Friday, February 2, 2018

Thank You!

Summer and I both deeply appreciate every single comment and all the wonderful suggestions and advice! Going Gluten Free seemed to be a given from what y'all wrote and so today was the first day of Summer beginning her journey toward health through diet and exercise. 

You all encouraged us so much that we embraced this day with enthusiasm instead of dread.

We both slept well last night - I more than she but she did get some sleep. 
Summer, Sherry (the lady she is renting a room from) and Gayle (Sabrina's mom) all had an appointment this mmorning to get their hair cut.
I woke up with a start at 10:00 and hit the floor running thinking we had to be at a salon at 11:30.
Listen to this - the stylist comes to their house! Or, in this case, Sherry's house.
I had just got dressed when Gayle arrived and Melissa, the hair dresser,  was right behind her.
Melissa set up shop in the kitchen and we all gathered around the table with our coffees and visited as each one had their turn in the cutting chair. We had so much fun!

 I said this was a scene right out of Steel Magnolias! 
We all chose our roles! 

Sherry's precious dog, Dexter, was Shelby......
Dexter is much loved and not in good health......

Of course, Melissa was Truvy!
And she made a good one.
 Melissa is a lovely lady and has the most beautiful tatoos!
I can see why they all love her....

Those first two characters were a given.
Then we all had to decide which character WE were.
I went first!

No doubt about it!
I was Weezer!!!

Gayle was M'Lynn!

Summer was Annelle.....and that left Sherry!

 Sherry was Clairee!!!
Summer said, "Of course! You would choose a democrat!!!"
Sherry responded, "Always!!!"
We all laughed and talked and traded stories and had a really good time together.
I wish we could do that more often.
We made a good group.

Summer and I packed away her Christmas decorations, sorted and packed some other things, put her room back in order and loaded up the car before we all said our goodbyes.

Summer had a coupon for Main Street Bistro and Bakery so that's where we headed for a late breakfast. Summer's first day of going gluten free!

Instead of being scared and upset, 
I decided to be my daughter's cheer leader and we had a really great day.

Summer never meets a stranger!
If you look carefully, you can see her back there in the photo as she was going to the ladies room.
She stopped to talk to someone I assume she knew - but maybe not.
Summer is a friend to everyone she meets and leaves people with a smile.

From there we went to a spa and had a wonderful massage.
It was 4:00 when we headed back to Irving.

While Summer was not in great pain, 
she was tired and wisely took herself off to the guest room for a nap.

Louis Dean and I visited and watched a little TV before I went to the kitchen and took the rest of Christmas down. We all met up in the den to watch MacGyver before I made a late supper for us.

This is Summer's plate.
Bacon, glorified scrambled eggs - meaning eggs with cheese, milk and onions and sweet peppers.
Instead of toast like we had - I tore up a couple of corn tortillias for her.
Again, gluten free.
I don't think this will be nearly as hard as we thought.

If she wakes up hungry in the night, I set out Rice Chex and an orange.
Plus I soft boiled some eggs and shelled, halved and put them in a container in the fridge.

It is late and it has been a long day. 
Summer folded the laundry throughout the evening as I caught up on the washing.
I am going to bed feeling happy and hopeful on many levels.
Summer is on a new path.
She has control of her own health. 
Really. We are all motivated by pain. 
I have been there myself. 
When life gets so painful we can no longer bear it - we then find the strength to do what needs to be done and change.
Be that in health or relationships or whatever.
Once we are confronted with a dead end.....we must make a choice as to which way to turn.
I think Summer is choosing wisely.
Thank you all again for your imput and words of experience.
So many of you have already been down this road and we appreciate you sharing what you have learned.

It's after midnight and I am heading to bed.
I'm thankful for this day and that I was able to spend it with Summer.


Ginny Hartzler said...

With you to cheer her on, you just KNOW this will be a success!!

Bluebird49 said...

In hopes that Summer will soon find that she's feeling better from this new change. She's very lucky to have your support and understanding, Linda! 💗

Vee said...

Well do let us know how it goes...most especially if the gluten free diet helps. All the best to both of you!

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful post full of hope and looking towards brighter days for Summer--the goal is that BY summer she will feel like a whole new person. Glutten free is a wonderful start on her journey to become pain free. God bless her.

Love the 'group' that references to Steel Magnolias. One of my all time favorite movies.

Have a wonderful weekend and give Summer a hug from Nana! xo Diana

Susie said...

Linda, As always you end your post with wisdom. I love the three bones to get thru life. :):) My daughter who has fibro eats gluten free. I am in Summer's fan club, and will always cheer her on.
So funny about the Steel Magnolias. That traveling beauty shop sounds so fun. Blessings to all of you, Love you , xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love that hair cutting, steel magnolia experience. How sweet ! I'm so glad you both are feeling encouraged, that makes a lot of difference. More and more people are going gluten free and my grocery store has a whole row now devoted to gluten free foods. When things change we always have choices to make and it's up to us to choose wisely.

Changes in the wind said...

So glad it was a good day and hope for many more....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

prayers for a good result and for strength to do what she needs to. I bet that was a lot of fun with the haircuts, more than going to a shop somewhere

Arlene G said...

You are right Linda...sometimes we have to just change courses and often we find it was the right thing to do. Praying for Summer to get relief from her pain.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a upbeat post! Yes Summer can do this with you and all of us cheering her on!

jujupage1 said...

It's nice to hear a mother who speaks so highly of her daughter. Yes, I have heard so many amazing things about going gluten free. Keep it up!


Shirley said...

Good Morning Linda, I have enjoyed catching up with you here on blogland. I have internet and my big computer is working once again. Typing on a tablet is for the birds at times. Take care my friend. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

Carole said...

Fingers crossed that gluten free will work a treat. I did a low FODMAP diet and luckily found that gluten wasn't my problem - but lots of foods are a problem for me - worst ones are onion and garlic - which is an absolute pain because they add so much flavour! All the best. Cheers