Monday, November 5, 2018

Roofing and Other Things!

Oh, my goodness!
Louis Dean has been up on top of the house every day since Halloween working on the roof.

He's actually roofing half of the back side and was trying desperately to get past the part that's leaking before the rains came in Saturday night. He nearly made it.
Silly me......I thought he would just get up there and roof over where the leak is.
I knew where it was from inside the house. There were wet rings and damaged plaster.
However, it must not be that easy to find when you are on the outside.
And Louis Dean explained that you can't just roof a spot because the water might be coming in from higher up and rolling down. I don't understand but he's getting it done.
This isn't his first roofing job!

I like the way this photo turned out.
It looks like it's at night but I actually snapped this while I was up on the ladder and shooting into the sun. Thursday, Friday and Saturday were all pretty days to be outside so that made for good roofing days.

What was I doing while he was up there?
Hovering. Checking on him. 
I hung out in the sewing room doing the budget and paying bills.
Then I filled a month's worth of medicines for both of us.
That took awhile.
I cleaned out the nasty awful dirty refrigerator.
I don't know why my fridge looks like hoarders live here.
All of my sisters have refrigerators that when you open them - they look like a picture from an appliance store!

Thursday I used a lot of what was in there to make a good meal.
I didn't know if Louis Dean would want a bottle or a can of that good Canadian beer we bought on our vacation. Produced and bottled right there in Creston, British Columbia where Bev and Brian live. He chose the can and poured it into a frozen mug.

Friday I cleaned out the nasty awful dirty freezer for the first time in forever!
We have had a mysterious wet spot just in front of the coffee cart.
Louis Dean turned the water off to the ice maker thinking it was that.
The ice maker didn't really work even half the time anyway.
But the spot kept getting wet.
We thought we must be spilling water when we made the coffee.
Well, the problem was all the ice build up in the lower pull out freezer part of the fridge.
I found things down in the bottom that I had no idea what they were!
I did find some pinto beans and some BBQ beef so that made a good supper for Saturday night - 
especially since I baked up some homemade cornbread and sliced up some onion.

Back in the summer when Deanie and Charlie gave us their bunk beds, I had painted the two walls that the bunks would use - meaning to paint the other two walls later.

Later arrived.
I prepped it on Friday and painted on Saturday.
At least this wall, I did.
Then Louis Dean came in to tell me his nail gun had bit the dust so he was going to go buy a new one. He got so frazzled at Home Depot when he couldn't get anybody to help him that he went over to Lowe's - which is just across the street. An older gentleman there was able to help him and he finally found one and came home. However, he had bought knee pads and he said he must have left them in the buggy because he didn't have them. He was in such a state that he said it wasn't safe for him to drive so I stopped in my tracks and took him back up to Lowe's.

He looked in all the buggies and didn't see them so he went inside and bought another set.
When we got home I was getting something out of the trunk and guess what?
There was the missing set of knee pads!
They were dark colored and was on top of something else that was dark colored so Louis Dean didn't see them. By this time it was too late to go back up on the roof and rain was about to move in so he secured all his stuff and called it a day.

I've left the art table set up for weeks now and I sit down and paint for a few minutes when I can.
One more session will finish this Santa off!
Details on the tree and some on his face plus maybe a pair of glasses and I will call it done.
This is going to be my giveaway Santa this year.
I'm really late - last year I had already had the drawing.
I'm thinking I will start with this post and will count every comment as an entry.
Louis Dean will draw the winning name on Monday, November 19th.
Since I work in oils, I may not get to mail it until December 1st since the reds take so long to dry.
I may use the old trick of putting the canvas in the oven with the light only on.
That speeds the drying up.

In between everything else I'm packing up all my fall decorations and storing them away.
This takes a good while to do.
Louis Dean and I went in the storage building and did some clearing out and cleaning up on the side we had not done yet. Two years ago we cleaned half of the storage area for my fall and had meant to clean the other half for the Christmas trees. Still not done but we hope it will be by the time Christmas is over.

Saturday night was time change and I wait to change it when I wake up on Sunday morning.
That way I get to own that extra hour!

This morning I took my coffee out on the kitchen deck.
It was so beautiful today! The honeysuckle is blooming and so so so fragrant!
It smells as strong as a Glade plug in!!
The wind was stirring the pecan trees overhead and as I looked up, I was reminded of the Holy Spirit.

