Thursday, November 15, 2018

Six Degrees of Separation...... the idea that all living things and everything else in the world are six or fewer steps away from each other so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.

I spent Wednesday night with Amber so I could go with her to her dental appointment today.
My daughters and I share a fear of dentistry.
It is a common fear and unreasonable at the same time.
I love the dentist that have helped me so much.
Dr. Tate was so very good to me.
 He knew I was scared and had more patience with me than I could have ever expected. 
He even took me home after a procedure once and became a family friend.
All four of my children were treated by him.
I met Kimmy at Dr. Tate's office.
 She was a young dental hygienist and I was a scared patient.
We became life long friends and Kimmy is an important part of my life and of Amber's and Summer's as well. She has held all of our hands while we were in the dentist chair.
Summer had some serious dental work done while she was in Puerto Rico recently and she called Kimmy while she was sitting in the dentist chair and Kimmy talked her through and helped her calm down for her procedure. Me and my family - especially my daughters - have a long history with Kimmy and her mother, June.

So as I sat in the waiting room after Amber had been called back - I was all set to pray and read, do needlework and play my word games on my iPad.
But first I needed to text Kimmy!
She knows us well and she understood Amber's anxiety.
I told her what was going on and asked her to say a prayer,
I also sent a message to my friend Jutta in Finland.
She is a dentist and I knew she would understand.

And now for when the Six Degrees of Separation came in.......

I was sitting out there waiting and Jill came out to talk to me.
She's the dental hygienist there and told me that Kimmy had called her as she was driving to work.
She told her all about Amber and asked her to go in and tell Amber that Kimmy loved her and everything would be okay. As it turns out, Kimmy worked in this same office back in 2012 when Amber was pregnant with the Jill already knew all about us ....before she even met us today! How cool is that???

Amber said she was calmer than normal - due to me being there and praying for her and the message from Kimmy. It's such a small world and there are so many amazing people in our lives!

We stopped by Sonic on our way home - Amber always gets a milkshake after a dental appointment and I got a grilled cheese. 

We treated ourselves to an afternoon movie together.
This was one neither of us had seen before and it was pretty good.
I felt a tiny bit confused about the ending and think they could have tied up all the ends a bit better but overall it was a good plot and we enjoyed it.

So did Bandit!

He's Mike's guy cat and we all love him.
Isn't he pretty??

Mike picked the kids up after school so we could finish our movie.

Of all the kids, Kailey is always the most excited to see her granddad!
Summer had dropped me off yesterday so Louis Dean picked me up this afternoon.

The hard freezes are over for now in Texas.
We had covered some of our plants so Louis Dean was folding up his packing quilts and had to relocate this tiny gecko! Thankfully, all but our begonias survived the recent freezes.

I came in and started back right where I had left off on the Christmas decorating.

I made a good start in the dining room.
Every room this year will be decorated a bit different and I do not intend to use everything I have!
I actually put a wreath in the trash tonight.
It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.
I am treating the decorations the same way I'm doing my clothes these days.
If it's not comfortable enough to sleep it - I put it in the Goodwill bag.
If the decoration is not something I absolutely love - I'm tossing it out.
I will never be a minimalist but I can let go of some things.....thus making room for new ones.

I love finding new things I bought in the after Christmas sales - and forgot about!

I must have known that this Season's Greetings would be perfect for my bathroom!

Now I am calling it a day and Louis Dean and I are going to have wine by the fireplace and maybe start a Hallmark Christmas movie.
We can both sleep in tomorrow!
I'm love my life and thank God for all the friends he has given me..... and for their friends...who are becoming my friends......

Only that 'random person' is not so random after all......
I think God has a plan in all of this.


Bluebird49 said...

I know you'll have a wonderfully dressed house!
I'm afraid of the dentist, too. :(

Denise said...

I have a fear of dentists also. Yesterday I had a tiny cavity filled on the last tooth on the bottom. Charlie had three old fillings removed and replaced. OMG my new dentist is right out of school and is such a cutie! He is young enough to be my grandson. I have a mouth full of crowns and have had several root canals.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Another day of love and family including those who have become dear friends.

Kathy said...

It is amazing how people are interconnected. I am terrified of dentists too. I need my own Kimmy to calm me down. I was so scared to get a tooth pulled that I chose to be put to sleep. But at least you got time to spend with Amber and the quads.

Your house looks so pretty. I need to weed out some decorations too.

Estelle's said...

Well Linda...thank you....for giving me the Christmas spirit and putting me in the mood for decorating....that is...once we have thoroughly enjoyed Thanksgiving....I so needed this inspiration. I love what you have done so far....beautiful and warm!

Vee said...

Oh I need a Kimmy and a Jill and anyone else who will hold my hand at the dentist’s office. The older I grow the worse it gets. A milkshake is always a good plan.

Your dining room looks so festive and romantical. Dreamy!

Carol said...

It's odd how we have fear of things like this, but I am also scared of the dentist. I also do not like needles and there is not a dentist near us that would be as kind. I am so glad that Amber had such care while she was there.

mxtodis123 said...

I have such a fear of dentists that I burst out crying as soon as I reach the reception desk. Hard as I try, the tears just start flowing, with everyone in the waiting room watching me. And all during the procedure, the nurse has to hold my hand.

Changes in the wind said...

I too dislike the dentist but many years ago I went to one that gave gas and that helped a lot. I have had a lot of cavities over the years and have a mouth full of crowns now so other than cleaning I haven't had to have much done.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I know what you mean about friends of friends becoming friends! We have introduced my parents to all our friends, they are now all friends and our kids friends all call my parents by their grandparent names of Birdie and Papa. Also all of our friends have become friends of each other at our many gatherings here! Its great!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love that idea of six degrees of separation...we really are more connected to each other that we realize. And yes, God does have a plan! Glad all went well enough at the dentist so you could both enjoy a movie. Sounds like you are just about as cold as we are here. Maybe not quite, but almost. The cold has really settled in and it's looking like a long winter ahead. Love seeing your decorations. I'm anxious to start doing that myself. Happy Friday and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am afraid of the dentist also, but not like what you describe here. your fear you describe is how I feel about elevators, tight places, MRI's and test where I have to lie still and not move.. you were blessed with these friends that are so kind to you and so glad Amber is ok and had all of you to lift her up.... love the GUY cat.. enjoy your Hallmark movies and fireplace and LD

Judy said...

It's looking so festive over there! I'm agreeing with you here, about us all being 'friends of friends'.