Saturday, January 26, 2019

Our Saturday.....

I am still processing things and I think my siblings are doing the same.
Deanie and Nita have shouldered the brunt of the burden in dealing with all the arrangements and the many things to do that you don't think about until the time comes.
We have kept our messenger thread humming the last few days.

Louis Dean and I will be going home tomorrow.
This was our last full day to be here at the ranch this month.

As always, Louis Dean had a job he was doing.
The wind from a few days ago had blown out some of the insulation he had put up along where the camper meets the front room. Today he put it back and then covered that section with 1 X 4's so that won't happen again.

I worked in the front room while he was up on the roof.
I told him that was so I could hear the thud if he fell off but I was only teasing.
I was out there so I could hold the ladder steady as he was going up and down.

It was a beautiful day ....and I find that I continue to watch the sky.

It has been a special weekend because Crystal is here!
That's Dean and Sherry's daughter and she is an awesome young lady.
It's always a treat to get to see her.

We had lunch together......

I roasted some veggies with rosemary I brought from home.

Dean and Sherry cooked up some tasty brisket and we put everything together and had a feast!

After we ate, they went back to work on their projects and we went back to ours.

The work room Louis Dean built has certainly come in handy!
My son, Jesse, gave us the storage system - with the colored tubs there behind him.
Originally used for children's toys, it is just perfect for Louis Dean's plumbing and electrical parts.
While he did his projects, I did mine.

Sine it was a pretty day - although a bit chilly - I took my divider out to the picnic table and worked on the other side. It was getting dark when I was winding up so Louis Dean turned on his flood light with a flick of a switch right by the front door. He is so proud of that light. It is LED!
I used wine themed calendar pages for the other side but it was too dark to take a picture when I finished.

The I started another painting.
Using a good bit of paint and large sweeping strokes to cover the canvas felt good.
Details will come next time I work on it.

We had another great meal together - Louis Dean, Dean, Sherry, Crystal and I - and it was like a party!

This time Dean had cooked ribs and they were delicious!!

Crystal is one of the coolest people ever and it's like we are with a celebrity when she's here.

I don't think Dean realizes just how much I love him.....
he is as good as gold and as loyal a friend as you could ever find.
Being with Dean and Sherry and Crystal this weekend has been a comfort and blessing to my heart and soul.

And guess how we ended the night??

With fireworks!

It was a wonderful celebration of life today.
Celebrating Louis Dean as he was doing work that most 82 year olds aren't usually doing anymore.
Celebrating with family meals and talk and laughter.
Celebrating all the friends and loved ones who have sent messages of love and comfort to me and my siblings this day.
It was a good day.

We will close up the camper and go home tomorrow.
All the arrangements have now been made for Mother.

Her funeral will be Tuesday morning at 11:30 and she will be buried alongside her mother and daddy, her sister and brother in the family plot at Greenwood Cemetery.
Visitation will be Monday evening from 6:00 - 8:00.
All six of Mother's children will be together as we say our final goodbye.
Words fail me as to how to express what I am feeling now.
Somehow I think it is poetic that - even though two of the six of us grew up separately from us and from each other - we will all be together Tuesday.
Only God.....


Ginny Hartzler said...

I do not imagine you are looking forward to going home. But your strength and your family will surround you, it will be good to all be together and share memories and thoughts. Your fireworks picture is awesome!! And your room divider of calendar pages the most amazing craft I have ever seen. Still praying for you and your family, God bless you!!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you, may you find comfort in God's unfailing love.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is a blessing you all have each other to lean on and to be together. the video of LD the 82 year old ON THE ROOF is beatufiful. the sky is awesome and the glint of sun off the roof is beautiful. you and I are blessed to have 82 year old hubbies that still Can Get on The Roof..

Vee said...

It is absolutely true that Louis Dean is still doing work that much younger men can not do. Being on his knees on a roof? Oh yes, that’s one of them right there. He sure is keeping his storage room organized...another rarity for many, men and women alike.

That photo of your mom is a lovely one.

It is wonderful that you were with people whom you love and who love you. It sure does help in the process of going through this life.

Praying still...

Susie said...

Linda, That sweet LD is one heck of a working man. He's like that energizer bunny...just keeps on working and working. May he work many more years. So nice that Dean and Sherry share their joys with you and LD. Cute granddaughter. Lots of good country cooking.
I like that picture of your mother. Life has a way of turning and twisting . Some times we just have to go with it , for there may be nothing we can do to stop the path it takes us on. God granted you and your siblings a great strength to endure. Blessings to all of you. Please hug everyone for us. xoxo,love you, Susie

Brenda said...

