Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday's Cheers!

The birds woke me up this morning - apparently singing their hearts out before the rain started. Again.
After our morning routine of stupor time, Bible reading and out loud reading,  I started cleaning my bathroom.
I cleaned out and organized all makeup and everything under the sink.
I cleaned the floor and the shower.
By the time I lit the candle, everything was sparkling!
I love the smell of CLEAN.

Louis Dean has been feeling a bit blah.
I'm thinking it's the steroids and the antibiotics.
Tomorrow is his last day of medicine and I'm sure he will be perking right up!

Early this afternoon we went just down the street to the Irving Arts Center and voted.
Hopefully by election day we will be in the country!
We would have walked except for the rain - it's that close to our house.

I made up a cheese/turkey/cracker tray and carried it out to the gazebo when we got back.

The rain was still falling but, even with the rain curtains open, it was dry out there.
I love being retired and having a glass of wine at 3:30 in the afternoon if we want to!

We opened up our mail and received two big treats!

Amber tells us that the quads have been earnestly praying for their Granddad every evening at the dinner table. I think the prayers of little children are the most powerful prayers in all the world.
 They sent notes and colored papers and their school photos. 
Where are my babies?
These pictures are of Big Kids!

There is something so special about handwritten notes - easpecially from a child.
I love looking at Kailey's writing and reading all the messages from everyone.
That sure put some smiles on our faces!

We had another package in the mail, too!
This one was from a dear friend who used to be my back yard neighbor for years and years.

They have a beautiful and incredible family.
And a BIG one, too!!
This photo was taken at their 60th wedding anniversary!
They have four sons and one daughter and a lot of precious grandchildren!
My children and I admire them so much.
Mary Jo and TC are smack in the middle of this pic.
She's wearing a green top and they are holding hands.
I love that. Still holding hands after 60 years together.

Mary Jo sent us some photos she'd found in her stash - this is of Amber and Benjamin.
I'm not sure who the baby and young girl memory isn't what I would like for it to be.
Just look at Amber's dimples shining!!
She looks like Kailey here - minus the dimples!
She looks so sweet with her arm about Benjamin's shoulders.
He is so cute!

Mary Jo and TC had a swimming pool in their back yard so I would take the kids over and we would all hang out on a summer afternoon. Such good memories!
Thank you, Mary Jo! Your package and note meant so much to me!

Summer came over for a little visit while we were still in the gazebo.
Mary Jo had sent copies of their family photo - enough for me and my children.
We had fun looking at our pictures this afternoon and was glad Mary Jo had written every one's name on the back - according to rows.

Summer was packing a box to send to Sabrina and Rayne in Puerto Rico and I wanted to add a note and some tuck ins to it.

My friend, Sharon, makes the most beautiful hand made cards.
I have kept every single one she has ever sent me.
That doesn't surprise anyone, now does it?
This was a card from her and I took the front and wrote on the white backside.
This was perfect for the St. Patrick's Day theme to the box!
Summer marveled at the huge selection of new cards Sharon had made and sent me last year for my birthday. She is one very special lady.

Summer had the box pretty full but I added a tiny tin with one chocolate coin wrapped in gold foil.
Last time Rayne was here, the house was still decorated for Christmas and she said she thought there was ONE chocolate coin left in the arrangement on the living room coffee table.
She didn't find it that night but I found it when I was putting up the Christmas things.
 I also printed off copies of scripture art for her to color using my fancy new printer and heavy paper.

God sent us several chunks of cheer today!
And in helping Summer pack and wrap up her box, we got another chunk!
You can't send cheer without getting some back......

It was good to see Summer.
She's had several really rough days lately.

She makes me smile.
Summer says I make her feel better just being here.
That makes my 'mother heart' feel good.
Some things about being a mother never change.
We are happy when our children are happy and it hurts to see them suffer.
I think my children bring out the best in me. They tend to see my strengths more clearly than my faults. They see me in the best light possible. I know I feel the same way about them.
Summer tells me things that I taught her so long ago that I've forgotten them and she's teaching them back to me! One of her sayings is 'Always leave a place better than you found it.'
And she does. She left us with a smile. And a pair of overalls and a pearl snap western shirt for Louis Dean and a pretty turquoise leisure dress for me! Another favorite of hers is - 'actions produce feelings!' So true. 

My way of cheering LD up was cooking a good old fashioned dinner tonight.
Fried pork chops, scalloped potatoes, candied carrots and a fresh garden salad.
He loved it all!

Then, to crown the day, I had a phone call from Grandson Robert and then one from Sherry.
It's always a good thing to keep in touch with those we love and especially those we don't see all the time.
Sherry checked the camper for us yesterday and said all was well.
I told her I bet it was lonely.

Now Louis Dean and I are going to have one final sit in the gazebo before we close up the house for the night.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Sleep well friends! You had a good day!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

A good day Linda, good memories, love the cards the dear little ones sent. Hugs.

Carole said...

Lovely post as always.. I can feel LD's energy returning.... Now look after yourself too. Cheers

Estelle's said...

I so enjoyed this post Linda...full of good memories and family connections. I hope everyone feels better very soon...we need some sunny days don't we?

Anonymous said...

what amazingly perfect day,, I'm so glad your hubby's appetite has returned and how could it not,, yummo!

Susie said...

Linda, You never let any grass grow under your feet. Work, work, work. LOL. Glad you and LD had a sweet visit from Summer. I love all your kids dimples. Everyone of them seem to have them. Oh those are big kids, the quads writing and having school photos. I bet the pics of Ben and Amber took you back in time. Blessings to all of you, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the quads praying warms the cockles of my heart, love Kailey's note and that beautiful card you sent south. glad the meds are almost gone... antibiotics make me feel ill to. hope LD is back to normal soon...

Vee said...

Oh such sweetness in all the precious gifts. This post is filled with them! Keep looking up!

Changes in the wind said...

What a wonderful full day and dinner looks wonderful!

Debby said...

What a special day or days you have had. I hope Summer feels better . So so glad that LD is returning slowly back to normal. Those babies are growing up. ❤️

Nancy Chan said...

A beautiful day indeed! Enjoy your sharing and looking at all the sweet photos. Amber still looks so sweet with her dimples just like in the photo!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's true you cannot give without getting in return and that shows in all you do. I love that saying about getting up , dressing up and showing does make a difference. Hope everyday finds Louis Dean better and better.

Tina said...

You all are an inspiration to me! I needed some of Summer's sayings as a reminder to be the best me I can be today and every day! Your meals today look delicious, how could Louis Dean resist? The package from the quads is so cute! Hope you both have a wonderful Thursday!

The Feminine Energy said...

Your day was filled with wonder... and how lucky we are that you shared it with all of us. Thank you, sweet lady! Much love~ Andrea xxx

Ginny Hartzler said...

STUPOR time, I LOVE it!! This is what we will call our mornings!! Stupor time till at least the second cup of coffee. Your turkey and cheese tray is fit for company!! Of course, I know what you mean about the grandchildren's writing and crafts! The picture of Amber as a child is wonderful. I would know her anywhere because of those super happy dimples! You have raised the most WONDERFUL children!! I believe this to be a true gift. And summer amazes me. The two of you lift each other up so much! The picture of you two is beautiful. What a clever idea about the card, I need to start doing this!