Thursday, February 21, 2019

Curb Side Treasures - Our Thursday

This was day #4 to go to the gym and Louis Dean was pretty pleased with himself!

He's feeling more confident each day after the initial shock of Monday when the cardiologist told him he was at serious risk of having a stroke.

This morning I took out a small kitchen drawer that holds scissors. wire cutters, Sharpies, you know the likes - a junk drawer! Since it is right by the sink - and since over the years Lois Dean and I have both overflowed the sink - turning on the water and then forgetting about it until the kitchen drawers were full of it and it was pouring down onto the floor! We haven't done that lately but the damaged drawer remained damaged. I took the drawer in to Louis Dean to repair. In the course of working on it - his screw driver slipped and cut his hand. We have been watching and waiting for something like this to happen. He's been taking Plavix which is a blood thinner and when he cut himself, it would bleed more and longer than it would for someone not on blood thinners - but it stopped easily enough.
The new medication is stronger and the doctor said to beware of excess bleeding if and when he cut we were relieved that, while he bled a little more and a little longer than before - it wasn't a real problem to get it to stop. That right there made him less nervous about things.

As we were leaving the house this afternoon to go up to the center, we spied a work bench on the curb just around the corner from our house. We went right back home, got the truck and returned to load her up! Then we got back in the car to go up and exercise.

We spied yet another treasure sitting on the curb by the Senior Center - free firewood!
Since we were in my car - he just threw it in the trunk. And I drove slowly home as it was too much to close the lid.

He got right to work in cutting it into firewood pieces.
You can see the bandage on his left hand. The cut is actually small but it's in the groove between hi thumb and fore finger so I had to tape it up pretty good so the bandage wouldn't come loose.

You can't tell much about this first treasure we picked up but we are real excited about it!
I've been using a long table from Sam's to cook on at the ranch. It's in the front room and I use all manner of electrical appliances to cook on - from a hot plate to electric skillet to crock pot to grill to a hot air baker. This will be my new cook table. I'll repaint it with my red and Louis Dean will add a shelf at the bottom. I can hang pots and pans on the pegboard on the back. Win! WIN!!

I hovered around on the front porch while Louis Dean was out there with the chain saw.

I've been sprucing it all up for spring.

All faux flowers and plants at this point.

I really like the colorful quilt I picked up at Goodwill this week.
I knew it would be perfect for the porch bench.

I used a lot of the flowers I bought to finish fluffing out this wreath!

It's looking like spring down here in Texas!

I'm getting the spring decorations from the storage building a little at a time and I'm also going through them and pitching the things I don't truly love.

It was chilly enough to build a nice fire late this afternoon so I brewed up a pot of Earl Grey tea and used tea dishes from England that Summer gave me a long long time ago.
My treat was a red velvet cake ball from my neighbor's home bakery.
Two are pictured. I only ate one and gave one to Louis Dean.

Our dinner tonight.
This is Louis Dean's plate and he ate every bite!

This evening I have been sorting through my denim organizing trim and pockets.
I'm gearing up to make Louis Dean a Texas themed denim quilt....


I've made a couple of Texas quilts before but I'm going to try to do one similar to this ....
but maybe without the outer edge parts.

That's it for our Thursday.
Tonight when Louis Dean pulled off his t-shirt, his heart monitor came off.
We taped it back on and I hope it didn't mess up the monitoring.
He only has to wear  it until 11:30 Saturday morning!

Good night Folks!


Brenda said...

Glad you are both doing well!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This small cut seems to be almost heaven sent! Just to show you that it is alright, you can stop worrying now. BIG sigh of relief! What a find the workbench is, and it will do so many things in your camper! Your porch takes my breath away. All the lovely little details, especially the little wooden cart, wreath, and flowers.

Bluebird49 said...

So good to hear things are going well! Does LD have to get an INR blood test ever so often to check out how thin or thick his blood gets? I take a blood thinner and I do, and have to be careful about eating many greens, because they thicken your blood. ( And of course, greens are my favorite things and they are good for you!) Too thick, and there's risk of a clot...too thin and there's risk of a bleed that won't stop. That is really dangerous for people who may have internal ulcers. On the outside, if we have a cut, we can at least put pressure on a small wound and the bleeding will usually stop.
I know he'll be fine--and I know you're going to do everything you can to make sure of it!!
It was nice to get your message! ❤

Kathy said...