I cut a small bouquet of roses, honeysuckle, lantana and rosemary and drank my coffee from my oldest and most treasured fall mug. That's how I spent my 'extra' hour. It was lovely.

We were actually - wait for it - early - at the Cowboy Church this morning!

After the service, we went over to visit Reaoma.
I love the way they have the living room all decked out for Thanksgiving.
I want to bring my book and just sit in here by the fire and read.

Louis Dean looked extra handsome today!
I took his picture.....

and then he took mine.
He keeps telling me we need more pictures together!
I wanted a pic of this tree as I plan to put one up next year in the gazebo.

Reaoma was in the dining room and the lady was just finishing feeding her when we arrived.
All she had left was Jello so I fed that to her and we sat and visited at the table.
Agnes is her table mate and she is such a sweet happy lady.
She has Alzheimer's disease so she forgets what she just said and repeats it.
What was so funny today was Louis Dean was all dressed in his Cowboy boots and hat and had a nice tie on and a tie tack and a pin. Agnes kept looking at him and would say, "You look GOOD, Honey!" Over and over. Then she's say his shirt was pretty or his tie and then his pin. After every comment she would reach out and he would take her hand. After awhile, he started to get embarrassed and by the end of our visit he was having a hard time getting his hand back.
I think Agnes wanted to keep him!
He told her he'd be back next week and she said, "Lord! Honey, don't wait so long!"

My sister, Luann, was at my house when we got home and she came bearing a gift!
A Christmas Camper Cookie jar!
Doesn't she look every bit as cute as the cookie jar?
I fixed us some grilled cheese sandwiches - we are still eating on that good Tillamook cheese we brought back from Oregon - and tomato soup for lunch. We ate and visited and had such a nice time.
Luann went home and I went back to work......

This was my last wall to paint and I'm happy to say I got it done.
All the things are off the wall and the dresser is clean and tomorrow I will finish the room.

Tonight I hung some things on this wall.
I filled two bags with stuff for the Goodwill so the walls are not nearly as full as they were.
While I was working in there this evening I was text chatting with a friend and she was putting up her Christmas. I carried a tub of fall stuff out to the storage building and my eyes landed on a new tree I bought last year after Christmas. 

The next thing you know I have it sitting pretty in front of the window!
Sharilyn, you inspired me!!

That gets me all caught up on my journal entries!

Now I want to share some of Summer and Sabrina's pictures from their weekend trip to Ceiba, Puerto Rico, a small island they had not been to before.

It was beautiful and they had a great time!

This picture right here says it all!

But this is my favorite!
Three smiling faces!!
Summer has really enjoyed her time with Sabrina and Rayne.
I think it shows!

Sabrina took this pretty picture.
It reminds me of a painting.

They arrived by ferry but Summer had a terrible time being seasick so - for the return trip to Humacao - Sabrina hired a plane taxi!

Summer got to sit in the co pilot's seat!

A great ending to a wonderful getaway!
She will be back in Texas on Saturday and then a week later Rayne and Sabrina fly in for two weeks.
Then Summer returns to Puerto Rico on December 3rd so she will only be here for 23 days before going back.

I'm thinking Puerto Rico is her Happy Place, what do you think?
I'm also thinking I may be gearing up for a visit there myself sometime soon.

It's after midnight and Louis Dean is already in bed asleep so I think I'm going to call it a day!
I'll be keeping tack of the comments by writing the names in a notebook and then cutting them in strips and putting them in a hat.


See you tomorrow!


Far Ago Farm said...

Hi Linda! Wow! You and Louis Dean are always so busy - hard to keep up with two. I totally understand the knee pad incident. We bought some paint brushes awhile back and could not find them anywhere - until, of course, we bought different ones, lol.Love your paint color - very cozy. I always adore your sweet Santa. What a talent you have! Enjoy this beautiful November week ahead. Jane

Anonymous said...

A visit with you is the best part of my day, I love the way you write, it’s so open honest and gentle, you have a wonderful family and they are blessed to have you, I always feel better just for Coming here, that was a shame about the knee pads but you know, he’s such a busy guy he could probably use two pair! It must feel good to have your fridge all fresh for the holidays, and the painting done! You are like the energizer bunny, you go go go!

NanaDiana said...

Hi Linda,
I always feel like I am right there with you when you post. I hope LD gets the roof done with no problems and can return one pair of knee pads. lol That is so frustrating when things like that happen.

Your Santa is beautiful (as always). He is great with or without glasses.

