Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Day in 'Town' on Monday and an Owl in the Hen House on Tuesday....

Yesterday we left the ranch for the first time since we arrived on December 28th!
We had planned on going to town thinking the roads would be dry enough by then and sure enough, they were! Still muddy and we were galloping along in the truck like we were riding horses but we made it to the gate with no problem!

First stop - the bank which is inside Walmart.
From there we went to Home Depot for a good load of building supplies.
Louis Dean is finishing out the rest of the interior now and bought eight sheets of 'wall boards.'
That and screw nails, Kiltz, 5 gallons of white paint, brushes, PVC pipe, blue outlet boxes and metal box covers plus 4 tension curtain rods rounded out the bill.
That took a good bit of time and I sat in the truck for about half of it reading.
I was on the final few chapters of Believing the Lie and could barely tear myself away.

Next stop was a late lunch at The Catch on Valley Mills.

Oh, how we love that place!
I always get the small fried catfish basket and this time I also got a side of coleslaw.
I haven't always like coleslaw but I seem to have a growing fondness for it every year.

Louis Dean ordered the LARGE catfish and shrimp basket - except they only have a small and medium size. I told the lady to humor him and let him say 'large' anyway.
The Catch serves free beer and margaritas making it a Win! WIN!! all the way.
Last time we were there they had Keystone Light on draft as well as Bud Light.
This time they had Shiner Bock! DOUBLE Win for Louis Dean!

We still had more stops to make but I ran in at the next three and let him rest in the truck.
Aldi.....Goodwill.....and Michael's.

I love the sunsets here!
For whatever reason, I seldom see sunsets at home.

This is my Monday Treasure from Goodwill.
Their Senior Discount day is Monday instead of Tuesday like it is at home.
I knew I would be finishing my book and I wanted to make sure I had another one to start on.
Never mind I have stacks of books at home and even a cupboard full here at the ranch.
I'm a sucker for buying books....

Louis Dean come in with me at Goodwill and he found this collection of Cary Grant movies.
We are looking forward to watching these!

Our last stop was HEB and we went to the really big one on Valley Mills.
It was like a zoo!! The parking lot was crazy full and the store was packed.
The isles were all jammed up with people and lines were long.

Still, I love HEB and managed to finish off everything on my rather long grocery list. 

I usually treat myself to one of their made in Texas candles.
Right now I'm burning the Bluebonnet Fields one......

and I bought a Texas Thunderstorm for this spring.
We left Monday afternoon about 1:00 and got home around 7:00!
We were tired! After we unloaded and put everything up, we sat in the front room with a glass of wine and then went to bed. I looked up at the clock and it was 8:45! I said, "Right on time!"

This morning (Tuesday)we woke up to fog.

This was our view outside the window over the little couch.

I love fog. It looks so peaceful.

It didn't last long, though.

All the rains seem to be turning things green down here.

I spent the rest of the morning doing this and that around the camper.
I'm still writing chapter 16 in my book and once I finish this one I will be in 1965.
I'm hoping to hurry along through the next 5 years and close out Part I.
Part II will pick up some 35 years later.
I think I have a plan.....

Sherry called me on the phone and said, "Come down here quick and bring your camera!"
I flew out the door and saw them at one of the hen houses.

An owl had come calling and ate himself a fine chicken dinner!
I stepped inside to take his picture and then made a fast retreat!
He did not look too happy, although, it might have been that we were interrupting his dinner!

Not sure what they are going to do about him or when they will turn him loose.
They have had barn owls before but not a great horned owl.
I think the door to the hen house was not latched well and the owl just came on in.....

I came back up here and fed the horses.
I think this one is my favorite.

I forget their names....
but they always remember me!

This was the last of the carrots my friend, Virginia, gave me. I have two small white pumpkins for tomorrow and some sugar cubes for the day after.

Louis Dean has been painting wall boards and he's just about done with it.
I'm thinking that tomorrow may see more finished walls around here.

I'm going with Sherry to a Bee Keeper's meeting tonight in Waco so I am posting my journal earlier than normal.
I'm feeling better every day and will probably be back to normal by the end of the week.
Sometimes it takes awhile to get over something, plus I was so tired.
I can feel my energy slowly returning.
I may actually help Louis Dean do something tomorrow.
He can always use an extra hand to hold something and fetch him a tool.
It's kind of cool to sit here writing tonight. The windows are open to the mild weather and I can hear the geese honking and the ducks quacking and the roosters crowing....and Louis Dean puttering around in the front room.
All is right in my world tonight......
I hope it is in yours, as well!

