Monday, February 5, 2018

Saturday and Super Bowl Sunday!

Saturday was a Stay-at-home day for us.
Summer was feeling pretty rough for much of  the day.
That's the way it is for her. If she has a busy day - then she needs a down day.
She's had several busy days in a row so we opted to slow it down.
I spent just about all of Saturday on the den.
Yes, my friend Carole from Carole's Chatter, is right.
I can't seem to make myself leave a room blank.
I was dragging debris in and throwing it everywhere!

Today I tackled the foyer and front porch.

Finally! It no longer looks like Christmas Eve!

Changing out things for each season is nice.
Old things seem new again.
And some of my things are really and truly old!

The foyer is clean and mostly decorated.
Notice the sign!
'What Happens Here Will Be Posted on Facebook!'
And I will write a blog post about it - just for good measure!

The big angel gets a change of scenery.
I like her there in front of my angel paintings.

Ah! I didn't realize how good it felt to get all the red down.

Our clean den.
We were all ready for the Super Bowl Party tonight.

Summer is bound and determined to finish this puzzle.

No more Christmas - in here!

I still have several rooms still wearing their Christmas clothes.

This tree stays year round.
Normally I decorate it with a bird theme for the spring.

This time I used burlap garlands and the red cardinals from the dining room Christmas tree.

They are all form Summer who gifts them to me each year until now I have a nice collection.

I love the pops of red color.
The lights on this tree are LED. I'm trying to switch over as much as possible.

Yesterday I made potato salad for our party this evening.

This afternoon all I had to do was make the chicken wings and set out the cheese and crackers.
These wings were seriously good!
Nice and crispy and gluten free!
Guess what the coating was?
Baking powder and salt/seasonings.
I served them with three sauces.....
BBQ, Asian, and HOT!

Ruth Ann brought a grape salad and cucumber canapes.
I missed getting a picture of Roy - but he was here!
He brought wine - red and white - both from Texas wineries.

The food was good and the company was even better!

Louis Dean was one happy man!

This was the first time Ruth Ann and I had seen each other since my
 Christmas Tea back in December.

My sister, Luann, came for a little while. She and Monte had planned to come to the party but Monte fell last night and this afternoon she had to take him to the hospital.
They admitted him so Luann stopped here on her way home.
Bless her heart! She has a lot of her plate with taking care of Monte (he has a host of health issues) as well as her mother. We are half sisters -  Luann was adopted when she was 4 years old.

We all had such a nice evening!
The Super Bowl was a really good game from start to finish and I loved the commercials. 
Most of them, anyway!
You can keep that one that has the monster living under some one's bed.
He was just nasty!
And that's a word I do not use much.

Summer is doing some exercises and for a few minutes during the game, she did a pedal pusher thing.
Like riding a bicycle. She got so excited about the football game that she started pedaling too fast and ended up having to go lie down for a little while. Her goal is to relax - not tense all her muscles up!

Congratulations to all the Eagle fans out there!
They played a really good game.
It's rather nice to see the underdog win for a change.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your door looks beautiful! And the tree you leave up... My daughter-in-law used to have a small one she left up. She would decorate it for every holiday! Even Valentines Day. I would do that too, except we have a cat. Your food looks so good! And I know Summer had a grand time just resting, eating, and doing the jigsaw. We ALL really need down time, but Summer needs a bit more. Louis Dean looks over the moon happy.

Bluebird49 said...

I love the cardinal tree! That is our state bird.
That good is making me want to go into the kitchen and forage -- but there's nothing good like wings in there. I love grape salad, too. Glad you had a party. Our night was very quiet!😊

Linda said...

Just call us party poopers, the TV remained silent. Frankly, I forgot about it so it wasn’t that I chose not to watch. Your cardinal tree is very cute.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We only watched the last few minutes of the game. We really wanted Philly to win!

Your party sounds fun!

Arlene G said...

Glad the Eagles prevailed. I watched Victoria downstairs while Marvin watched the game upstairs. I am not much of a professional football fan unless Atlanta is playing.

NanaDiana said...

I am glad that you were able to get more de-Christmasing done and get some fresh winter/spring decor put up. It will take a while for Summer to know what her 'break' point is and when she needs to stop and just rest and let her body settle down. She is a dear.

LD looks like he has dropped some weight- has he? He looks good-well--he has always looked

I am so glad you had family and friends there to enjoy the superbowl. Blessings to you - xo Diana

Susie said...

Linda, So glad the un-decorating is coming along. Summer is just starting her new way of life and it will take some time. Some of it will be trial and error. Tell her never give up....she has her mommy's grit. :):) Wow, that looks like a nice party for football. I just watched the last 1/2 hour....the perfect way to watch football...because it lasts way too long. Glad the Eagles won. Blessings to all there. xoxo,love, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

time is moving to fast, i can't believe you are putting out the spring stuff already. we can mark the seasons by your decorating. love the fb sign and so true. the food looks great, did not know about using baking soda. good tip there. a reminder for Summer, all three of the sauces you named for wings are full of sugar... i nearly fainted when i read the label on BBQ sauce.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You really got a lot done with being at home and your super bowl spread looks wonderful. I agree with you that when you change out things for the seasons, old things can look new again. Your puzzle has a lot more done to it than mine does. I put a picture of mine, barely started in my post for today too.

Vee said...

I like your disclaimers! Now you need the one that says, “If you didn’t want me to write about it, you should have behaved better.” 😉

A happy week to you!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You have such a beautiful home and the den looks so comfy and cozy. What a lot of good food for your party! Wish I lived a good ball game and good friends to share it with! Enjoy your week sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

jujupage1 said...

I liked the old Christmassy theme to your house. It's very welcoming.

Carla said...

Love the pretty entry to your home. LD looks like he might have lost some weight? Man you had a spread for the super bowl. David and I just watched bits and pieces of it. I like the ending since I won some money off my work football pot. LOL. Now I like your sign. I need to get one. It could very possibily end up in my blog and maybe facebook. That's a good one.

Anonymous said...

I hope your sisters husband is OK,, thats a shame, I hope summer feels better soon as well but it sounds like she has a hard row to hoe and is doing the right thing by learning just how much her body can take. Your home is magical, I love to see such lovely filled homes, I would need a seeing eye dog to maneuver but I truly love it, one of my best friend has your style of decorating and its always a joy to see, so cosy, so lovely and exciting.
I see you collect saw blades, years ago I painted and sold many many saw blades,, it brings back memories, thank you for sharing today,

Carole said...

Linda, thanks for the shout out! Maybe you could decide to have one little blank space and see how it goes! Did you know that there are direct flights from Houston to Auckland? Maybe you should visit.... Cheers

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Linda
What a fun way to celebrate the Superbowl! The food looked delicious. It was only my husband and I watching here so we shared some pizza and salad, I was glad Philly won--it was their time!
I'm glad Summer is doing well and learning to read her body's messages.

Your house always looks festive, and warm and welcoming! I admire all your art work!