Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Monday With Summer and My Tuesday......

Monday morning as I was taking out the trash, this mockingbird was singing his heart out.

I walked back and forth right under him and he just ignored me and continued to sing.

He sang so long!
 I went in and got my phone, came out and he was still singing!!

Monday's weather was amazing!
81 degrees! On February 4th!

I was about to head over to Rowlett and take Summer to the hospital for a hernia opperation and found Louis Dean was sitting out in the garden. It was no quick goodbye.

He loves to be recorded!

I ordered a Trump 20/20 hat for him three weeks ago and it just arrived Monday!

He said, "Take a picture of this! I put the tag up there so this can my Minnie Pearl look!"
He's so much fun!

Summer had her surgery in Rowlett.....

Here she is with her surgeon!
I was posting updates and photos on Facebook and when Amber saw this pic, she immediately recognized the doctor. Amber went to school with her sister!
It's such a small small world!

Surgery was a success!
Scheduled at 3:30, the doctor came out 45 minutes later and said everything went just fine.
We arrived at 1:30 and it was after 7:00 when we left.
Recovery takes a good while.
We picked up Rx's on our way and Sherry (the lady whose home Summer lives in) had heated up the potato soup I had brought and had dinner all ready when we got home. She'd even made Summer's bed down! There was a gas fire burning in the fireplace, candles were lit and it was just about the coziest homecoming you could have.
We all three gathered in Summer's room and ate together.
It was the perfect ending to our day.
I stayed until about 10:00 before coming back home.
Summer was in bed and resting comfortably when I left and has continued to do well in recovery.
One reason may have been the set of deep tissue injections she was given after the surgery to block the pain.

This morning I got up early and had the coffee and breakfast all ready by 7:45!

I took my brother, Lonnie, to the airport.
He was flying to South Carolina to see his youngest son and his family.
It was wonderful to have coffee and spend a few minutes with 'Brother.'
That's what Mother always called her one and only brother.
She also called Aunt Irene - for whom I am named - 'Sister.'

Today was TUESDAY!
I decided to go all out and hit up three thrift stores!
In the first one I found a beautiful dressy white long sleeved blouse for Lillian!
It looks brand new. With the Senior discount it came to $2.08!
I'm going to take photos of my treasures tomorrow and show you where they 'live' now.

The second store was Goodwill and I made a haul!
A full basket that cost $32 total!

I meant to get my eyeglass prescription filled.
I have put it off for nearly a year and the Rx won't be any good after March!
But it was getting late and I was tired and hungry.....so I will go do that on Thursday.

I love a good old fashioned sandwich with Mayo, meat and cheese, lettuce and tomatoes, and bread and butter pickles! We had leftover potato salad and baked beans from Sunday so it made a good meal.

What was even better was this cola drink I bought at Aldi back during the holidays.
It was a seasonal item and I love trying new things. When Louis Dean cleaned out one of our little beverage refrigerator, I found lots of cool stuff I had forgot about.
At 140 calories per bottle and made with pure cane sugar, I won't be drinking this every day.
But it was seriously delicious!!!!

Louis Dean and I are still working on the Christmas stuff.
This late afternoon and early evening we concentrated on getting the lights down from the front yard and off the den windows. I even managed to prune several rose bushes while I was out there.

I hung one of the wreaths I bought today on the stone wall above the porch bench.

The other one hangs on the front door.

I haven't fluffed them up yet.
I'm going to add some extra flowers where some are missing and jazz them up a bit.

It not only feels like spring - it's looking like it, too!!
See the blue flowers on the top left pic?
That's on the rosemary!
I had no  idea that rosemary actually has blooms!
I've never ever seen any before and I have had rosemary for many many years!

Tonight we took a break from our projects and watched the State of the Union Address.

I loved see Astronaut Buzz Aldrin stand and salute the President.
Such a good speech and so many wonderful moments.
Made me so proud to be  an American!

I talked to Summer this afternoon and she continues to be doing well in recovery.
Thank you for the prayers......


Ginny Hartzler said...

The weather has been 80 here, too! I am so glad summer is doing well. I have never heard of these deep tissue injections; they must be something pretty new. Phil never had them for his hernia surgery. Your front door looks like spring, and is so pretty! I never knew rosemary had blooms either! And really pretty ones!