You find treasures everywhere! Can't wait to see what you do with your bench. Good news about LD and the medication. It looks as if the two of you are settling into your new normal.

Carol said...

What treasures you find! I am glad to hear that you are both doing okay.

Susie said...

Linda, I am amazed at the things you both do all the time. When you don't have work, you go find some. LOL Your porch looks cozy. We did not have a fire in the fireplace yesterday, but will come Sunday. It's to be cold again. We had some sun yesterday and will again today. I am so ready to sit on the porch. Not sure when that will happen here. Glad you are both doing well, stay strong and healthy. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Vee said...

You two make a good team taking care of each other. Very glad that the incident was easily resolved. Louis Dean doesn’t allow a little thing like a bandage prevent him from taking care of firewood, I see, and so efficiently from your car trunk. Your meal looks healthful. ☺️

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

They say one man's trash is another's treasure and you certainly prove that fact over and over. Glad the cut wasn't a problem and Louis Dean is doing so well. Your dinner looks wonderful. Healthy eating is not all bad for sure. I'm getting out my bins filled with Spring this weekend as we are warmer right now. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Love and hugs,

Arlene G said...

Glad you both are doing the new work station for the ranch!! And free fireword is always a bonus.

Debby said...

Sounds like things are doing well.Great treasures.
Take care of that cut.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

with all that has happened to bob, he has never had to wear a monitor, except for a few days while in hospital after heart surgery... I know he will be glad to get it off. hope all is well... those are true treasures you found, wow on both of them... LD looks good to me....

Aloha Acres said...

LD is looking good. Healthy

I'm excited to move back to the mainland so I can go to thrift shops and antique stores. Oh, and Dollar Tree. I have so missed Dollar Tree

Carole said...

I'm betting on LD - he's scavenging with the best of them. Cheers

Sue said...

WOW Linda, I need to go riding with you, love the treasures you found, so happy Louis Dean is adjusting to his new life styles, believe me, it is hard to make these changes, Please tell him, I am rooting for him, and that he can do it. I find it is hard for men to go to a gym when they are so active with things around the home.
Thanks for sharing, your spring decorations are so pretty, my plans were to start on mine this week, but haven't, maybe next week. ~wink~

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Just catching up Linda, and while that checkup that Louis Dean had recently gave some startling news, you and he are tackling it head-on as usual. You both claimed some nice and useful finds and free is always nice.

Changes in the wind said...

What treasures you have found right in the neighborhood:) anxious to see the cooking table all set up. LD is a good sport and seems to go with the flow when it comes to food and you going with him to the gym makes all the difference. Keep up the good work.

photowannabe said...

Thank you Linda for your faithful prayers.
the family is going to need all the support they can get.
They have a 22 year old severely Down syndrome boy who will be a handful for his dad and adult sister.

Wanda said...

Dear Linda ~ So glad to get back to visit you, but sorry to hear Louis Dean is at risk of stroke. They are a rare few (like 1%) if people who is allertgic to Plavix. He almost died years ago and had to be in the hospital for several days as it wiped out his platlets. He had several transfusions of platlets and go him back to normal. He wears a medic alert braclet that says he CANNOT take plavix. Milliions use it and have no problems.

I love your treasures, and your splash of early spring. We are having company next Sunday, so I decided I won't get down all my Spring and Easter until after company. I'm getting real anxious.


Wanda said...

I just re-read my comment..I'm sure you knew I was talking about my dearest.

Judy said...

You are just the best at finding free stuff! It sounds like LD is taking his new health diagnosis in stride and making the best of it. I wish him well.

The Feminine Energy said...

I love curbside treasures.... they're the best kind of treasure, in my view. My prayers will be with Louis Dean AND you, dear heart. I don't know which is harder... to suffer or watch a loved one suffer. I suspect the latter. Love, Andrea xoxo