Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Monday - Big Lots, Guest Room, Roofing and Santa Claus!!

I was up early - two hours before Louis Dean even stirred!
By the time he staggered down the hall to the kitchen to get a cup of coffe, I had already showered and dressed, done my prayer time and had my coffee! There may be something to this getting up early thing - but I don't do it often enough to make a habit of it!

This morning I was up for a reason.
Reaoma's daughter, Pam, had some serious looking foot surgery on Friday and can't drive yet.
I dopped her off at the doctor and shopped Big Lots while she had her follow up visit with her surgeon. This was a Win! WIN!! for me because I had a list of over half a dozen things I needed to pick up at the store. I thought sure I'd have to go to Walmart to get it all but I got every single thing on that list right there in Big Lots - just across the street from the hospital!

Now NONE of these things were on my list!
But I got them anyway!
I'm a sucker for those Little Debbie Tea Cakes.
I forget and call them Miss Debbie!
I buy a bunch every year and end up throwing some of them away as I always think I'm going to have more tea parties with the grands than I actually do. School has really gotten in the way!!
I'm also thinking ahead to my Christmas Tea which will be on a Wednesday this year.
Normally it's on a Tuesday evening but this year Jutta will be here from Finland so I decided to do the tea on her last night in Texas! If you are reading this and you are local - you are invited!
Wednesday, December 5th from 4:00 - 8:00. Or later! I will be sending out evites this weekend.

After my run at Big Lots, I picked Pam up and we visited Reaoma for awhile.
She never opened her eyes today.......

I came home and Louis Dean was up on the roof.
He should have waited for me but he was antsy to get this thing done.
He spent more time up there today than in the previous ones.
Another two days and he will have nearly the whole back side of the roof done.

He's pretty proud of himeself. He's showing off the nails for the nail gun and was telling me how hard it would be to do the work with a hammer. He learned everything he knows from Ruth Ann's Daddy.
His name was Jerl Doggett and Louis Dean admired him more than any other man in his life.
He's all the time asking me, "You know who I have to thank for teaching me that??" 'That' being whatever he's doing on a current project. I always ask, "Who?' even though I already know. 
He'll proudly say, "Jerl Doggett!!"
Seldom does a day go by without him talking about Jerl, Ruby Nell or Ellen.
Jerl and Ruby Nell were his in laws when he was married to Ellen.
And Ruth Ann is Ellen's sister.
Ellen's been gone 19 years now.......she was gone before either one of her parents.

He came in and took a long hot soaking bath while I finished up the guest room.

I took this picture from the top bunk.
I love the red walls.

They were red before I painted them and I painted them red again!

The room is small and rather cramped but I prefer to say that it's warm and cozy.

This is where my friend, Jutta, from Finland will stay when we come back from Galveston.
I'm driving down to meet her there and we will be going to Dickens on the Strand the first weekend in December and then coming back home on that Monday.
I will do some more decorating for Christmas in there once I get all the fall out of the house.
I'm determined not to open the Christmas house where I store my decorations until I've cleaned the canvas - so to speak. I've been think ing about how I want to decorate this year. The den and dining room are always the same. And the living room mostly. However, this year there's not room for the big tree in there after I bought that $15 chair and stool. I'm thinking I will make an extra living room out of the gazebo. For Louis Dean's bathroom, I'm going to do it up Cowboy Christmas style. I will hang my Cowboy Santa and last year's Sledding Santa in there along woth some other rutsic decorations. In the foyer I'm going to use a lot of gold and for our bedroom I'm going back to splashes of red. And I'm going to have a tree on the front porch this year. I finally took that white rocker to the curb.

But for now I'm content to light the candle and call the guest room clean!

Dinner smelled as good as it tasted tonight!
I used rosemary and peppers from our garden with the roasted potatoes and broccoli.

Candied carrot (Louis Dean's favorite!) and a salad to go with the Coconut Shrimp completed the menu. We watched a little TV after giving up on the Cowboys football game. It was painful.

Look what I got in the mail today!!The prettiest Christmas apron ever!
Sharilyn made it for me in an afternoon!
I forgot to take a pic of the pretty red lining.
Guess how I met Sharilyn?
She's the sister in law of Amber's college roommate, Lisa.
Louis Dean calls Lisa 'OUR Lisa' and he is especially fond of her.
He loves to hear her talk and they have a lot of fun when they're together.
Thank you, Sharilyn!! I love the apron and I'm so glad we connected on Facebook!