Bluebird49 said...

So glad Summer's gotten that surgery behind her! I hope it will make her feel better. How lovely to have lunch heated, fire lit and bed turned down when she got home...and her mom to be there for her! :)

Vee said...

Good report on Summer...she sure has had enough going on with her health. Praying for an excellent recovery.

Lonnie is going to have a great time with his son and family.

Loved hearing the bird and Louis Dean sing, but wish it were something else. Don’t tell him that!

I see that we were watching the same thing last night. It was a good speech and I thought both sides of the aisle behaved...mostly. I have a collage of a certain one seated behind the President who had trouble with her lozenge or something. 😉

Susie said...

Linda, Sending hugs and prayers for Summer...the ever smiling girl. I would probably cry if I saw a sad photo pf her. :) Nice weather there. So nice you and LD work side by side getting the chores done. I will be returning to visit and listen to the videos. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's wonderful to hear that Summer is doing so well. That is such good news. Nice too to spend time with your brother even if it was to take him to the airport . I'm a firm believer of family time anyway I can get it. It' has been warmer here with temps close to 50 but no signs of spring, It's just nice to be thawed out from all the snow and ice. It's only February so I know we will get more. Come March I'll put out Spring decorations but I did get out a fake forsythia wreath for the door when I got Valentines out. It is one of the first signs of Spring around here. Looking forward to seeing all you Tuesday finds! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy for S Surgery done and done well. to me surgery is frightening no matter what kind it is... our temps will be 79 today and for the next 4 days the same. makes me mad because I like a little cool weather because we have so much heat... all the snow birds clogging our roads are loving it. the birds are thinking spring and I heard one like your video yesterday while out walking. he was singing his heart out...

Arlene G said...

So glad Summer did well with her surgery and glad to see you getting back to your routine. I know that is hard after a loss. Tell LD that I LOVE his cap!!

Jan said...

So glad Summer's surgery went well. I thought I heard a mockingbird this morning and was surprised. It seems so early! We had some lovely rain showers this morning here close to Ft. Worth. Did you have any rain?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Glad Summer’s surgery went so well! What a treat to come home to a ready bed and hot meal. Sounds so cozy!

Louis Dean is such a sweetheart. I went to a thrift store today and found a silver plated teapot and some books!

Chatty Crone said...

I love Louis Dean's cap too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man you got a haul at Goodwill - I keep wanting to get there - but I can't find the time right now and I am not sure why.

You seem so incredibly busy.

Nice for you to be with Summer on your surgery!

Love, sandie

terre said...

first, hello. girl, you have the energy of a teenager and i envy you that!!! glad summer is doing better. and i loved whoever commented above about the person sitting behind the president. we were watching her too and commenting on her silly expressions etc. to me, regardless of how you feel, you still show respect for the office of the president especially when you are front and center to the camera. and finally, are you thinking about joining in the antique alley weekend in april? i am looking for a cheap flight so i can come and drive it with my daughter in love. wouldnt that be a blast?! take care, <3 terre

Linda said...

Tell me more! I’ll be there if YOU are!

Linda said...

Terre, send me a way to contact you because yes! I will be there! We did this last year and it was great!

Shannon Hopps said...

Flowers look wonderful! On the rosemary, old herbal lore says that the flowers of the rosemary shrub are blue because the Virgin Mary laid her blue cloak across a rosemary shrub blessing it and turning the flowers from white to blue. I'm a hopeless herbal lore nerd! Hope you are doing well!

Linda said...

I love that herbal lore....and thank you, Shannon....all is well with my soul.

Saimi said...

That Louis Dean! He sure looks snappy in his new hat, Minnie Pearl and all! So glad Summer is doing well and aren't you the Goodwill shopper of all time! I don't have the skill to find treasures like you do although I'm a great donator. I love that you guys are a supporter of our President and country, it says a lot about the both of you!
Take Care!!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my where do I begin? I can't wait for Spring...we Too have had 80° temps but a wet cold front is moving in. Glad the surgery went well...LOVE his new cap (an the M. PEARL style)

And your beautiful wreaths.