Sunday, January 13, 2019

A Slow Country Weekend......

 It's been a perfectly lovely weekend in the country. Slow and easy going.
I finally managed to finish chapter 16 and even did an outline for chapter 17 and then actually started writing it. I'm thinking if I just keep plugging away at it, I'll look up one day and find that I've written a book. My goal is to write every day. Even after we go home - and we will go home sooner or later - I'm going to to continue to write.

Saturday was cold wind and blue skies but muddy after Friday's rain.
Dean and Sherry aren't afraid of a little mud and they were hightailing it to town.

They did get stuck in the mud back down at the fork down by the new duck coop.
I saw Sherry hop out and go get her tractor - but Dean had managed to get the truck out of the muddy ditch and up on the road that runs in front of where we are. She parked the tractor on the driveway up here and off they went!

Louis Dean worked most of Saturday finishing that north wall.
I decided to surprise him with some Hot Wings to eat while we listened to the football game.

He used to go to Little Caesar's and get three different kinds for game day.

I remembered he liked them hot and spicy!
I had brought a big bag of frozen wings with us when we came down so I seasoned all of them with salt and pepper and browned them on both sides in oil.
I had a dozen wings so I used just BBQ sauce of four of them.
Hot chili jam on four and a jar of Cran-Razz sauce on the other four.
Then I turned the electric skillet down real low and cooked them for a couple of hours.
They were delicious!

I roasted some potatoes and carrots with a drizzle of oil on them and Slap Yo Mama seasoning.

We tuned in to the radio station for the pregame show and then settled down to listen to a rather exciting and finally disappointing football game.
We turned off the radio and turned out the lights......our party was over!

Sunday has been what I often think Sundays should be - a day of rest.
We had our coffee and devotional and breakfast - and then went back to bed.
Louis Dean slept for hours.
He's been working steady since we've been here and I think he truly needed some extra rest.

I didn't want to wake him up by washing dishes or making a lot of noise so I went out to the front room and cut up the rest of my denim.

I have a lot of quilt squares ready to sew now!

Instead of whacking up this pair of denim overalls that I used to wear back in the 1990's, 
I decided to cut across the bottom and I'm going to try my hand at sewing this to a shirt top or a t-shirt and then adding some printed fabric to the back and then lace layers at the bottom. 
I know that sounds like a mess but I've been seeing some clever creations on Pinterest.
We will see how it turns out.

I went out after the sun had gone down behind the trees this evening.
The sun was blinding today.
I gave the horses roasted tomato tortillas.
They seemed to really like them.

I thought this was a pretty sunset this evening.
It's setting later and later......

In other news.....
Summer arrived back in Texas Thursday after spending 40 days in Puerto Rico.
She took Friday off to rest up after a full day of travel and then Saturday and Sunday she has felt so good she's been out and about visiting people.

This afternoon she went to the nursing home and visited.
Lillian was glad to see her!

Mother was happy she came.

Summer made the rounds visiting all our ladies there and even had a quick visit with Mr. Ester.
She knew that would mean a lot to me so she sent me these photos.

Our movie today was Same Kind of Different as Me.

I read the book.
I think Deanie recommended it to us.
 She may have passed around her copy to Nita and Lonnie and me. She does that a lot. 

That's what she did with The Glass Castle......

and Twelve Mighty Orphans.

The movie stayed true to the book for the most part.
The authors, Ron Hall and Denver Moore, spoke at my son, Jesse's church and Louis Dean and I went to hear them. I remember Jesse set us on the front row off to the right of the platform.
It was an excellent movie and gave us much food for thought.

We have been down here at the ranch for 17 days and tonight Louis Dean played his guitar and sang to me for the first time since we've been here.

I'd say that's a pretty good way to close out this weekend!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What you are making from that denim, I can see it! It is very popular and there is a designer on QVC who sells tops like this. It will be awesome! Be sure and post it when you are done. Is Summer staying at your house? I am so glad she is well enough to go visiting! Your Sunday was just what Sunday is supposed to be!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

A friend of mine made a coupon organizer out of denim pockets. So creative! I'm curious to see how your shirt turns out.

