Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday's Visits!

Summer bundled up in her pretty red cloak and drove from Rowlett to Irving to pick me up right at 10:00 this morning. I was ready! She brought with her a Spiced Pumpkin Latte from Starbucks and a McMuffin from McDonald's. A perfect start to a really good day!

Isn't she the cutest thing??
All pert and sassy and - what is best of all - she felt as good as she looked!!

We love our time together!
So many times Summer smiles through her pain but here lately she has managed it well and has had several good days. Not necessarily pain free but certainly greatly reduced pain.

We visited Mother. Always before, as soon as Summer would walk in Mother would smile big in recognition and say something. This morning there was a slight pause before Mother knew who we were. But she did know. Mother didn't eat the lunch they served and she is literally skin and bones.
She threw away her dentures a few weeks ago but today she had teeth! Makes a big difference in the way she looks so I hope she keeps these! She also had new glasses on.
It was a happy visit for the most part. It hurt Summer to see her Granny but even so, she was glad she did. Mother has been a good grandmother to her grandchildren. While we were on our trip to Arizona last month, Trish was saying that Granny had been there for all the older grands over the years. We have always told our children that their relationship with their Granny is their relationship and it has been a special one.
I had prayer with Mother before we left and read the 23rd Psalm to her.
Other than the pain of seeing her so frail, it was as good a visit as it was possible to have.

I had brought shrimp cocktail and crackers in for Lillian and took a plate down to Roberta to eat with her lunch. Lillian's sodium level is a bit low so last week I brought her a shaker of salt - with her doctor's permission. This is Dr. Bui and everyone loves him! I had baked lemon poppyseed muffins and gave him the last two.

Dr. Bui is also Roberta's doctor.
We wish he was Mother's and when Summer told him so, he said he wished he was too.
It was nearly 1:30 when we left the nursing home and we still had places to go and things to do.
First stop was a thrift store and then a Half Price Book Store.
I have just about finished my Christmas shopping for the younger grands.

Summer dropped me off in Quadville this afternoon so Amber and Mike could go to the teacher conference. What with the four kids being in two different classes, both parents need to be there.
I did the homework and reading routine while they went to the meeting.
Afterwards the kids and I played Bingo and it was a lot of fun.

It's been a long busy day and Summer had one more stop on her way back to Rowlett.
Amber told us about a store she's discovered that's not far called Dirt Cheap.
She had been there this afternoon and found some amazing deals. The store is kind of like an unclaimed freight and has merchandise from Target, Home Depot and other stores.
So that's where Summer went. She called me later and said she found a fireplace heater like the one I have been wanting for the camper and the gazebo. Looks like a gas fireplace but actually puts out some good heat. They had two left so while Amber was cooking dinner, I borrowed their truck and met Summer at the Dirt Cheap Store and bough that heater. Bev and Brian has one in the guest room when we stayed with them up in British Columbia and we loved it and have been wanting one ever since. Now we have it! Can't wait to get the gazebo cleaned up and dressed in Christmas finery!

By day's end, Summer was pretty tired and moving slow but she had put in a good day!

It's been fun to be here with Amber and Mike and the kids.
All four are doing so well in school and Amber said she is profoundly grateful for that.
10 days after birth, Harrison was fighting for his life and suffered some brain bleeds. Kaily has had some significant problems to overcome - hearing loss in one ear and that huge hole in her heart.
The NICU journey can stretch far beyond infancy and it is by the grace of God that all the issues these four have gone through have been successfully resolved. All are at grade level or beyond with no learning disabilities. 

 I witnessed the nightly routine - homework, play, dinner, showers, reading, play and bed for the kids.
Preparing and serving dinner, checking off the homework and getting the folders and backpacks ready for tomorrow, preparing lunches, setting out outfits, finding warm pajamas, giving out medicine, doing laundry, starting the dishwasher, making tea, folding laundry, carrying it upstairs, picking up and even setting out a few Christmas decorations and then, finally, taking her own hot shower and falling into bed for Amber. Mike did his fair share of things, as well, but I didn't pay attention to all he did. Feeding the dogs, helping in the kitchen, taking out the trash and many other chores were all his doing.
The children are sound asleep in their beds and Amber and Mike are upstairs watching a bit of TV before calling it a day.
I am all alone downstairs and about to take my iPad and book, get under those cozy flannel sheets in the guest room and go to sleep early.

It's been a day to pay attention to the young and to the elderly.
Both are fragile and vulnerable and both need to be treated with much love and patience.


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A very good day Linda. Hugs.

Bluebird49 said...