I love Chuck Swindoll!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A great day out !
You are feeling better each day !
Bee Keeping meeting - wow !
Wonderful Sunsets !
Lots of lumber and paint and stuff and LD has already started his big project !
Good finds today !

Things are just getting better !



~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that Made in Texas candle! I know it must smell amazing! I am sorry about that owl! EEEEE! Take care and enjoy your book. I'm going to put it on my reading list! Hugs!

Bluebird49 said...

We love Chuck Swindoll, too! He has such good common sense and a warm voice!
Sounds like you're much better. If you looked back at your journal, you'd see how much you've accomplished just since then. It's good to get replenished, and it's good to see and hear the sounds of the country!
The owl is quite something. --- and not very happy! He is a protected species, isn't he? Sorry he got into the chickens!!
Keep enjoying your vacation. Sounds like lots of things going on down there!!

Chatty Crone said...

We had fog all morning and then about one o'clock the sun came out! It felt so nice.
I loved that picture of the sunset - it was gorgeous!
Wish I could watch the Cary Grant movies with you - if I remember he was from Sussex England the same as Kate Winslow who played in the Titanic.

Love, sandie

Vee said...

Oh that owl really looks ticked and kinda messed up. Must’ve forgotten to use his napkin. Bet Sherry wasn’t too pleased with him either. Glad you got out Monday even if it was like bucking broncos. Do you ever watch Maine Cabin Masters? They are on the DIY network; lots of good ideas for camps and cabins and homes away from home. Season Two episodes can be watched free and other programs are free as well if one’s provider allows.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I know your both glad to be getting that room finished! Your candles sound delightful!

Amazing photo of the owl, but I hate that they like the chickens!

Glad you’re feeling better!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a treat, a Great Horned! And he looks very mad and threatening! I can hear all the poor chickens screaming and clucking. Your sky picture is gorgeous!! The black and white horse is so beautiful!! I am glad you are staying such a long time now, it seems to be such a healing place for you.

Susie said...

Linda, Sounds like a busy time there at the ranch. The owl and the horse both are beautiful. You do see some sights there. :):) Seems men love eating fried things. Just the way my mother would have cooked it. LOL. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you could go to town and get out and about and find some good deals too. The owl story made me sad but I guess it is life.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It sounds like you needed those days at the camper but I'm glad it is drier and that you could get out and are feeling better. I'm going to make an effort to get out to Lowes today, I have a couple of gift cards to spend. Not building anything though, but looking for things here at home.It's very cold out so I may wait for a warmer day. It's going to be so nice for you to have walls there. I'm sure you have plans for them. It's Wednesday morning here and we have snow on the ground.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do hope all those building supplies are for the bathroom so you can take ashower there and not wade through mud to the house for a shower... turn about is fair play on one waits in the truck while other shops. I can't even get bob to ride and sit in the car. that owl is amazing, poor scared hens.. hope they let him go. not his fault he is a chicken eater and the super market door was left open...lol
your country getaway sounds as though it is going well. glad the sun came out to dry things off... we are going to get our one day of winter tomorrow. wake up to 45 high of 61, but next day back to normal. today was 62 going to 72, the last 5 days were 62 to 78 each day

Arlene G said...

So glad you are enjoying your time at the ranch. One night in Grimmwood I heard an owl catch a baby critter and it screamed and cried...I was so upset. I know it is part of the circle of life but still!! We hope to go to Grimmwood next week if Marvin's sciatica is better.

BeachGypsy said...

i love those campfire pictures from the previous post! AND THE PRETTY GEESE!! Glad everythings going well there for y'all, and my goodness, those fish suppers LOOK SO DELICIOUS!! I love cole slaw IF IT'S GOOD COLE SLAW. I don't like the runny drippy kind and it has to be flavored right! I grew up calling it "cold slaw". ha ha! Oh my gosh, that beautiful owl......he had TO HAVE BEEN REAL HUNGRY to go make a kill like that. Yikes. His eyes are amazing. I can understand them not wanting their chickens attacked though! Sounds like your new year has started off just right!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sounds like a very full day just from reading about what you both did on your day out, Linda. My favorite buy was the Cary Grant movie collection that Louis Dean got and your book finds looked great too. Too bad about the chicken that was the owl’s meal and hope he was successfully shooed out, but how? I have never eaten catfish, but looks like it was an enjoyed meal out and free beer too!

Carole said...

Free beer and margharitas! I need a place like that near me. Cheers