Best of luck with the book. A few hundred words a day is how it's done!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A good weekend. Hugs.

Hootin Anni said...

I can't wait to see the results of your denim & lace project! I just KNOW it will be nice. I was totally surprised Cowboys didn't win. There's always next year. Hot wings & a game...couldn't be a better way to spend together.

Susie said...

Linda, I long to sleep in one day. LOL. Loved seeing Summer's happy smile with her granny and friends at the home.
Your game foods sounded pretty good. Ted would have loved eating that. Actually , Yesterday at the hospital he said he was going to order the chicken tenders to eat. He has only been eating applesauce. I did not get to stay long enough to see if he did order the chicken. I miss my sweet man being home with me.
The horses are so pretty. You know I love sunsets. I too noticed the days are getting longer. Hooray. Blessings to you and your singing cowboy. Love you guys, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I agree, Sundays should be a day of rest. We all need that for sure. Your wings sound wonderful and they are my favorite part of the chicken. Looks like you do have plenty of squares for another quilt too. Denim is so durable it never seems to wear out and I'm glad you've found a way to repurpose it .Hope you have a happy Monday and a great week ahead.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, it doesn't feel like 17 days in the country... can't wait to see the overall creation... if I cut out those squares each would be a different size. I can't even cut much less sew.... good thing they have a tractor for mud hauling... glad you both got a lot of rest.

Changes in the wind said...

So special that you remember what LD likes and surprise him and think the horses feel the same:) Same like me was a really good movie, I watched it on Netflix recently. I am sure your denim top will turn out real cute.

jackie said...

Wow, that is a long time. Do you facetime or talk with the quads while you are away. I bet they miss you!

Chatty Crone said...

Andy had to read Same Kind of Different ... for school.
So what are you and Dean building there - a house?
Can horses eat those - gosh I don't know anything.
I think that is wonderful listening to football and making Dean that meal - you are awesome.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your weekend sounds great! Very low key and restful!

Too bad about the Cowboys! Boo!

Can’t wait to see your top when you finish it!

BeachGypsy said...

Linda, I love reading of your country adventures and seeing what you and Louis Dean, and your family, are up to! I loved the horse pictures. I never knew horses would eat things like that!!??---fun to see!! Thanks for your compliments--mercy girlfriend, my outfits are just one big hodge podge of whatever I grab and go, usually, most days! LOL ha ha, but thanks for the compliments anyway. On Sundays if we've been to church, you'll see me dressed up more, and we often make blog pictures on those days. I do love to make up fun outfits though....gypsy style of course!! LOL You know me and my long swirly skirts and my hats, ha ha!! Loved seeing the books and movies you've been enjoying, I put a few on my new post today too.

Vee said...

Eating great food, reading good books, sleeping happy sleeps, whacking out denim squares...ahhh, life is good down on the ranch. Glad that Summer is home for a spell and feeling better.

Saimi said...

I love the farm life!! And holy cow, kudos to you on cutting all that denim its so hard to cut! I've made a denim quilt before and man my hands were sore from all that cutting and thats using a rotary blade. I can't wait to see your finished product on your denim shirt what a crafty idea!!
You have a good week now,

Debbie said...

it sounds like the country has been good to you and for you!! the wings look so amazing, i am drooling on my computer!!

i expected the cowboys to win...i guess there is always next year!!!

writing a book, lot's of sewing, i never know how you find the time for all of it!!

Judy said...

It looks like life on the ranch is treating you well!

We watched that movie (Same Kind of Different) in a theatre when it came out. Excellent.

Do you cut all your denim with scissors? That is hard work.

Nancy Chan said...

How I wish I could sleep and wake whenever I want to. I am very keen to see your denim project. Happy Tuesday!

Carole said...

Now that's a tower of denim! Congratulations on the book progress. Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I really enjoy reading about you spend your time at the ranch, Linda, even if I do not comment on every post. You and Louis Dean share so many wonderful times together and it's heartwarming to read about them.