Thursday, February 14, 2019

Friends + Movie + Facials + Cocktails + Dinner + Laughter + Talking = The Best Hen Party EVER!

I have to say what a wonderful thing it is when ladies get together and have fun!

I absolutely love these ladies!
Sherry (the lady Summer rents a room from in Rowlett), Gayle (Sabrina's mom and Sherry's cousin - they go way back!), me and Summer - everyone knows Summer!
We planned this day back in January and if you do not PLAN it - it will never happen!
Once planned, you can change the date and/or the time but you are changing something PLANNED!
Write it down and it stands a greater chance of actually happening!

We opted for a movie and it was no chick flick, let me tell you!
I chose the movie - this time.
Next month it's Sherry's turn!
There's a real burden and responsibility in choosing the entertainment for the evening.

While I may have not chosen as wisely as I could have - it WAS entertaining!
I won't give too much away but this is NOT a 'Taken' kind of film.
It was an extremely unique movie and totally entertaining.
Murder and mayhem and humor and lots of laughs.
Who knew they could make something like this.
No matter what - it was worth seeing and hearing Liam Neeson!
While so NOT a 'chick flick' - well....all four of us 'chicks' liked it!

When Summer and I went out to her car - we found a handmade Valentine on the windshield.
Adorable and I applaud the teacher of this little Annabel.
Made our day.

Back to Sherry's - and I need to do a post on her lovely home. She is an interior decorator and so much more - and her home shows it!

White Russian cocktails.....

and facials all around!!
Sherry's bathroom is HUGE!!!
All four of us were in there at the same time and we could swoop like a bird and not touch one another. I asked her why she didn't put a love seat and table in there! 

We had so much fun! Sherry's mask .....
you put it on and then peel off the outer part.....

Sherry struck a pose!!

This is Gayle peeling hers off.....

and she struck a pose!

I had a green cucumber mask. No peeling. But I could feel my skin tightening as it dried.

Summer used the mud mask!

The price we pay for being beautiful!!!
We had a good time paying it!!!

Look at Sherry in her dramatic pose!!! 

My version didn't come off as well!
But I did show that we had facials and cocktails!
Sauvignon Blanc wine is my most favorite!!
Especially the ones from New Zealand!

After my facial, I used these under eye patches to help the skin in that area.

After we took our masks off, we gathered around the kitchen table for a late supper.

I had brought Taco Soup and Sherry and Summer had all the trimmings.
For dessert we had my Texas White Dr Pepper Sheet Cake.

I wish that evening could have lasted twice as long as it did!
You know what?
Ladies need other ladies.
We need to talk together.
Laugh together.
We need to be safe people for all sorts of conversations.
We need to love one another.
In this group of four - we have different politics, personalities, life situations, and more but we embraced one another in love and acceptance and support last night.
I don't know if they felt what I felt.....
but it was GOOD to be together.
Sometimes we women forget how much we need each other.

I so appreciate the hospitality of Sherry!
Summer cooked me up a good breakfast and I left Rowlett with my bucket filled.
We are already making plans for a March get together! 
Movie - Sherry's choice this time! - manicures and dinner!

I drove back to Dallas and the last day of Book Fair.
Amber has done an amazing job!
She was in charge of the whole thing this year.
All by herself!
She had volunteers helping but no co-chair person.
I LOVE the Book Fair and told her to sign me up next year as her #2 person!

Today was also the Valentine Party!

It was all a big success!!!
Loved hearing the kids and their excited voices over the Valentines.
Each one was carefully pulling out one Valentine after another from their decorated boxes and reading them. Is there anything better than six-year-olds??

I helped Amber break down the Book Fair.
All of us helped her - Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan.
Working together it was a done deal!

I drove back to Irving and shopped Aldi for some special treats to take to the nursing home tomorrow.
And I have baked another Texas White Dr Pepper sheet cake to take over for the staff and residents.

But now it's time for Louis Dean and me to pour our wine and go sit in our still messy gazebo for a few minutes before we go to bed. He's been 'home alone' a little too much lately.
He didn't even feel like practicing the songs he's going to do for the ladies tomorrow until after I got home. I kind of love that about him.
He's had to share me a lot lately but we will be back down at the ranch soon and we are both looking forward to it!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an amazing get together. Everything just perfect. It is sure a blessing to have these friends, and be able to all have fun like this! And soon, Louis Dean will have you all to himself. I must say that a couple of you look like Jason from the Halloween movies, wearing those masks!

Bluebird49 said...

You're so right! Girl time is important, and I need to get that back somehow!!
Lovely post.

Carol said...

Sounds like an amazing evening. you are so correct that ladies need one another. I have a group of 4 friends that we plan lots of fun things together and sometimes my husband cant' understand why I say I need to go.

Brenda said...

Fun times and lovely ladies

Susie said...

Linda, I so know what you mean about being with our lady friends. I miss it all, my sisters, my daughters, and my classmate brunch time. I think it looks like fun doing the facials and having fun times. I thought, yes this sounds like a fun thing to plan, since you and Ruth Ann don't having your Tuesday outings. Poor LD, he missed having you to talk with, and enjoy your time together. Kudos to Amber and the book fair. Blessings to all of you,xoxo,love you, Susie

Vee said...

☺️ Looks like fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am sure LD did not mind sharing you, since you had such a wild and wonderful hen party... my TOPS meetings on thursday could come under hen party. we talk a mile a minute before and after the meeting part. we go early ANd stay late.. i have never done a face mask, looks like fun....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say I will always choose a Liam movie. i do love him... i think i saw this one but not sure, i am going to check because if i did not i want to

Sue said...

I love 'Hen parties" and yours seemed like a great success! I agree women really need each other and no one understands another women one like a woman.
I am so happy the book fair was such a great success,

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a great Valentines Day you had. Yes, I agree about us needing time with our gal friends. They help us out through the happy times and the sad times too. I'm sure your own Valentine, appreciated having some of his own special time with you too.

Chatty Crone said...

That party was so amazing. Looked like a lot of fun. I am going to a hen party today - we have a luncheon and play cards twice a month. Looks like you have known them for a long time. A successful book sale and Louis Dean to come home to! sandie

Changes in the wind said...

Oh what fun all of you with your facials and special poses and that fireplace is to die for. A special time for all.

Carole said...

You guys are a hoot! Regarding wine, I actually prefer NZ chardonnays - give one a try! Cheers

NanaDiana said...

You are so right- Ladies do need other ladies. After moving so many times I find I have lots of acquaintances but not so many "friends" if you know what I mean. I really need to get more connected with some gals just to have fun with them--Facials and Food and Fun!!!

I hope you have a really great weekend, Linda. xo Diana

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You’re right that women need each other in friendship! I’m ready a book called Girls’ Club by Sally, Sarah, and Joy Clarkson and it speaks to this subject!

Glad you have these friends.

The book fair looked amazing and you’re a good mom to help out so much!

BeachGypsy said...

Linda my friend that is one amazing hen party!! Gosh, if we lived closer....I would surely have been there!! Looks like y'all had so much fun!

MimiG said...

What a fun time you had. Love girl time - I order masks from Amazon, I think it's a 12 pack. That's usually my Sunday afternoon break.
Valentine's Day with kids - how wonderful!!
Mailed my grands cards - I didn't get to see mine, but the oldest sent me an I LOVE YOU text yesterday - won't be deleting that....