Saturday, February 16, 2019

Singing to Lillian and Cleaning House! Friday and Saturday.....

Friday morning we had coffee and the heart shaped Brioche I gave Louis Dean for Valentines Day.

I love brioche and I even know how to pronounce it now!
I'm so bad about mispronouncing things.

We packed up a mini fridge, an insulated bag of things to stock it with, a platter of Dr Pepper sheet cake, napkins, small bags of Texas Trash and green grapes, a new blouse I bought for Lillian, chair covers Summer bought for Lillian and Roberta, two bud vases of roses and rosemary sprigs and headed to Fort Worth and Trail Lake Nursing Home in Louis Dean's big white truck.

Lillian doesn't have cell phone service and we have not been able to communicate for the last couple of weeks. The last time I talked to her was the Tuesday I bought the blouse for her. She laughed and said, "Oh, Linda! You are something else!" I love that I can make her laugh. The only reason she knew we would be coming Friday instead of Thursday was because Nita went over to check on her and found out she doesn't have cell service anymore. 

That wasn't the only thing that had Lillian a bit blue. She has a roommate.
The room was so crowded with the new roommate's stuff that we had to set up in the living room there at the home so Louis Dean could do his music.

We wheeled in her mini fridge - which only added to the crowded room but she sure was glad to get it. I took two shrimp cocktail rings and put one in her freezer section of the fridge and then she and I snacked a little on the other one. I brought chicken salad and crackers, Jello and pudding and such.
I hope this makes her life a little more enjoyable.
She cried and said she misses Mother.
Every Friday when they would get their hair done, as Lillian would leave and Mother wheel in - Mother would reach out and take her hand and hold it for a minute or two.

Her new roommate talks a good bit but it's mostly to her imaginary friends.
Need I say more?

Louis Dean went on out to set up his music and I wheeled Lillian down there.

He had been practicing a couple of 'new' songs and could not wait to find out if Lillian liked them!

It was fun and by this time the sparkle had returned to our friend's eyes.
She definitely liked the new songs!!

Louis Dean and Lillian talked and he played and sang some ......

and then they would talk some more. And he would sing and play some more.
I went up and down the halls delivering squares of cake to staff and residents.
And I made a visit to the office to see what was going on with Lillian not having a phone any more.
It's complicated but if it doesn't work itself out, we will just put her on our plan.
She uses a flip phone like Louis Dean does.
Lillian is one of 11 siblings and only she and her baby sister in North Carolina are left.
A phone is the only communication they have although on my next visit I will be taking her a stack of stamped envelopes and cards.

See how perked up she looks?
I didn't take a picture when we first got there. She just looked too sad.

She loved the chair cover!
Thank you, Summer!
Roberta loved hers, too.

There were lots of hugs going around Friday as we said goodbye.
I don't understand why God put that roommate in there but we have to trust that he will bring good from it. But I'm still hoping the social worker moves her. She had been in another hall of the same nursing home and doesn't want to stay - she wants to go back to her old room. That would be wonderful!

We left right at 5:00 traffic so we decided to stop and eat Mexican food at The Mexican Inn on Hulen.

That $5 house margarita at Happy Hour price was awesome!

The sky was so pretty when we finished dinner and headed home.
It was a good day.

We came in the door at 7:30 and I walked right to the kitchen and started the dishwasher, turned off lights on my way to the bathroom. Took off my make up and we were in bed by 7:30 and asleep before 8:00. We didn't wake up except for potty breaks and went right back to sleep until 9:00 this morning.

Today has been an old fashioned housecleaning Saturday!

Can you see Louis Dean??

Clean room and I lit the candle!

One on either side of the bed.

I love my bathroom!
Louis Dean and I redid it several years ago now.
Amber once said she admired the way we make our home fit us and our personalities.

Guest room clean and available!

Candle lit in celebration!

Louis Dean's bathroom is back to bare bones for awhile.
I'm planning on redoing it soon. As in the next year or so.
He likes it the way it is and I have other projects I really want to do first so that works out just fine.

My home brings me so much joy and I thank God every single day for it.
I have loved this house for 52 years.

“Home is not a place…it’s a feeling.”


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are truly an angel come to earth for these people in the nursing home. What a bright light you must be to them! You are really "Letting Your Light Shine"! What is that little tree by the calendar on your table? It is so pretty!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your home is warm and cozy. It is a reflection of you and Louis Dean’s generous hearts.

Poor Lillian. I hope her roommate moves back to her other room, and that her phone situation gets worked out. It would be hard to not be able to text or call whenever you wanted or needed too! I know you all cheered her up!

