Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Sewing Room is BACK!

I spent nearly all day doing it but the sewing room has been reclaimed!
Never mind that the tubs and bags are scattered all over the deck and patio by our back door!
Tomorrow Louis Dean will help me pack them all away in the Christmas House.

I admit it was a bit overwhelming when I first started.
If I break it down into parts, I do better.
First I had to clear away and put up the debris I had thrown in here when I was cleaning the other rooms. Then I start at one corner of the room and work all the way around from top to bottom and then it's done!

It was definitely time!

I like seeing all my 'stuff' again.
What with the colored lights and decorations, all the normal things fade into the background.

I absolutely love the feeling of restoring order to a messy room.

While I didn't deep clean, I did put things back to rights.

I used to sew a lot. Not so much anymore.

Quilts mainly now. Denim quilts and such. 
Not the exquisite works of art like Ruth Ann does.

And I mend. 
The quads frequently save up their toys and clothes and what have you and give them to me to mend.
They think I can fix anything.
My children pretty much think that, too, and that makes me smile.

I love looking through all the stuff on the shelves above my desk. 
It's a real hodge podge of books and memories..

I've kept some of the books I used in Home Schooling to share with the grands.
I have several pictures of Rayne in here.

A pic of the older three grands taken many years ago.

One of my most favorite treasures.
Summer made this dog out of rocks when she was in kindergarten.
She's 55 now.

Louis Dean recently bought me a super duper printer!
It's so fancy I had no clue how to hook it up!
Thankfully, Summer did it for me last week.
Louis Dean said that I needed a really good printer since I'm writing a book.

So far I have written 43,774 words in the first 13 chapters which is about one third of the book.
The printer will live down at the ranch since that's where I do my writing.
Remember the utility room Louis Dean is adding right next to the bathroom?
He's going to make a little office area in there for me.
After I finish my book, I will be writing another one - a novel based on Louis Dean's childhood.
He's having such a good time telling me all his childhood memories and the fun he had.
He says he lived a life like Hiuckleberry Finn's or Tom Sawyer's.
Louis Dean has already written a children's book and it looks like we will be looking at how to get things published when we are too old to do all the busy projects we are involved in now.

But for tonight, I am happy to be recording my day here in my journal.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love Summers rock dog! And your red rooster, and pretty green checked tablecloth. Louis Dean nailed it! A printer is the perfect gift, and just what you need. Along with some aspirin and a glass of wine after all this straightening.

jujupage1 said...

I love how your committing to projects. Wether that is mending things or writing novels. I would love to read one of your novels one day.

Linda said...

I want you to get on with your writing. I loved the excerpt you shared in your blog. Would love to read more.

The Feminine Energy said...

Your writing is much appreciated here. I love reading your blog entries. Thank you for sharing your life. Blessings~ Andrea xxx

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

it is wonderful to have order restored. I thought I had it all done and now with Valentines Day tomorrow I'll be packing that away and bring out St. Patrick's Day and Spring. The Spring Decorations cover Easter too . Life is moving on and so am I.

Arlene G said...

Sign me up for both books. I know they will be good ones.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

That's a really nice printer glad someone could help you set it up. I finally found something that you and I are alike in and that is restoring order. I have always loved mowing grass because as I walked round and round it got more ordered and more ordered and also mopping floors is the same way when the floor was dirty and the first wipe of the wet mop made it look good and the more I mopped the better it looked. I love restoring order

Cheapchick said...

Thanks for your chicken soup thoughts :) I woke up today feeling better but am afraid to say I am well again in case it sneaks up on me later in the day. Love Summer's rock picture. Self-publishing is quite easy these days, you can do it on Amazon (and even sell it easily) and it costs nothing until you purchase the books. We did it with Hubby's book for our company. Kindle allows you to upload a book (formatted in word) and you can even have the odd picture if you want. If you didn't want to do it yourself I am sure Summer could help you. It sure is neat to see your book come out in a bound book when done.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Another good day Linda.

Debbie said...

oh wow, what a job but it must feel great to have ordered restored in the sewing room!!!

that is the same printer i have, chuck set it up and it works wonderfully!!

Susie said...

Linda, I am not feeling well today...but once I read your blog, I felt happy. Summer's rock dog, adorable. Love seeing all the sweet faces of your grands. Blessings to you.love, xoxo, Susie

Carla said...

I can't wait to read your book and I can't wait to read one about LD. Just the little tidbits I know about you it should be interesting and entertaining the same for LD. I love the rock puppy. And you CAN fix anything. You're just that person. Hugs

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You’re a very good writer! I was hooked on your book when you shared some of it with us!

Wanda said...

Along with your many gifts and talents is putting your thoughts into words. What a special gift, and that you would be so generous to share your life with us.
Your sewing room looks lovely, and those memories and treasures...especially the dog rocks from Summer.