Louis Dean gave it up and went to bed since he was exhausted after a nearly entire day up on the roof. I settled in to do some painting as I'm feeling the urgency to get these Santas DONE!
I tried to work on the Giveaway one but it's still too wet. When I add the glasses, if they don't llok right, I want to be able to wipe them off without wiping his eyes out along with them!

So I started working on this one again.
It's a process and doesn't look good right away.
You have to add shadows before you can add the light.....
or there's no depth.

It's much the same with Life.
Without the shadows and the darkness in our lives, our lights wouldn't be as bright.
See that discolored fur at the bottom of the painting?
Once the paint has set up a bit, the white will look just perfect.
I'm loving painting these Santas. For awhile I was a little worried if I could do them but I think I've passed that now and am having a good time painting.

So far we have 39 entries.
I nearly teared up at all the kind comments from last night.
If 'Unknown' is reading this - please send me an email with your name so I can put it on the list.
There might be another 'unknown' and I want to make sure who is who.
My email address is on my side bar.
I just want to say how much I love all you friends.
My life has been blessed with all our visits back and forth and I have enjoyed getting to know those who read and do not have blogs. Emails, Facebook and messages have helped us develop real relationships and they mean a lot to me.

Okay, I need to go clean my brushes so I can go to bed.
No need to get up early in the morning so I think I'll do some reading before I go to sleep.


Kathy said...

There are so many happy things going on in your world. I love coming over to read your blog even if some days I am too tired to comment. Your Santa painting is wonderful. And while you are decorating for Christmas, I'm just trying to get Thanksgiving out!

Bluebird49 said...

I love visiting here every post! Yes, we catch up on Facebook---but this is where I "met" you and Louis Dean! I love reading autobiographies...I think it's why blogs attract me so! Not it's just you, Jane, (Blondie!), Judy, Sally, NanaDiana, and Deweena, and I'm sure a few others I can't recall right now.
I'm sorry Rheaoma wasn't up to opening her eyes today--she must be so tired.
Tell Louis he has been greatly blessed with how to do many things and with his music, too. And you with all you do! You two go around showering blessings as you go.
Jutta's gonna love her room! So pretty with the tree in it.
Remember my name for the Santa! We'll give him a wall if he happens to win us!

BeachGypsy said...

What a cute apron, I love aprons! And your Santa is looking really really great! You are so good at painting, mercy, I could never do something like that! LOL Sounds like your Christmas decorating is underway. I know it will all look beautiful and festive! Thank you for your sweet compliment, I love how you do YOUR PICTURES too! I'm so glad we are blogging buddies!

Carol said...

I love that gingerbread apron. My daughter LOVES gingerbread men and I am thrilled that she does as they make such cute décor at Christmas time. You are such a busy lady but get plenty of work done as well. I am impressed each time I read your blog and inspired as well.

mxtodis123 said...

I'm with you. I'm a sucker for Little Debbie's too. Have to stay away from them because I don't know when to stop. I love your red room as well. Looks so warm and cozy.

Estelle's said...

Linda...you just go and go! I love how you find so many interests and make friends so easily..it's a true gift! I hope you enjoy every day of the season and the marvelous Christmas coming soon!

Arlene G said...

We love those Little Debbie Christmas Trees at our house. I try not to purchase too many or I will eat them all. Your santa is really coming along. I love it when you explain the process to us. It is so interesting. Thank you and Louis Dean for being blog friends. I feel like I know both of you!

Net - "It's a Wonderful Movie" said...

So MANY things to love in this one post! First, your enthusiasm and giving spirit! So sweet! I'm with you... It's always wonderful to get everything in one place! That was your gift for giving back!

The guest room is so lovely! I love the tree with the drawn curtain. It all looks warm and inviting... all the color tones make it all look very rich!

The Santa painting is incredible! I love that you included the before and after shots! You have such an amazing talent. I love how the fur on his coat looks so fluffy and real!

The gingerbread apron is so cute! What a sweet friend and gift!

Blessings to you & yours, Net

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The guest room looks very inviting! And your Santa paintings are just the best...they have that old fashioned look that we all love. Enjoy your day sweet lady! Tell L.D. he's doing a fine job...be careful! Hugs to you both!

Changes in the wind said...

