Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday Treasures!

I was up much earlier than normal this morning!
I went over to help Amber with some work in the school.

It was fun to visit as we work.
Back when the kids were babies we spent enormous amounts of time together but seldom got to actually visit. I'm loving having time with my daughter again!

Amber is the talk of the school over the lunches she packs for the quads.
She packed one for us and we ate with the kids in the school cafeteria.
They were so excited to see me and that made me feel really special.

It was early afternoon when I got back to Irving and I was so sleepy!
I woke up this morning at 6:30!
Normally, I am just rolling over at that time.
As sleepy as I was - since I was on Beltline Road - I decided to go ahead and hit a couple of thrift stores before going home.

From Goodwill.......
a set of 8 dinner and salad plates by ONEIDA in the Fruit Tart Casual Settings.

From Goodwill.......
A set of 4 Cheri Blum for 222FIFTH 'Narcissus' dinner plates.....
and a set of 8 salad/dessert plates from Portugal.

From Irving Thrift.......
9 super luxurious dinner napkins for less than $5!

Louis Dean and I did our reading together before I turned on the electric blanket, changed into warm pajamas and crawled back into the unmade bed.
Just to make it even more perfect, it started raining.
Best sleeping weather ever!

I worked some more in reclaiming our living room and have it all cleaned up except for the vacuuming which I will do tomorrow.
Louis Dean and I have been watching back to back episodes of Downton Abbey and I'm about to go back to the den and we will close out our night with a glass of wine and Bull.

January is gone and here we are in February and I still have half a house of Christmas to take down....
but you know what? I am taking my time and NOT going at it like my hair's on fire!
Who really cares?

Good night from the Chapmans!


Ginny Hartzler said...

This cartoon is hilarious!! I shall have to remember that for myself. You and amber look so pretty and happy together! Eating lunch with the kids at school is so special! They have that here every grandparents day. But you can also request a day and do it. The lunch looks delicious!! I bet the peanut butter and jelly gang are so jealous. The napkins match the new plates! They look so think and elegant. Our bed is now pre-heated and waiting for me. We are getting a one day long ice storm and it has just started.

jujupage1 said...

I love visiting thrift shops. We call them charity shops in the UK. It's so much fun. Love the quote at the end by the way.

Linda said...

You need a ‘China Room’ like the one in the White House. For sure you have enough china to fill one.

Arlene G said...

That was a buy on the Oneida. Great find...so glad you and Amber had a nice day together.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am smiling at that last comment about the hoarders because around the corner from us where Bob walks Jake everyday the people moved out of the house and a big container appeared in the driveway period every day when he walks Jake he comes home and tells me what they're putting in the container they have now had three of those large containers filled and hauled off in the 4th one is there the house had hoarders in it he said when the door was open that he could see through the house and it was piled to the ceiling like we see on TV and that the people that were cleaning the stuff out and putting them in the container had on white suits and masks over their face. Once again you hit the jackpot in the thrift stores they're all beautiful and that picture of you and Amber at the beginning is a super duper shot of both of you love that red sweater

MimiG said...

You have such wonderful luck at your thrift stores, I usually come home with a bag of books. I did buy 2 blouses from Belk this past Monday though. No where to put more dishes, sad to say. I hope Summer is doing better daily. She continues to stay in my prayers.

Susie said...

Linda, I used to think I was a hoarder till I saw one of those Hoarder shows. Yikes...that is an illness. It's sad. So it makes me want to throw stuff out. Truly.
Amber is a great mother. She learned from you. Wonderful lunches.
Great buys on the dishes. I love cloth napkins and often use them for place mats. We it's just Ted and I , I use paper napkins. Then re use them for wiping messes.
Hope Summer is doing much better and learning more about her fibro. Blessings to all of you, love you, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a great way to start your day with helping at the school and lunch with your grand 4 too. You do make some wonderful finds at your thrift shops. Here I have no room to store anything more than I have so I'm trying to keep away, but I do love to look. Snowing more here today and I'm just staying in and keeping warm.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have to pass on great dishes at the thrift shops now since I have nowhere to store them. Lovely finds. Always wonderful to spend time with daughters!

NanaDiana said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful day at school and that lunch looks great! I sure wish I could crawl back into bed and sleep some days. I just can't do it.

Love all your dishes!!! You do find some great things. I had to quit visiting thrift shops as we prepare to move and get ready to downsize. lol xo Diana

Debbie said...

that is one excellent looking lunch, amber is a rock star!! i think you are the queen of finding treasures at goodwill...

and that cartoon is the BEST!!!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I so easily could have a dish addiction!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thank you Linda for sharing. Hugs.

Cranberry Morning said...

I just love that poster at the end. LOL I sometimes think to myself that maybe I am a hoarder, it's just that we have a big house to spread it all out. :-)Not really, but when we move in a year or two, it will be a huge job to clean out and pack up! Your dishes are so pretty. And that rainy day with warm jammies and Downton Abbey sounded just perfect! xo

Curtains in My Tree said...

AHH it's a good day when a person can do what you did.
That wine sounds good at the end of the day.
And I think yesterday I took my last Christmas item downstairs to the basement, thinking it's about time. I have been to busy redoing my bedroom.
You got a good haul at goodwill as usual

Carole said...

Boy, I would go crazy buying plates at those places ... love my assorted plates I use for food posts. Have you thought of getting LD to do a guest post - about music? or about how to bake?? Cheers