Friday, January 4, 2019

A Good Friday!

The sun was shining and the temps were warming up!
I was inside the camper doing some housework while Louis Dean was puttering around in the front room when I heard him call out, "Hey, Linda! Can there be two creative people living here? Come see!!"

Louis Dean hung this up all on his own!
He used a big screw nail so it's up there all sturdy and everything!

He said he thinks he can finish out the area above without damaging his decorations!
I'm so proud!!

It was such a nice day, I hiked across the field to feed the goats.

I think they appreciated the treats.

This is a little bit more rewarding than even feeding my possum......and I set half a watermelon out for him before we left town. Possums wouldn't be good down here since they eat eggs.....and Dean would not put up with that!!

I walked down to the meadow and was happy to see that the water has gone down.

It felt good to get out for a walk about.

It was actually more of a hike since I walked across a big field in order to avoid the muddy roads.

And look at this precious little kitty!
Sherry found her back in September when she was in town.
The poor thing was so tiny and nearly dead when Sherry rescued her. Although she might be a he.
I forget which. The kitten is growing up and will be an adult before long.
She's a welcome addition making it a three cat ranch!

Here's the road from the gate!
Sherry was a magnificent driver! Or she really REALLY wanted to get to town!!
I think it was both.

There's a lot of mud in the country!!
Louis Dean and I talked it over and we are going to let it dry out all day Saturday and Sunday.
Then we'll go to town Monday!

In the meantime, I wonder if Louis Dean will do any more decorating??
Nah, I think that was a one time thing!


Kathy said...

That's a nice bit of decorating for a one-time thing. Sounds like you are relaxing and having a wonderful time at the ranch. This is just what you need. I hope you are planning on staying for a long time.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

He did great with his decorating!

That’s a lot of mud! Wow! Enjoy your weekend, friend!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A good day, a good post.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am surprised at how quickly the mud in those fields has dried up! Louis Dean's decoration looks so good, just like you would have done it!! The kitty seems to be sitting in a hanging planter!

Saimi said...

I love that he's interested in decorating and he's got style haha. Such pretty countryside and those goats sure are cute. I'm glad miss kitty was rescued and I can confidently say she is a she. Calico cats are always girls, it's something in their calico gene pool that makes them so. Man thats some crazy mud yikes! It's a good plan to wait for it to dry up!!
Have a great weekend!!1

Blondie's Journal said...

Good times! I always love to read about your life in the country.



Changes in the wind said...

Amazing how so much water can be absorbed into the ground so quickly. I like LD décor rather clever I think. Happy you are enjoying the peace and quiet.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I think that sunshine in the winter is the best. It certainly warms our shoulders and our hearts too. Glad the water has receded and good on Louis Dean for being so crafty! I'd be like you and wait awhile too for that mud to dry up. Cleaning that truck off is going to be a job! Enjoy you weekend at the camper.

jujupage1 said...

That cat looks adorable, so kind of Sherry to look after it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You've sure had a lot of rain! Love Louis Dean's decorating...but of course we already knew he was creative! Happy weekend!

Arlene G said...

That was a cute decorating LD came up with!!:) Finally the sun is out here. I truly think this is the first weekend in a month that it has not rained. I opened all the plantation shutters so the sun could shine right in!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bob and I can't believe all that water that looked like a lake is gone and everything is GORGEOUS! love the sun and shadows and goats and not that mud... I remember mud in KY when I was a child, we all had rubber boots by the door... so glad there are TWO creative people in your country home and now you have a French bathroom

Carole said...

Drying out and taking it easy - now that's a plan! Cheers

Vee said...

Really, if you had said that you did that decorating, I’d believe you. He is learning from the master! Yes, it looks as if Monday might even be too early, unless you want to be mudrunners, too! Sweet little kitty. 🐈

Hootin Anni said...

Well, high five to L D for decorating! And, my, that's a lot of mud. Sweet kitty.

I was just think of you & sure you two will be watching the Dallas game this evening. I'm getting ready to watch Houston's game at 3:30.

Chatty Crone said...

I think I would wait until Monday - a little too muddy for me!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sure IS a lot of mud and maybe a car wash would be a good place to visit soon. One of our cars looked much the same this past week when we went on a First Day Hike and the parking lot at the park was full of eater-filled hotes since it had rained overnight. Cute decorating that LD did too!

Carol said...

I am glad you are relaxing at the ranch as I know how much you enjoy it there. I hate the mud that we have and I have had to drive on roads like that. UGH!!

Debbie said...

i never doubted that ld was creative!!!! nice work!!

The Feminine Energy said...

*haha* Good for Louis Dean! Even men have a creative side once in awhile too Oh that bench, Linda... that bench!! I could see myself sitting there so easily, with a hot cup of coffee, observing all that is beautiful around me. I might have to look-up that bench one day. Oh what a wonderful visit we would have. Love, Andrea xoxo

Donna bogie said...

Its so sad to me to see the goats chained up. I dont get it.