Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A Quiet New Year's Day......Stopping up Pneumonia Holes

It's been a quiet day here in the country and about 20 degrees colder than yesterday so I cooked up a big pot of oatmeal for our breakfast.....which we actually ate as lunch.

With crispy bacon and toast - it hit the spot!

It was a good day to spend some time closing out my 2018 Country Diary and starting my new one.
My sister, Nita, bought all of us new devotionals for this new year....Joyce Meyer's 'Power Thoughts.'

I especially love what she wrote on the inside.
It's a comforting thought to know we're all reading the same thing.
Nita bought books for Lillian and Jutta, as well......

Jutta was the first to read today's devotional since Finland is so far ahead of our time zone.

Louis Dean accomplished a good bit today and stayed warm while doing it.
We have two small electric heaters and it only takes one to keep the camper warm and toasty so he took the other out to his utility room. It warmed it right up, too!
The main thing he's been doing is stopping up what he calls 'pneumonia holes.'
He could tell where the cold was coming in while he was in there sorting his tools - so being the clever buy he is - he came in and asked for some Walmart bags. Then he put some insulation in the bags and stuffed them up under the eaves. Later he will finish it all out with a painted plywood ceiling. He's not using any Sheetrock at all. One thing led to another and he started finishing out around the door by where we park the truck.

While he did all that, I rested in the girl bunk, read some and napped some.
Dean and Sherry braved the cold and mud and walked down here for a visit around 6:00.

We just finished watching Gone With the Wind so we are about ready to turn off the lights and go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be even colder and 100% chance of rain.
I know it's crazy but I do so love winter weather - especially is we are in our cozy camper!


Kathy said...

It was in the 60s here today so perhaps our weather was warmer than yours. I hope you have a very good 2019. So glad you welcomed the new year in at the ranch.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sounds like you had an all around lovely day. But then, I think you cannot have any other kind at the ranch. I just read your comment to The Mad One, and could not figure out what pneumonia holes are! So I am glad you posted about it!

Blondie's Journal said...

When you go you go. When you take it easy, you take it easy. Love that sense of non-guilt you have!

Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family!

Bluebird49 said...

Such great devotional ideas--sharing with each other!
So glad you are getting some rest. I'm sure Louis Dean will need some before long, too!! 😉

Brenda said...

I keep a journal and need to catch it up!
Sounds like your vacation is great!

Susie said...

Linda, You make me smile. Thinking of you and LD all cozy in the camper, happy. Please use those heaters safely, I hear too many scary stories about them. Had a fire in the fireplace last night. It warmed the house up...but honestly I stood on the porch around 6:30 and the air warm calm and pleasant. Sending hugs to you. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie

Estelle's said...

stay warm and cozy in your camper...winter weather is upon us for a few days...a good day to read and cook something warm and hearty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our winter is so strange, we are running 10 degrees warmer in our temps than normal for this time of year in FL... no cold weather here. good idea to use the wm bags for insulation. I love the idea of all reading the same devotion on the same day.

Vee said...

It is good to get those drafts plugged up... I can feel them from time to time myself, but now I have a cute new name for them. 😉 It must be fun to all be reading the same devotional. I have dug out Old Faithful...Streams in the Desert.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yes those holes need to be plugged. I used to live in an old house that was drafty so I know what you are talking about. Now the new place is draft free and I'm thankful for that. Keeping cozy and warm is the best part of winter along with all the comfort food. How nice to have a devotional that keeps you all on the same page. I will have to find one for my sister and my friends for next year. Hope you have a Wonderful Wednesday and stay dry!

Nancy Chan said...

I would prefer a colder weather compared to ours, which was at 32 C midday today. Stay warm. Happy New Year!

Carole said...

It's great that you are enjoying your camper. And relaxing a little bit too. Keep up the good work LD!

Hootin Anni said...

It's wet, gloomy, and a chilly 50 degrees right now (near 3pm). I'm ready for Spring. lol

LOVE your brunch if oatmeal & bacon. Such a great sewwt salty combination.

And pneumonia holes...clever. sisters...they're most always on the same page. 😊

Hootin Anni said...

Sewer = sweet

Hootin Anni said...

Now auto correct changed my sewwt

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I don’t mind the cold when i know I can stay inside where it’s warm and cozy.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy New Year, Linda, to you and Louis Dean. It sounds as if you are enjoying a very relaxing and cozy start to 2019 which is as it should be. Stay warm and hope it doesn't rain too much and that LD finds all those pneumonia holes!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like days when you can stay inside and cook comfort foods and stay warm. Louis Dean is so great at doing everything around the house. Give him hugs from all of us! Happy New year!

jujupage1 said...

It's been cold here in the UK too. The temperature has dropped quite a bit for some reason but yes, I do like the cosy feel a bit of cold gives me! :)