That was nice that Summer could fly back rather than get seasick.

Have a wonderful week!!! xo Diana

Bernice said...

Good Morning
You and Louis Dean do more in a day then some do in a whole week,you guys are such a inspiration.
I love the Santa painting, it would make a great Christmas card....subtle hint😀 Also a picture of you and LD together near that beatiful tree in the Livingroom at Reaoma’s would be wonderful....another subtle hint😀
I was just in my big freezer last week, made a list of what was in there, with the Holidays just about here hope to use up what we have, saving some money.
Summer looks so happy,and relaxed, the sandals in the sand is what life is all about there.
Thanks for sharing.

Brenda said...

I am exhausted just reading about your activities!!! Have been reading for about two months or so- love your adventures-maybe sometime you might explain who the folks are in your blog!!!

Vee said...

Louis Dean is amazing! Roofing is hard work. I’m sure that he’ll solve the roof leak problem. Glad that the lost was found.

And you! Where did you find all the energy? You sure need it for all that you’re up to and getting accomplished.

Sometimes, I wonder what’s going on with so many of’s as if this is our last Christmas and we’re going to do it up right...Why even I have Christmas decor on display...unheard of in former years!

MimiG said...

First, Summer's smile looks so REAL in the picture of the 3 of them. She looks so happy and peaceful. I know she loves the time that she gets to spend with Rayne and Sabrina. I hope you get to go visit them soon!
I had been missing your posts, but know why you were not posting - what a Wonder Woman you are! I've been really wanting to paint my dining room, you have now pushed me into it. Just have to pick out my paint color, which is almost as difficult as the painting!
Love the tree at the nursing home, what a great idea.. I have put my Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving with just lights on it, no decorations. I enjoy it that way too, especially at night with all the lights off.
Have a great day!

Susie said...

Linda, I truly understand LD's being upset about not getting help in the store. Glad he's all set to do his work. Now about those knee pads...are they non do not want him slipping around on the roof...yikes. Why do our men make us nuts? It's almost like having a grown stubborn kid around. LOL. Ted gets some work out today at the hospital....pray for him please. I try to make light but I am scared. I made him sit all weekend and I rake the front lawn and yesterday God sent a big wind and helped rake the backyard. :):) I loved seeing all the photos...Summer is a happy person to her core. :) Rayne needs to be squeezed , she's trying to grow too quickly. LOL. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love you, Susie
p.s. cute Christmas Santa painting, don't forget it if you put it in the oven.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You are so sweet to paint a Santa for one of us! You have such a busy life and work so and L.D. BOTH! Enjoy your day my friend!

Changes in the wind said...

It is totally amazing that LD is comfortable working on the roof at his age but so glad he is as I know he enjoys fixing things. Painting isn't the hard part it getting it ready to paint that is the hard part. The Santa looks great!

Bluebird49 said...

My head is swimming from all you two get done! 😍
I'd wager that Agnes was never the person she is now. Alzheimer's is such a strange disease. 😢 Louis needn't get embarassed, sometimes it's good to have a strong hand to hold!
Your Santa is so cute, and even without glasses! Wonder why we're so drawn to Santas?? Just the wonder in them, I guess!! Put me on the list please!! We'd love to give him a home!
Summer looks great! And so does the guest room. I know you'll get it all done and the Christmas tree is so pretty at the window.
Hope it's a good day for roofing. Glad you found what was leaking onto the floor!
xos to you both!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love this newsy post. I love that you and Louis Dean stay active and involved in peoples lives! I think that keeps you both so young!

Summer, Sabrina, and Rayne look tan and happy! Glad that they'll be home for Thanksgiving!

Arlene G said...

As usual I am exhausted just reading of all your busyness Linda. You two are so adventurous in your endeavors. Poor Louis Dean, I often feel that way at Lowes and Home Depot as well. It can be overwhelming and there are too many people asking to help you when you just want to look or you can find no one when you are ready to purchase something. And LD did look good in his cowboy church clothes. I loved your outfit as well. I just got up my Thanksgiving things but I need to sort my Christmas things and see what can be used and what new things I might need. Loved all the pictures. Have a good week.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I can't imagine honey suckle blooming in November. It's a late spring thing here. It's gotten colder and most anything that was blooming is long gone. Thank goodness for Louis Deans perseverance on fixing your roof. Hopefully it won't be long and that leak will be a thing of the past. What a cute gift with that camper cookie jar! Every camper should definitely have one! I won't put any of the fall things away till after Thanksgiving. I'm amazed at the people already starting their decorating, but I have to say your tree lit up does warm my heart. Hope this new week is a good one for you.!

