Monday, February 26, 2018

Our Last Monday in February Felt Like Spring!

Both Louis Dean and I got a good night's sleep and I woke up to the smell of coffee, bacon and hot cakes! Can it get any better than that?? I don't think so.
I mean I was in a DEEP sleep but that aroma could not be resisted.
It was like old times with Louis Dean bringing my my first cup of coffee in bed.
I loved it!
He had already eaten but as soon as I ventured out of the bedroom, he was flipping some more pancakes and served them hot, buttered, and with a healthy amount of maple syrup...... along with that delicious bacon and another cup of creamed cinnamon flavored coffee.
Not all the way but close enough for me to relax again!
Sunday was sunny and beautiful and today was much the same.

I decided to go out to the gazebo and see what I could do.
I opened up all the rain curtains for the very first time this year!
Leaves had piled up in there and it needed a good cleaning.
I washed all the tablecloths and covers and used the blower to clean up the floor.

Look who I found on a book! I moved him to the arm of one of the rocking chairs and he stayed there for over an hour before I noticed he was gone.
He must have been a brand new grasshopper!

I went in to heat up our late lunch - by this time it was around 3:00 - and Louis Dean called to me from the garden area and said, "Linda! Come and see! I have something to show you!"

Green onions!!!
We have been meaning to get out there and pull up all the old tomato vines and pepper plants and get the ground ready for the spring planting.
It was nice to see something green growing in the middle of all the dead stuff!

I had to pull one of the onions to eat with my lunch.....
and yes, we are still eating that chicken noodle soup.
I may put the rest of it in the freezer tomorrow. 
Enough is enough and it will be so good to pop out and eat at a later day.

I bought a couple of cantaloupe last week and cut one up today and it was sweet as sugar!!
They are from Mexico and really good. I tried a watermelon last month and it was too soon.
Stephanie sent over some last week and it was good.
Sprinkled with salt and pepper - cantaloupe is one of my favorite foods in all the world.

Louis Dean is feeling better and better each and every day.
Since we were out there in the gazebo together, I decided to take all the debris down from the top.

Louis Dean bought a brand new sturdy ladder and it was easy peasy to get down all the lights.
Now it looks clean.
Good thing I did it, too! 
Birds were beginning to build a nest up there amongst all the pine cones!
It looked like the perfect place to them!

Louis Dean was tired so he went off to bed to take what turned into a 3 hour nap.....

and I put my feet up and read for an hour or so.

This is Tiffany Baker's first novel and I can hardly put it down!
I will finish it tonight.
I did not know she wrote Mercy Snow......that's another book on my stack to read.

Between reading sessions, I continued to work in the area around the gazebo, taking down the winter garlands and replacing them with the pine cone one Summer bought for me over 10 years ago.

It was dark by the time I finished out there!
The lights are still on in the gazebo because I intend to go back and sit with a glass of wine while I finish that book.
Then I may need to pull the curtains back together as I noticed rain is back in the forecast for tonight and the next two days.


Vee said...

Oh this is the news we’ve all been waiting for...he’s back! What a pleasant day you enjoyed out in the gazebo. Wonder what’s for breakfast tomorrow.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hi Linda. Good to see LD back, looking more like his usual self and making a delicious breakfast. Hugs.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

That’s such great news!

I just love your gazebo!

Ginny Hartzler said...

YEAH!!! I am so happy that Louis Dean is now out of the woods. And he looks really good too! even well enough to cook breakfast!! And you know spring will be here in the blink of an eye if there is a grasshopper there!

Susie said...

Linda, So good to read that you both got a good night's sleep. The gazebo is a great place to relax and read. It looks so nice with the lights . Sounds like you and LD got things done on Monday. Sunshine sure helps. Take care of each other. Blessings, xoxo, love,Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sooooo happy LD is BACK!!!! i can lower my fretter down a lot... love the way your outside room looks all cleaned up. the cantaloupe has me drooling, we both just love ripe cantaloupe.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Great news for sure ! So glad Louis Dean is feeling better ! I bet that morning cup of coffee was a wonderful one ! Your gazebo is such a wonderful place. Here I have an enclosed patio that I call the sunporch and it is need of a good spring cleaning as does the rest of my house. If it gets warm enough today I'll open some windows for breath of fresh air. I did manage to pick up a few branches and twigs yesterday but still have a long way to go.

Changes in the wind said...

Louis Dean looks so much better....and the gazebo at night is beautiful.

Tina said...

So happy you all had a beautiful spring-like day! Sunshine is always so helpful on the road to recovery! Louis Dean looks like he's feeling so much better (and younger!) than ever! He's getting over this like a champ, much quicker than a lot of younger folks did from this flu, it was a rotten one! I admire your ability to stick to a project until you get it done, you need to come to my house and finish putting all the Christmas stuff away! I've had it down for a month now but haven't had the gumption to pack it into its containers yet! Hope you two have a wonderful Tuesday!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Good to see Louis Dean up and about. I'm still hoping to feel strong enough to start the guest room/craft room clean up and makeover soon. It's my big 2018 project.

Debbie said...

I love the way you embrace like, so much love and enjoyment!! Ld looks better, we've had some beach weather here too!!

Debbie said...

you embrace life!! one day I will proof read!!

Carole said...

I'm going to check that book out. And salt and pepper on melon?? Need to give that a try. Cheers
PS. So glad LD is well on the way to full recovery

BeachGypsy said...

Linda you don't know how GLAD I AM that your Louis Dean is doing so much better, he has had so many people out here in the "blogging sisterhood" thinking about and praying for him, people he's never even met. Isn't that so neat how we all support and help each other in the bad times? The chicken soup looks so delicious and oh my goodness I didn't know anyone else but me who loves a nice big fresh green onion to bit into with a meal, any meal?--they are divine! LOL Looks like you've got alot accomplished around there lately. Wish I could say the same. I've been very depressed and lethargic. I do love spring tho, maybe that will perk me right up. You asked if we walk far and we try to go every day, but it usually ends up 5 days a week and we go for a good hour to an hour and a half. Even in the awful heat of the summer, not sure how long I will be able to weather that, but I try. I only missed two weeks due to the heat last summer. Of course, we walk slower and we walk at night. No, we don't have to go far to see all the wonderful sights of our city, we live right here and we love it. I am so thankful we have settled here in plenty of time for retirement. Glad you stopped by and you liked the post, I so appreciate it when you let me know you enjoy something I've photographed and shared, I do make some quirky pictures sometimes! hahahahaha LOL

BeachGypsy said...

BITE into a green onion....not "bit"!! LOL

Wanda said...

Oh Louis Deans looks so good. And well enough to bring you coffee and fix breakfast. How nice was that. Everything looks so clean and cheery with the red checks. Nothing better that putting up your feet and reading a good book.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Your description of breakfast makes me hungry! yummy. I know the onions growing seem too soon but I love this Spring weather in GA. The gazebo looks comfy.