Sunday, January 20, 2019

Church and Texas ROAD House!! Our Sunday in the City.....

It was a cold but beautiful Sunday here in North Texas.
I know much of the East is layered under deep drifts of snow.
Texans are pretty loud and proud but when it comes to winter weather, we are just a bunch of pansies!

Louis Dean turned on his computer and played great gospel music as we dressed for church.

Our first Sunday in church this year.
After much prayer and thought, we have returned to Fellowship Church.
I love this church!

And guess who was visiting with us today?
Amber, Mike and the kids!
It was so much fun to meet up with them in the lobby and sit together.
Ed Young preached on Joash - the Kindergarten King.
Harrison really perked his ears up when he heard that Joash was a king at 7 years old!
Never underestimate the spiritual powers of a child.
I have often said a child's prayers are sometimes more powerful than a pastor's.
After a season of wondering where we should place membership, it's a relief to know and now decide. While we didn't start the process today, we will as soon as possible.

After church we all went out to lunch at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Mike's birthday.

It was SO much fun!
I'm telling you, my heart was full to overflowing!
Two days in a row to see these four precious children and their two amazing parents.
I'm going to stop now so I don't go on a jabbering proud mama/meemaw thing.
The funny thing is - back before I was a jabbering proud grandparent - I could not understand all that 'let me show you pictures of my grandchildren' thing. Now I get it....

We came home and spent the entire afternoon and evening in the den.

Yesterday I took Christmas out and today I cleaned.

Louis Dean had recorded the two games today so we watched them and fast forwarded the commercials. Except for when we would forget and just sit there.

We were rooting for the Saints and disappointed when the Rams won.
Then we were rooting for the Patriots but would have been okay either way if the Chiefs had won.

Tomorrow we head back to the ranch for a week or two.
I love that we have such flexibility with our time.
It's not bothering me one bit to leave the house as it is.
I'm claiming 2019 as the year to slow down and put less pressure on myself.
I'm the one that pushes myself to do more and more. No one forces me. It will be a journey this year as I adjust my pace to reflect my age and limitations but I am determined to do this.

As I close this journal entry tonight, here is one of the many treasures my neighbor Tamara gave me.
I love these magnet covers for dishwashers. As soon as I saw this, I knew what it was!
This gives me four different ones for each season.


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Safe journey, have a great trip and I am so happy for you that you are going right back to the ranch for another week or two. It is - both of you - your happy place.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Safe travels back to the ranch!

Gert said...

Linda. I’m so glad you were able to attend church. And the fellowship can just be an added blessing. Take care and have a good trip to the ranch.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So this church is not the Cowboy Church or the church that Amber & family go to? I am glad you finally made a decision. I love the video at the restaurant! It is 13 degrees here now!

Bluebird49 said...

Love seeing you and your folks. On the road again tomorrow for you two, I know!! The "quiet !ife"again! 😍

Nancy Chan said...

You have such lovely family and great grand kids! Nice to have a church where you can fit in. It is good not to put too much pressure on yourself. I am also slowing down and learning to relax and enjoy my retirement. Happy new week!

Changes in the wind said...

Each place fills special places in your heart and so glad you are able to have them both. Isn't it the truth that we are our worse enemy...I often do not allow myself to just let things go and really who cares?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've pretty much always lived where I am, in the same town, but different homes, and have gone to the same church for over 50 years now. I was married there and my children grew up there and it's always been a part of my life since.1965. I cannot imagine what it would take to make me change churches. It would not be an easy decision. So I am happy you have found one that you can cll home. You've had some wonderful days to be at home, but I can imagine you are looking forward to being back in the country. Take good care and safe travels.

Susie said...

Linda, It is one of our coldest day this year. Yesterday was a bad one also. Stay warm. It was good to see the family together for lunch again. I know you love your church time with them all. Happy birthday to sweet Mike, he's a wonderful father. He and Amber are outstanding parents in my book. :) Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

Have fun at the ranch!!! We are hoping to get Marvin scheduled for an epidural so we can finally go back to our happy place. It really does lift out spirits to go there.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for returning to your country home.. kiss Rufus for me. you are blessed with Amber and her family, but you already know that. glad you decided where you want to be for your home church. I liked the idea of cowboy church. but this is better because the family is there. glad you decided to kick back and take some time to relax

Vee said...

I just learned that my next-door neighbor is a talented artist who is personal friends with the mmbers of the Chiefs team. One might think he would live in Kansas City rather than Patriots country. 😁 I’ll be kind to him and not mention the loss. (I actually understand this phenomena of not rooting for the home team because my own son has been a Mets fan over a Red Sox team since childhood. Go figure! )

Kailey seems to be the life of the party. What a cutie she is! Love that smile.

Finding a church home can be a challenge. (At least, I have often found it so.) Hope that you find just what you need.

Jan said...

Sometimes it takes a lot of searching to find your church "home", but when you do, you know it! Have a safe trip back to the ranch and enjoy!

Wanda said...

Hi Linda. As I am finally getting to visit friends, I see I have missed so much. Of course we were rooting for the Rams...but then we from CA..HaHa.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope you are able to go back and forth - leave things as they are - and not worry about them - good for you. That looks like a big church. I am glad the kids are being raised in it! Love it. Be careful going back,

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Enjoyed the short video, Linda, and looks like everyone had enjoyed the Texas Roadhouse meal with leftovers to go. Glad you had a fun visit with family and your den looked cozy as you and Louis Den watched the games. Safe travels back to the ranch.

jujupage1 said...

Love that simple reminder. So true. It's so refreshing to see a grandparent who is so proud of her grandchildren.

Rain said...

Hi Linda :) Your lifestyle is enviable that's for sure :) I think that simple pleasures are the key to a happy life! :)