Monday, November 12, 2018

A Cold Blustery Monday and my Winter Gallery Wall......

Brrrrrr.....the winds are blowing and trying to get in through the French doors as I sit huddled here at my desk in the sewing room. It's still super crowded in here. Louis Dean went to Lowe's and talked to an older gentleman who gave him some advice which he will act on once the wind dies down and it warms up. This may take days! At least it's not raining!

We have so enjoyed having Summer here with us the last couple of days.
This was our breakfast this morning - in Cheery Christmas Cereal bowls!
Louis Dean, Summer and mine.....
reminded me of the Three Bears!

Summer helped me hang a Winter Gallery Wall in the hall where I am continuing the pine cone and woodland theme from Louis Dean's bathroom.
We married in 2005 and that Christmas I decorated every square inch of the bathroom in Snowmen.
My neighbor, Stephanie, was amazed at how much 'stuff' I could cram in a small bathroom.
Louis Dean has the patience of Job and did not complain.
I think it was because we were still newlyweds. 
I've grown up since then and soon realized it isn't fair for him to live in a Barbie Doll House!!

All of the paintings in the hall are some of my oldest ones.
They have been hanging elsewhere and not noticeable unless you knew where to look.
This snow scene is from 1997.

And I painted this one in 1991.

An oldie from 1984 - 34 years ago. It's painted on a heavy saw blade.

I've always liked this one - from 1985.

A small 5 x 7 from 1984.

This one is painted on a wooden bowl from Vermont.
I bought several when I was there in 1983.

No date on this one!
I guess I forgot!


This is the only recent painting and I hung it here below the chair rail to dry.
I actually just took it out of the oven where I've had it for a few days drying with just the oven light on. Works like a charm. Red and blue oils are the slowest to dry.
This is the one for my Christmas Painting Giveaway and I am about to go in to the art table and finish it. Louis Dean will draw the winning name next Monday morning.

Summer left this evening to go back to Rowlett. She has a doctor's appointment in the morning.
The house feels kind of empty with her gone.
She helped me put the electric blanket on our bed as it will be 29 degrees here tonight.
That's really cold for Texas but I am not complaining!
We covered some of our flowering plants with sheets - flannel sheets - and unhooked the hoses from the faucets outside. We've kept the fireplace burning all live long day and cleaned the filter for our central heat should we decide to turn that on. It stays remarkably warm in this house - perhaps it's all the candles I burn!

Once I finish painting tonight I am cleaning up the art table and will not be painting any more until after I have the house all decorated. I went ahead and hung the two unfinished ones on the dining room wall where I can continue to look at them. The more I look, the better I see what I need to do to complete the paintings. Now I am off to put lights on the Christmas Tree Santa.
I hope I can do it!!


Kathy said...

I am amazed at how talented you are. The winter wall is just wonderful. Hope all goes well for Summer at her doctor's appointment.

Bluebird49 said...

Thanks for showing these. A friend of mine used to take photos of her paintings with little notes. Later, on discs. I loved looking through them! Have you photographed most of yours, just to have records?
(Oh, here's where I add another comment to put my name in for the Santa painting of 2018!)
I know Christmas is going to be here before we know it. Another year nearly has nearly gone, and Thanksgiving is next week. My, how does it go this fast!

Vee said...

Love that winter wall! You are a prolific artist.

Hope that the advice Louis Dean received is just the ticket.

I can’t believe that it is as cold there as it is here. CraZy!

Estelle's said...

Linda, your paintings are just so lovely....what a beautiful talent you have! Stay warm...incredibly cold!

mxtodis123 said...

What wonderful paintings! You have so much talent.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You are an amazing artist!

Hope you stayed cozy and warm last night! Also I hope LD can get the leak fixed soon!

Savor the season friend!

Bernice said...

I love all of your paintings.You are so talented.
I hope Louis Dean finds where the water is coming in,and Is able to repair it.
How wonderful to have Summer stay with you,if only for a few days.
One can tell you and your daughters have such a special relationship.
Stay warm,it’s 20 degrees here, with maybe a inch-inch and half of snow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all the paintings are beautiful.. your house is now a winter wonderland inside and outside. brrrrr.. we will get a cool spell by this weekend. waiting on your cold front to move here for a few days... I love the ceral bowls and though of the three bears myself... LD is a jewel and a keeper for sure..

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing artist! Everything looks so cosy,,

Changes in the wind said...

Your gallery wall is beautiful, you are very gifted. I am glad you are safe and warm, the wind has been blowing here too but not as cold as you.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's wonderful to see all your paintings. I've not been painting as long as you have, but I gave most of mine away and didn't keep much for myself. I did try to get pictures of most of it, but truly there would be no place to keep it all here in my small home so it's a good thing. Right now I'm not even half way done with my Christmas painting. I had wanted to be done by Thanksgiving, but it's not going to happen. I'm doing 20+ ornaments for the grandchildren and 7 Christmas trays for each one of my children and their spouses. Plus other things for friends. My central heating has been on for a good month here. But I don't have a fireplace. They do tend to heat up the house. So glad you have one and that electric blanket too. Keep warm and cozy!

Joyce F said...

I am so impressed with your paintings. You are so talented. Would love to have one of your Santa paintings someday. Joyce F in Kansas

Hootin Anni said...

Bud would not be as giving and patient as your doll of a husband. I think you should keep him around!!

Your art, Linda, is magnificent!!!!

Hootin Anni said...'s cold here, too. Freeze warnings are posted. I'm loving it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your paintings are glorious! Several remind me of Thomas Kinkade! You do the same thing that he does! They all look like they would sell for hundreds of dollars. I think my favorites are 4, 5, and the sweet little mill. It has been so cold here for so long, we have had the furnace running for quite awhile, and the electric blanket on. We are to get a wintry mix on Thursday! I love your Christmas bowls!!! I know you can't wait till the wind stops so Louis Dean can try those suggestions. That has just gone on entirely too long; how frustrating.

Linda Stephens said...

I am amazed at your talent. Your paintings are beautiful. You have such a full life and I love following along on your blog and on facebook. I can't wait to read your book when you finally publish it.
I hope you will make it available to the public.
Linda Stephens

Anonymous said...

Hi from the Pacific NW, Noticed on the news really cold in TX and thought
of you. Getting chilly here now also. So enjoyed your extraordinary
paintings and looked at them several beautiful and you are so
blessed with special artistic talent. Have a happy day! Phyllis

Beth said...

Your paintings are wonderful, Linda! I especially like the old mill on the frozen river. It looks a lot like one in my hometown.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It was wonderful to see your winter paintings, Linda, and also the cute holiday bowls. We also like snowmen and I decorate our apt entry with them after the Christmas season, but never put any in the bathroom...maybe an idea. Yikes you have had some chilly weather and seems even colder than here in NH in recent days.

Carole said...

Loved seeing the paintings. Ever thought of trying something abstract - you know the feel of the winter.... Cheers

Jan said...

I love your paintings. You are a great artist.

jujupage1 said...

Those paintings are amazing! :)