Lovely family!!!prayers!!! Dean and his family seen fantastic!! Love the fireworks. Where is the farm?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am so glad your brother and sisters will be there with you. It's so hard! I'm keeping you all in my prayers precious friend. With love, Diane

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's wonderful that you had such a good weekend with wonderful people celebrating life. I know the days to come won't be easy, but thankfully you have family to support you. Take care and God Bless!

Bluebird49 said...

Thinking of you as you go home! I know you were glad to be with Dean and Sherry with their daughter. What a lovely family you have!
I will be thinking and praying for you and your siblings Monday and Tuesday as you say a final goodbye to your mother!!

MimiG said...

That picture of your mother is so good, what a beautiful one to share. I'm glad you posted what you did about Dean, I think Sherry will want to share that with him after she reads her blog. I believe he loves you too!
That tiny Crystal is such a cute girl! And, such a welcoming smile. It makes you feel good to see her.
Prayers will continue for you and your family - God does work in mysterious ways, doesn't He? I hope, after the gathering Tuesday, y'all continue to become closer and closer. Sending much love and light your way.

Carol said...

My thoughts, love and prayers are with you and your siblings at this time. I know losing your mother has been hard although you were well aware that she was at the end of her time on earth. Just remember that this goodbye is not permanent as you will see her again! God Bless You!!

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

Prayers for you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. May your memories bring you comfort now.

I'm so glad you are surrounded by so many loved ones.

God bless you all, Net

Judy McPherson said...

Even though you know this is coming it hits you very hard. So fortunate you have siblings to share your grief with. Keeping your family in thoughts and prayers

Anonymous said...

Please know you are being thought of with prayers and love.
Your faith will sustain you and thankfully friends and
family will be at your side as you face each day ahead.

NanaDiana said...

Yes-Only God, Linda. What a blessing it is to share something-even grief. I am sorry for you but, like you, believe your mom is in a better place...and her mission was accomplished as she brought you all back together as adults.

Loving your screen and LD is such a good guy and so active for 82!

Glad you had fun with Crystal and family. Have a safe trip home. xo Diana

Arlene G said...

I am glad that you are able to stay at the ranch another day or two to process your feelings in a peaceful place. Much Love to you Linda. I feel like we are true friends and my heart aches for you right now. Enjoy the time with your family....the one sweet thing about funerals, seeing people you seldom see.

Tina said...

It's so good to know that you have such a wonderful and loving family surrounding you at this difficult time. Louis Dean is amazing, I know many people that are much younger and cannot do the work he does! He's a keeper for sure! I love your chicken screen! Please know I'll be thinking of you and praying for you over the next few days! Lots of Love to you and your family!

Mary said...

Linda, I’ve been following along on your journey with your mom as I was going through the same tough times with my mom. My mom passed away three months ago. Hardest day and 3 months of my life so far. I do know what you are going through and I’m praying for your family. Thankfully you’ve all reconnected. God is good. Continue the journey.

Xoxo. Mary

Anonymous said...

Linda, Please accept my sincere condolences, I’ve never committed before but wanted to say how sorry I am and that you were a wonderful loving daughter, Jo x

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You are surrounded by people who love you and that’ll make it easier to lay your mothers body to rest. All six of you together - Gods Grace.

BeachGypsy said...

we have just returned home and I saw the sad sad news. I'm hurting right along with you, my friend. If there's anything at all I can do to help, just let me know. Sending my love and prayers and condolences. I will be thinking of you Monday and Tuesday as you walk along this difficult path, you will feel like you won't make it....but YOU WILL. I'm so glad y'all will be together as a good strong family unit, it will help so much. You can hold each other up. I believe she's in a better place....and in time your memories will make you smile, instead of cry. Hugs, my friend!

The Feminine Energy said...

Another one of life's passages... a passage that most children need to make, in the burying of their parent(s). My deepest and most sincere sympathy to you, dear friend. May God be with you as you & your siblings & all your family and friends navigate through this time of mourning and grief. All of your blogging friends here will be with you too, in spirit and in love. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Changes in the wind said...

A testimony for God's word.."All things work for the good of those that love the Lord". You and your siblings have not only survived but shined and now you stand together unified as never before. Peace, strength and comfort is my prayer for you all.

Wanda said...

Dear Linda. What a wonderful post. I think your Louis Dean is the 8th wonder of the world. What he does at his age is amzing. You must keep him young!

You will be in my thoughts as you and your family lay your mother to rest.

I thank the Lord he gave me you for a special blog friend. Hugs and God bless You.

Carole said...

Linda, you and your siblings are doing your mother proud. Just be yourself and don't worry whether that is seen as appropriate or not. Everyone handles grief in different ways. Kia kaha

Brenda said...

Prayers today
Glad you have lovely husband and dear children with you!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You neded your time at the ranch and having others there with you may have helped with the sorrow you are going through, Linda.