Summer looks wonderful, and I'm so glad to hear she wasn't in as much pain today! I am a chronic pain sufferer, and I appreciate every better day I have, too!
You've had such a busy day, (as always), and Lillian looked really good--I know she loves you so much.
Your afternoon with the quads and Amber just the thing you needed, I know. I am sure you were a wonderful role model for your kids. Amber can just get things all done--just as do you!
Hope you are resting well right now!
Love you!

Vee said...

What a very good day! Those parting true.

Anonymous said...

Linda I don’t know anyone that makes the best of each day as you do, you are truly my inspiration,

Susie said...

Linda, Summer does indeed look beautiful. I am so happy you had a great visit with your mom and Summer was right there too. You have taught your children well. I some times wish I could give everyone a hug. All of your family...those adorable children. I know no grass grows under Amber's feet. :):) She's done an amazing job raising those sweet quads. I see Summer has your ability to find bargains. LOL. Wonderful !! Blessings to all there, love you, xoxo, Susie

Bernice said...

Oh Linda, I about choked on my coffee when I read that Amber had sent Summer to a new store “Dirt Cheap” My foggy morning brain was like,why send Summer to a store like that. We have many Dirt Cheap stores here which sell many types of liquor and tobacco products....glad to read your Dirt Cheap sells discontinued items from various stores🙂
Thanks for sharing your wonderful day at the nursing home,and your evening with the Quads.
Amber amazes me with all she does.

Carol said...

So glad to hear that Summer is finally feeling a bit better and I am so glad to know that the quads are doing well. I am glad you got to spend time with your precious mother and I am sure that she was thankful to see you as well.

Kathy said...

I'm so glad to hear that Summer is feeling better. It has been a pleasure getting to know her since we became facebook friends. I love my fireplace heater and it does throw out an amazing amount of heat. Glad you got to see both your mom and the quads. Amber and Mike are amazing. I don't know how they do all they do.

Changes in the wind said...

Summer always has a big smile but today you could clearly see she felt better, hope she has more good days. Glad you got the heater and hope you can make the trip soon. Hard to watch your Mom grow weaker but you are faithful to be supportive and that is very important.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That last quote is so true!

Summer looks wonderful! So glad to see that she is doing better.

The quads are really changing, maturing in their features.

Your day was a good one!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You certainly had a full and fulfilling day! Lots of love being shared all around. Couldn't get much better than that !

The Feminine Energy said...

A busy and good day.... you were blessed and you did some blessing. What a nice balance. Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

Summer is looking SO good! And I am so glad to hear that she is feeling better! Has she found a new treatment? What do you credit this to? Lots of prayers for sure. What an awesome breakfast she brought you! I don't know HOW you managed to get the Quads Christmas presents, what with all you do!! I do have the stockings ready, but that is IT! I need suggestions for what to get everyone! What did you get the Quads?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, busy day for you and those around you.
Glad you found the fireplace heater you have been searching for
at the Dirt Cheap store. Have a happy day! Phyllis

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so true about the young and old being so fragile. glad you found the fireplace. I would love one but would not use it enough to justify buying one. love the quads and Summer shot and I really LOVE that red cloak...

Maureen said...

Hi Linda---Summer does look fantastic, and I'm so glad she's feeling better! Has she found something that is helping? Could you please let me know the name brand for the fireplace heater? I've purchased a couple and we ended up taking them back because they either didn't give heat or the flames were very disappointing. Would love to find one! I'll keep praying for Summer. Pray tell Linda--where did your mother's teeth come from. My husband and I used to laugh how things would get passed around at my MIL's nursing home. You have to laugh, or else you'd cry. Praying for you too--this is a hard time for you all. Love ya, Maureen

Maureen said...

Oh Linda-- I should have finished reading your post before commenting.Your last comment touched my heart as I care for my own mom and special needs child. Thank you--I'm going to put it in my save it book to remind myself that it is a privilege to care for the young, elderly, different, special needs and the list could go on and on. Oh heck--we're all on that list!!! Jesus tells us in John 13:34 that he's giving us a new commandment to love one another just as he loved us, and others will know we are his disciples if we love one another (my paraphrase). Thank you for the lovely reminder!

Carole said...

Linda, it makes my head hurt just to start to think about all the things Amber and Mike have to do! They are amazing - just as well they are still young! Glad you had a good day - and Summer too! Cheers

Nonnie said...

Your daughter looks beautiful in the red! I'm sorry your mother is not eating as she should. Your daughter Amber and her husband Mike are truly amazing in all they do and also blessed to have you. Linda, I think you spread all those lovely qualities wherever you go. That closing quote! I'm saving it.

Blondie's Journal said...

A busy, happy day for you, Linda. As always, I love your energy! So nice to see those quads looking so much older!!

Bless Summer as she navigates through her pain. And Amber and Mike as they make their children such a priority!!

Love ya,

Jane x