Saturday, February 17, 2018

Siblings Weekend! Day 1!!

We were up and at 'em this morning!
I staggered in about 8:30 and Nita had been up since 6:10!
She had the coffee ready and I had a cup while I was waking up.

Deanie and Charlie picked Lonnie up and arrived at Nita's around 9:30!
Nita had already loaded all my bags and hers into the back of her car and we were right out there when they they drove up! I wonder if they were surprised to see that I was on time and waiting??

Yay for our annual siblings trip together!!
Deanie, Linda, Lanita, and Lonnie!
In February 2014, Deanie and I took our first sibling trip and we went to San Antonio. Nita joined us in 2015 when we visited Galveston.
In 2016, all four of us went to San Antonio for the 3rd annual siblings trip.

And here we are in 2018 as we head back down to Galveston!
We are blessed with spouses who understand the importance of sibling relationships.

Just look how happy Charlie and Louis Dean are as they see us off!

I think they are excited about the freedom they are going to have in our absence!

They deserve some time to themselves!

Our first stop was Collin Street Bakery!

Second stop - Buc ee's!
We are in Nita's car and it is an awesome ride!

Everyone loves Buc ee's!

Third stop - one of Texas Finest rest areas!

I told Lonnie to SMILE!
He said. "I AM!!!"

We arrived in Galveston in time for an early dinner at Beno's on the Beach.

We were happy campers!

I have been coming here since 1998 when Amber had her first regional synchronized meet in Houston. I had suffered a bit of a heat stroke at the meet and they had to wet me down with iced towels. After the meet I was not able to drive all the way back to Dallas so I drove the shorter distance to Galveston and checked into the local La Quinta hotel. I asked at the desk where we could could go to eat that night and they told me where THEY went! Beno's! We've been coming here ever since!

Look how beautiful Deanie is!!!
She is slowly but surely regaining her health and we are all so grateful for that!

Lonnie really can smile!

We are here and we are checked into our hotel and we have had such a great evening together!
We have adjoining rooms and have kicked back and talked and laughed together over our wine tonight! It doesn't get any better than this!

On the way down here I read the first 5 chapters of the book to them.
In reading it out loud, I made some notes and corrections but over all - they think I am on the right track. That is important to me. While this is my story - it is also OUR story.

It is late and everyone is asleep.
We do not have a time line for tomorrow. Just a loose schedule.
I think I can speak for my sleeping siblings tonight.....
it is enough to be here together.....
We grew up together for the first 14 -17 years or so....and then later we lost sight of each other as we waged our own separate battles in life.
But God had a plan for us and here we are celebrating life and each other!

God is all about redemption....
God redeemed all four of us from so much that we cannot praise him enough.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Great pictures! I know this is so very special! In fact, Louis Dean looks like he does not want you to leave!! I think he will really miss you. But it does a couple good to have a bit of away time from each other once in awhile.

Bluebird49 said...

Oh!So happy for your post, and happy for all of you. You all look great, so take many photos and make a Sack full of memories!

Kathy said...

A wonderful start to your trip. I can't wait to hear about all the things you do.

Vee said...

Charlie does looks especially exuberant. Should Deanie be concerned? Ha! Those expressions could make one wonder what they’ll be up to because we all know that Louis Dean will be up to something! Have fun, Kids! You all look fabulous.

The Feminine Energy said...

Here's to loose schedules... and whiskey. :-D Continue to have a grand time! Blessings~ Andrea xxx

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your story is amazing and so glad all four of you are together having fun. i am betting the lone male could use a little male company by now LOL...

Arlene G said...

So glad you all can have this special time together Linda. Enjoy!!

Susie said...

Linda , I am so glad you kids found one another again. God is good. He has made all of you strong from your trials. Bless Lonnie's heart, he did indeed smile...he may have felt more relaxed. You girls be good to him. LOL Hope LD doesn't get into any trouble while you are away. Enjoy your time. Love you, Blessings, xoxo, Susie


How wonderful you could all get together as much as you can. Siblings are the best and yes Deanie looks fabulous, along with Charly, the image of health, so happy for her and for you for getting together.
Blessings to all,

ellen b. said...

Happy for your redeemed time together. God is good.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope you are enjoying every moment of your weekend. Siblings are so very special. I have only one sister left and I treasure her very much.

Carole said...

A fantastic tradition. My sisters and I have only done it twice - and one time it was pretty much a disaster....

NanaDiana said...

How wonderful, Linda. I so envy you having siblings to share your life with because there is no one else that will ever really know that part of your home life.

God bless you all and glad to see your sister is recovering so nicely. xo Diana