Sharilyn said...

You are amazing in all that you accomplish! Im pretty sure you are the one that has inspired me in all my decorating!

Megan said...

Your Santa painting is beautiful and your home is so cozy!!

Dee said...

Hi linda, long time readerof your blog but have never comme ted. I have gone thru the atchives and have read every post, lol you might say
I am a fan of yours! You have a beatiful family and inspire me more than words can express. God bless you and keep you. Hi to louis dean!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking that yours and LD's ancestors included the everready bunny somewhere. I am exhausted just reading about all the two of you did this past few days. love the TG tree and your tiny tree and hope he gets that roof done before the next rain. you have to much rain and we have NONE... PR looks so beautiful, love the beach shot and the three happy faces are beautiful

Cheapchick said...

Kokanee is a great beer, I am not a beer lover but when I do occasionally have one I usually have that. Have you ever tried it with Clamato juice? It is really good that way too. You do need more pictures together with LD :)

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Linda and LD - a very full time in your lives. Always love reading your posts and seeing the pictures of what you are doing. Love your new tree- it has a good Christmas home.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a fabulous picture of Sabrina, Summer, & Rayne!! And I also love the picture of the sea and the palm tree leaf. Your picture of the sun is so pretty; it looks like it has a rainbow around it! You were up on the ladder?! And your little tree is so pretty and sparkly! We have a Lowe's and Home Depot right across from each other, too! Home Depot has never given us anything but trouble. And they usually don't have what we want. So we stick with Lowes, and only use Home Depot if we really have to. Will he return a pair of knee pads? I love your coffee corner!! I see you have two coffee makers. Is one for the camper, or do you each like a different kind of coffee? You need a self defrosting freezer!

Luann said...

It was a nice visit. The guest room looks very cozy and Puerto Rico is always a beautiful view. I think 2019 might just be a good time to visit! Hope I win the santa as I need a Christmas wall myself. ;-)

jackie said...

I read your blog every day and when you don't post, I keep checking back. You live such a wonderful life. It inspires me to be extra kind.

You are very talented, but my favorite time is when you decorate for Christmas.

Hope I am lucky enough to win?

Happy Turkey Day!


HappyK said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Look forward to reading your blog.
I've helped shingle a roof a time or two. : )

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, after reading this post, I may have to go and rest awhile because as so many others have already said, you and Louis Dean are two busy people. Hope the roofing project gets done before more rain arrives and about forgetting the knee pads, we've all done things similar. WHY is it that you always find something in the last place you look? Your Santa painting is looking very good and glasses would be nice, but only if you think so.

Carole said...

Hi LInda, I know what you mean about hovering when your other half is up ladders and stuff - I always worry but what can you do???? Hope you have a slower day tomorrow. Cheers

Jan said...

Sure do enjoy reading your blog. Your paintings
are beautiful

Chatty Crone said...

I looked at a ll your pictures and all that you do. You do a lot more in a couple days then I do in a month. Nice he can work on the roof and get it done! I understand hovering....

Carol said...

Welcoming us into your home and life the way you do is such a blessing. You and Louis Dean feel like family when I am reading these entries. God Bless You! Maybe one day I will make it to Texas to visit with you!

Summer does look happy and content when she is with Rayne in Puerto Rico.

VintageCrafter said...

Hello from Alberta, Canada, Linda! I love reading your blog and feel like I know both you and Dean from reading your blog posts. You have a very busy and fun filled life. Thank you for sharing your positivity and joy with all of us. You have an amazing talent. I LOVE your Santa. He is just perfect!

obscure said...

Linda -
I don't know if you know this but you could pass it on to Summer and Sabrina - Lin Manuel Miranda is bringing 'Hamilton" to Puerto Rico in January. Tickets will be regular price for tourists but heavily discounted for PR residents! Tickets are still insanely expensive in NY and he's not even in it anymore. I love that he's doing this!

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Lots to read about in your wonderful blog and to see
how busy you two always are. Your home is looking great with new roofing,
painting and decorating to preserve the warm and cozy feeling. And to think
I actually met you in September on your lucky am I? Love the
Santa painting and the bright tree in the window. Reminds me that I better
dig out some holiday decor but usually I wait until after Thanksgiving.
Have a happy day! love, Phyllis