Bluebird49 said...

I'm so glad Lillian has youall! It is wonderful she has friends like you and your family.Some have no one at all, and I hope the cell thing gets straight soon.
Oh thanks- now I know how to pronounce brioche, too!
Your house glows and sparkles!❤

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

So glad Lillian has you two for good and loving friends.
Thank you for sharing today, I love to read about your days and those you love.

Brenda said...

Lovely blog and lpvely people-so much energy
I can't imagine living in one home so long-fantastic
I have moved 30 times in my lifetime lol
Your home is so sweet!
Music great too!!!!

Brenda said...

Lovely blog and lpvely people-so much energy
I can't imagine living in one home so long-fantastic
I have moved 30 times in my lifetime lol
Your home is so sweet!
Music great too!!!!

Vee said...

What a blessing you are to Lillian and Roberta and the others whose lives you touch. I am glad that you are going to help Lillian out with her cell phone. It is cruel not to have a way to communicate with “the outside.” Roommates...yes, I know something about the troubles that roommates bring. Will join you in praying that this can be worked through in Lillian’s situation.

Getting the house ready to leave for the ranch...I really should employ your candle lighting when I finish cleaning a room. Happy last day at home for this time...and Happy Trails going to the ranch.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you and I have mentioned many times that we are the exact opposites in our homes. and we are, but we are alike in that we both love our homes like they are. our living area with kitchen, is my favorite part of our home. evry single day of my life when I walk around into the kitchen to get my cup of coffee, I slow from hall into that room and think how much I love it and have for 29 years. I think it is important to love what we live in, what makes us happy when we see it.. loved LD song and so glad you brought the smiles back to Lilian....

Changes in the wind said...

How wonderful for you to continue your support of the rest home and residents, I know they LOVE it. I think you take such comfort in your home because you have all your special things displayed and some in surprising places like the pearls around the candle:)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessing you two are to others. Older people don't get many visitors and so appreciate it when they do. Good you got a wonderful nights rest and got all that cleaning done too. You put me to shame for sure. I did make your Taco Soup and it is delicious so I shared the recipe with others too. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Rest and relax and renew !

Carol said...

What a blessing you and your husband are to Lillian and the other residents and staff there. I am thankful that you are still visiting Lillian and making her smile.
Since you cleaned your guest room, I will be right there to enjoy some of your amazing cooking and wonderful happy home.

DUTA said...

You're of a giving nature, so God gives it back to you.
You are really a good example for how to treat others.
I've enjoyed listening to LD's song. He's got talent!

Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad that you and LD helped Lillian. You both need each other. You are such a loving sweet person , as is LD. Now I see that he is a window peeper. LOL. I love his new song. :) You sure did clean. Do you hire out? LOL... I need myself a housecleaner. . Just kidding , doing it myself , a little at a time. Laundry's caught up for now. Ted will be doing round 3 soon and I will be running I circles again. Blessings to all of you, xoxo, love you sweet friend, Susie

photowannabe said...

Oh Linda, I love the last quote on your blog post..."Home is not a's a feeling"
You certainly have made your home a wonderful feeling and you do the same at the senior living place.
You and your Hubby have such tender hearts and brighten everyone's day when you visit there.
P.S. I really like your journaling style.
Sue of photowannabe

Carole said...

Linda, you are a great friend not just to Lillian but to us all. I have sent you a Facebook friend request - hope you'll accept it. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda, So nice to read of your friendship with Lillian and how
you brightened her day. Really enjoyed hearing "It's Four in the Morning"
and hope to hear LD playing and singing more songs. Sending love from

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linds, it's really so wonderful how you and Louis Dean visit Lillian and how your visits and treats sure make her day. Hope that the cell phone and roommate situations get worked out for the best. I agree that if your home and the things in it make you happy then that's the best things about being there.

photowannabe said...

Thank you Linda for adding my friend to your prayer list.
I will keep you updated as I hear from her daughter.

Debbie said...

hi linda, i am terrible at pronouncing words and spelling too, i am the worst speller!! the brioche looks really yummy!!

you and ld are so kind to continue your visits to the nursing home, i am sure it means the world to lillian and the other residents!!

i enjoyed everything about this post, you have a real skill when it comes to writing and sharing!! you are right about home, it is a feeling...i love being home!!!

Saimi said...

You guys are angels!! What a wonderful treat having louis Dean sing to Lillian It's no wonder she perked up!! Now that Brioche looks amazing, that is some sweet love!!
Take care my sweet friend!!