I have never met anyone who loves to decorate like you do. It is a lot of work but seems to make you very happy. The Santa is great and glad you had such a wonderful day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH NO on LD on the roof while home alone, glad it worked out good. I bet Big Lots is your friend forever. LOL.... hope you left a little for other shoppers. I also like your red wall, it is beautiful and is a color red that I prefer.. I have a lot of color in my house like that but not a wall

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Our Big Lots is not nearby so I rarely go there. I do go to Christmas Tree Shops though!

I love red walls! Your guest room is warm and welcoming!

Your Santa's are so good, Linda!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm a Little Debbie lover too and found a new one in the store recently called Turtle Brownies. They are delicious with peanuts and caramel. Your guest room looks very comfortable and cozy and will be the perfect place for your guest. I like Big Lots too and also get more than what was on my list. Your dinner looks wonderful. Coconut shrimp is a favorite of mine. Yum! Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Tina said...

Oh my gosh Linda I realized I haven't commented in a long time! But I do read every thing you post and I'm usually moved to comment on something but often just don't take the time to do it! Your Santa painting are gorgeous, they have such expressive faces! And I loved the last quote about novels, that's what inspired me to comment today! I so enjoy reading your blog and you and Louis Dean are such an inspiration! Have a great Tuesday!

MimiG said...

Good Morning! Light and dark - it's funny you posted about that as the book I'm currently reading discussed that yesterday. The older "wise woman" told the younger people that were fussing about all the dark talk "you cannot have light without dark and you cannot have dark without light, you would not know about one without the other". Profound I thought.
Tell LD to wait for you...don't go up there when he's alone.. I'm working this week, so not much cleaning going on, but 30 minutes each night when I get home will hold the house until this weekend.
I wanted to tell you the wedding pictures were enjoyed by me! Lovely couple and family. My sister and I take short road trips together, usually driving no more than 4 hours - we stop and start again the next day! I do NOT drive much at night either.
Have a beautiful day, oh, freeze those Little Debbie cakes, they'll be fine after thawing..

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your guest room looks like a little piece of fairyland!!! The picture you took is awesome! Yes, I can get so much more done when I wake up early, which is NEVER, ha! Only if we have a doctor appointment or some kind of engagement. But then of course I need a nap later. You seem to make lifetime friends wherever you go; you are like a JOY magnet!! I so much wish I could go to your tea party. The Santa is beautiful. I love your aprons, how sweet of her! Your plans for decorating sound GOOD, and I know you will make them happen and it will be beautiful!

Bernice said...

Hope you were able to sleep in this morning,the latest I have is 7or so, For a long time I was a night owl,getting the laundry and lots of cleaning done,not anymore,lucky if I make it to the news most nights.
I will have to check our Big Lots, didn’t realize they sold food.
Love the color in your guest room. Your whole house is so warm and inviting.
Have a nice day, thanks for sharing🙂

Carole said...

I love that pic about novels! Hope you don't mind me using it later??? Cheers

Hootin Anni said...

I always LOVE your paintings of Santa!! And your decorating style. You lead a most happy outlook on life & it shows thru your blog & family love.

You say
"Without the shadows and the darkness in our lives, our lights wouldn't be as bright."


Vonda said...

Just recently found your blog. I've really enjoyed reading about all your adventures.

Susie said...

Linda, Oh how I wish I lived close by...I would absolutely come to tea. :) Gosh, Linda little Debbie's were the treat my girls loved to have after school. You know how good those oatmeal pies are. LOL. Tell LD I am singing Merle Haggard's "Working Man Blues" to him. :) LD is one hard working fellow and never knows when to quit. LOL. He has the right idea with the nail gun...lets' work smarter, not harder. I love the way the guest room is looking. The quads will be wanting to stay all night. :) Oh I think your cowboy Santas will look great for LD. I feel sad about Reaoma. Blessings to all. Love you, xoxo, Susie

HappyK said...

I am morning person and most days I'm up and out walking before my husband gets out of bed.
Supper sure looks good.

Anonymous said...

I love big lots!we don’t have it here in my Canadian town but across the water is Michigan, two minutes away, I really love big lots! Your painting is beautiful, and I love that red room, it is amazing! Yummy supper you had, you always look so pretty and put together, your husband is such a good looking guy, you make a beautiful couple!

Kathy M. said...

I so enjoy your posts! I am a night owl, but have been making a point if getting up early and walking. It really helps with a back issue I have. You two are very blessed to have found each other .

Eva said...

LOVE the Santas! I think those are some of your best paintings yet! Also, Check those Duncan Heinz cake mixes for recall. They've found salmonella in some of their mixes. :/. Love keeping up with you and LD!