Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday Blessings

I love the blessings of an 'ordinary' day. 
Ordinary days are actually rather extraordinary. 

I took Louis Dean to his primary care doctor for a routine visit this afternoon.
I love 'routine.' No unexpected surprises. Other than he had gained one pound.
He was in and out in less than 45 minutes.
He is done with doctor appointments for the time being!
Next primary care visit will be in June and next cardiologist will be in September.
YES!! Thank you, Lord!

We celebrated by going to the center and walking.
Routine. I love it!

Louis Dean went in and took a nap as soon as we got home while I gathered up my gardening shoes and tools and went out to the front yard to work for awhile.

I had a manicure last week and yet I was digging in the dirt pulling up weeds with no gloves on!
Note to self - buy new gardening gloves!

We have a yard guy that does everything but pull weeds in the flower beds.....which have less flowers and more ground cover with each passing year. This is on purpose as I get older.
The fact that we hire getting the lawn done is amazing since we are such do it yourself kind of people. Still, the weeding can only be done by hand.

This may be a wildflower or a weed.......but whatever it is needs to go.
It is swarming over the small rose bushes and seems to be invasive as it is covering a lot of ground.
It pulls up rather easily by the roots where I can find them. It's grown up through last year's mulch and I just pulled up what I can. One more session tomorrow afternoon should finish this task.

It was a beautiful day - though just a tad chilly which was perfect to me.

Some of the lights had gone out on the porch. We intend to take everything down, repaint and Louis Dean is going to put an old bed spring up on the porch roof to hang my grapevines and lights on. But not yet.....probably this summer. The springs are in the back yard and I am going to spray paint them and have them ready. So I went ahead and put up fresh new lights. I like the warm whites but I somehow bought a string of cool white by mistake. I need to go out and see what they look like in the dark.

I'm grateful I can get down on my hands and knees to pull weeds.
I'm grateful that Louis Dean is still so strong and healthy at 82.
I'm grateful for the life God has given me.
 I'm grateful for my family and friends.
I'm grateful for this Blog Community we have and the blessings of friendship.
I'm grateful for the people who have prayed for me and mine and for the ones I have the privilege to pray for.

Someday I am going to look back on this day and I'll be grateful for it all over again.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful quote! I think pulling up weeds can be therapeutic!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Linda I am grateful that you are a good blogging friend.

Monika said...

It's so good to count the good things :)

Bluebird49 said...

I feel so blessed to have found your blog, and to be FB friends, too, Linda! Blog reading is something I look forward to, and this is the two or three I always read. In fact, by reading your comments, I've found another two or three!
I feel deeply that God meant for you and Louis Dean to be together! Isn't it wonderful to be comfortable and satisfied, and happy, as well!?
Today, (the 2nd) is Ed's 72nd birthday. Im so thankful and grateful for him! We will be married for 53 years on June 30th, Lord willing. We love one another mere now than we did when we were in our teens and I'm so thankful for these years.
Sending you both love!

Vee said...

Louis Dean’s pic in the doorway is so nice. Yay for a good report!

What a pleasant area outside your home! Good planning to have more ground cover.

Yes, ordinary days are wonderful gifts.

Kathy said...

You are indeed blessed to still be able to work in the yard. I love doing that but am no longer able to because of my arthritis. At least I can still cut the grass and I am grateful for that. There is always something to be thankful for.

MimiG said...

Gratitude - what a beautiful word. I'm grateful for my yard man! With my allergies, not too much outside work for me, but I love the potted plants I tinker with.
I'm grateful that the good Lord gave me the ability to cook for others, to help make their day a little easier during this time of trouble. I'm grateful he led one of my grandsons to ride with me to take the food (He knows I don't like driving after dark.)
I'm grateful for your blog and the ability you have to share your creativity with others. Grateful for LD's continued improvements.
And, I'm really grateful that the sun has been shining a lot lately. Now, if the temps would rise more, I'll be even more grateful!

Arlene G said...

Linda, I made Marvin buy a long handled hoe this year. I just have such a time with weeding. We mainly have a few dandelions that come up through the mulch. Like yall we have a lawn service that mows so we just have the small front beds to deal with in the summer. My hostess are springing up so I hope to eventually have all hosts and very little of anything else.:) So glad all is well at your house and like you said, we pray for those routine days.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ordinary days have their own kind of magic, don't they? A grateful heart is the best kind to have, and you've got it full to the brim!

I hate weeding but I love the results!

Anonymous said...

That’s wonderful news about Louis dean! That is a weed, the name eludes me at the moment but we even have it this far north, it’s really aggressive, ogH I hate that when I forget the name of something I know so well lol,, your ordinary day looks pretty perfect to me!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It really is nice to have lawn care professionals! My hubby likes to putter in the flower beds but everything else is taken care of and we feel blessed. Lots to be thankful for. Sometimes I think I'm still trying to make sense of the past...but most days I don't worry about it! lol We're getting some much needed rain this morning! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I agree, no day is truly ever ordinary. But it is a blessing to have one where nothing goes wrong and everything right. You are so blessed! Good too to see such a thankful post. We have to be grateful for what we have. Even not so good days are better when we count our blessings! I used to have lots of flower bets, but can no longer do the weeding, so now I plant in flower boxes instead. My age is slowing me down, but every that is not all bad either. Hope your days are all extraordinary ordinary ones !

The Feminine Energy said...

I think because we are older & have so many life experiences under our belt, we can appreciate even more the "routine" and "ordinary", can't we, my friend. I have lived through so much, as you have, waking up to many sad & horrible "out-of-ordinary" days that I've come to know the preciousness and blessing of the ordinary ones. If I had nothing else but ordinary days for the rest of my life, I would be so grateful. I love the outside of your home you posted too.... so inviting. Love, Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your list of greatfull are the same as my list of greatfull exactly match! And I'm grateful also for your greatfull and I know you're grateful for mine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I also like warm lights best

photowannabe said...

Well, to me, I will call this Thankful Tuesday.
It's good to stop and be thankful for the "ordinary".
I am thankful for the food on my table, a loving husband of 55 years to eat together, a cozy home with lovely plants all around.
I'm thankful for our lawn service and that Dave and I like to putter in the yard too.
I'm thankful for my morning devotion today that said to rejoice in everything and not to get weary in well doing.
I was so grateful for the sunshine yesterday and now shall be thankful for the rain that keeps on falling.
Thankful for our new blog friendship and the way you put words together.
Your comments to Wanda touched my heart so much. Glad I found you through her.
Enjoy your ORDINARY day.

Carole said...

You are blessed indeed. My days of kneeling and being able to get back up are well and truly over... Have a great day. Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read about the good checkup results for Louis Dean, Linda. Thanks for your lovely comment on my post today about my mother in NYC. You shared some very personal family history and I appreciated your feeling comfortable enough to share.

Judy said...

I love your gratefuls...and the quote at the end! I too have much to be thankful for! And yes...ordinary days are often the best! So thankful for a good report for LD at the doc's visit.

Chatty Crone said...

Being grateful in life - is the BIG answer to life.
So Linda - was this your house or Dean's when you met.
So many things to be grateful for.
Love, sandie

Sue said...

Loved your grateful list, I also am thankful that I am able to pull weeds on my knees, My Dh is not able to do to much bending as he has a bad knee.
Would you believe that I enjoy pulling weeds, but not to many at one time. LOl!
I too am thankful for the friends I have met in blogland.