Thursday, February 15, 2018

Our Bags are Packed! We are Ready to GO!!!

Yesterday I had my hair and nails done in preparation for our Sibling Trip 2018!

Yulisa did it again!!

She does such a good job and it's always such a treat to get to visit with her.
Her mom and I are friends, as well, so we call her and have a phone chat while her daughter cuts my hair.

I was up and out early today so I could get both hair and nails done before we headed to Dallas.
Amber has the flu and she couldn't go to the Valentine Party so we went in her place.
It takes TWO people to stand in for Amber!

Louis Dean said it brought back a lot of memories to be back in the class room again!
He had fun!

First the kids decorated sugar cookies and had snacks - the cookies, fruit, juice and Chex Mix.

Next they all opened their Valentine boxes and that was exciting!
I watched while each child pulled out Valentines one by one, always stopping to read who it was from.

Granddad being there was a surprise for the quads!
They came in and went from one of us to the other giving us hugs.
The other students that followed them in did the very same thing!
We loved it!!

We had switched cars with Amber so I could bring the kids back home.
They came in the door telling their parents that we had made it home but MeeMaw had got lost!!

Just look at these gorgeous necklaces Amber bought for the girls' Valentines.
She find the coolest things!

We couldn't stay long in Quadville because I still had a lot to do before our trip this weekend.

This morning I got up all excited!
I popped in the CD Nita gave me and blared out Glen Campbell singing Galveston!

I made a batch of pumpkin muffins, ran laundry, cleaned, packed and made Chicken Tortilla Soup.

Taste tested it and it was FOOD!

Louis Dean and I loaded everything up in the car - including the wheelchair - thank you, Sherry! - and drove over to Fort Worth.

I had packed up two complete dinners and dropped one off at my brother's house for their Amber and Mike. Yes, Lonnie and Michele have an Amber and Mike like we do! Amber is Michele's daughter and had surgery recently so we took dinner in to them.

Then we went to Nita and Mike's!

We brought dinner and had such a nice evening.
Guess what we watched on TV?
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee!!!
It is hilarious!
They have Netflix......

We will be leaving in the morning and we are all so excited!!

Four days and nights for the four of us to be together.
No spouses or children.
Just US!


Arlene G said...

Enjoy your trip!!

Bluebird49 said...

Oh, friend! I hope you'll have time to share your Sibling Fling with us! I just never have had sisters, and both my brothers were older than I. Hope this one is the best one yet. Just the name Galveston reminds me of Glen Campbell, Sandy beaches and blue-green water! (But I've never seen it! 😓
Yes, it would probably take a lot more than two to replace Amber. So funny your brother and his wife have an Amber and Mike, too.
When I was a little gurl, memorizing scripture verses, "Jesus went about doing good." It reminds me of you! !

Anonymous said...

you look beautiful,, what a day you had and have a safe journey and have a great time!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You look beautiful! So fun that you and Louis Dean were the Quad's Valentines at school!That necklace is unusual and beautiful.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Have fun!

Susie said...

Linda, You look fabulous. So does LD. I bet the quads were sure happy to have you both at their class party. I am praying Both Ambers get well soon. Excite for you siblings to have your adventure. Safe trip to and from. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

jujupage1 said...

Love your hair in the picture. Have a great time!

Changes in the wind said...

Love your hair short! The necklace is sooo cute and would love to have the recipe for the soup:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am trying to fight off a case of jealousy. this sounds so fun on the beach with just the four of you... have a fantastic time and don't let the winds at the beach muss up your beautiful hair cut....

The Feminine Energy said...

Have a beautiful "just us" trip, Linda. Recharge your batteries, relax, and enjoy each other's company... without interruption. Lovingly~ Andrea xxx PS~ I added a "follow" link to my page for you. I'm sorry for the oversight & thank you for the reminder.

Vee said...

You folks are looking fabulous! Praying that it is a fun, refreshing, wonderful sibling time together.

Carole said...

Have a fantabulous time! Cheers

BeachGypsy said...

Safe journey, fun times, good memories!! Enjoy!!

ellen b. said...

What a wonderful tradition having a sibling getaway. I think I can hear the laughter already!