epsom salts. Two different things. Order on Amazon (I forgot my brand!!).

I love that you are having the two special but different ways of living that I have. You are blessed.

Wishing your love all the best with her procedure.


Vee said...

And you are fetching in that bee suit! 🐝 You’re hitting the homefront running, I see. Will be thinking of Amber today. Your garden is looking beautifully lush and full.

Susie said...

Linda, It's always fun to get away, but nothing feels as good as home. I loved seeing all your wonderful flowers. Hope you get to have some fun with the little ones. So sweet you put a small bouquet out for LD. Blessings to all of you, xoxo, Love you guys, Susie

Anonymous said...

You sound very happy to be home! Your flowers look amazing and the smell, I can only imagine!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you are home to your fragrant garden, safe and sound from another trip to the country... I am watching the storms hitting Dallas and flooding and hope you are not getting any of that storm and hail showing in Dallas. stay safe on the road today

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a beautiful welcome home you got with those lovely flowers blooming. I love the smell of honey suckle. Sounds like you arrived at home just in time to help out there with the quads. I know you love spending time with them anyway, but this time is on purpose. I've tried several times to grow rosemary, but it won't winter over here, it's just too cold, but that doesn't stop me from planting some every year. I love to have fresh herbs on hand for cooking. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one!

The Feminine Energy said...

Everything looks so green & wonderful, Linda. And to bring inside a little of the outside is such a joy, isn't it? Please post a picture of your darling self once that bee suit comes in. I can't wait to see it on you. Love, Andrea xoxo

Estelle's said...

What a trip you had..welcome home!Honey, I have never seen such beautiful wildflowers as we just did visiting the Hill Country....glad you had a great time in the country!

photowannabe said...

I can't wait to see you in that Bee Outfit...you will be the most charming Queen Bee Ever!!