Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Nearly Normal Day at the Chapman's!

Once again I woke up first and took my coffee outside to the kitchen deck where I could hear the birds and the sounds of the fountains. You begin to feel like an invalid when you stay in the house for days on end. It was a week ago today that I had my toe surgery and I have only ventured outside a few times during this entire week.

I loved the quiet time writing thank you cards and browsing through my Kitchen Junk book.
I love that my coffee cup  is the same color as the cards.
Silicone coated light bulbs was my craft for the day so I brought that out with me.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better - it did!
I had gone back in to pour a second cup of coffee and saw that the mail had arrived!
Summer sent me this Tea Time magazine and I sat right down to read it.
I have several old old issues from long years ago that I still read from time to time.
Now I have a brand new Autumn issue!!

Before the sun totally invaded the deck I got to work on my little light bulbs.

I just squirt the silicone out into a small paper cup and then stick a bulb down in there and twist and turn as I bring it up - kind of like a reverse ice cream cone machine.
One tube did about 18 bulbs. Louis Dean said he would go out tomorrow and get me a few more tubes. Just make sure it isn't flammable. I have been making these for over 25 years and I love them!

They make the little bulbs look more like candle lights..

I have these all over the house!

I simply slightly unscrew them at night and then screw them back on in the morning.

It is part of my daily rituals......turning on my Thousand Points of Light.

This one is above the kitchen sink......

and in the dining room.

Some of the lights are the inexpensive kind you find at Christmas and others are the nicer ones with metal at the bottom. No matter which you use - they all shine just as pretty!

Doing a project was part of what made this seem like a normal day. That and not being in bed as much.

Even Louis Dean dressed and put on his shoes and socks and mended a chair.
It was good to see him doing something.
Yesterday he played some music. Not a lot and not for long but it was nice to hear.

For the first time in over a week, I prepared dinner.
We ate at the kitchen table........first, a simple salad.

Then baked potatoes, smoked sausage, candied carrots and garlic toast along with glasses of iced tea.
The only thing NOT normal about this meal was that I served it at 5:15!!
Yes, the hours ticked by slowly again today. At 3:00 I looked up at  the clock and marveled!
Now it's 8:45 and I am so ready for bed.
Louis Dean is watching football - which is a welcome change from the news!
I may join him for a few minutes before turning in.
Slowly but surely we are returning to our 'normal' life.
I'll have to tell you about my love affair with the word 'normal' sometime.


Kathy said...

Such a wonderful post! It seems as if you really are getting back to "normal". I see those silicon bulbs in stores but they are very expensive. That is great that you make them yourself. Summer has been wonderful sending you little gifts all month. That is so thoughtful and loving. Glad to see LD is getting back to himself too.

Shirley said...

Hi Linda, I thought I would pop in before I call it a day. I went to the doctor today for my checkup and he was pleased with everything considering what has been going on. I will continue to say a prayer that you continue to heal It is a heck of a note when we can't do what we want to do. Your grandchildren are growing and I enjoyed catching up with you. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from you Missouri Friend Shirley

Linda said...

I want you to sometime count how many lights you turn off and on every day. Amazing. It's so nice to see the two of you feeling better. You are having a very special September.

Judy said...

Smiling at the 'poster' you closed with. Love it! Thank-you for explaining how to make those bulbs. I have been buying them at a 'country store' for an exorbitant price! Who knew I could make them myself? Hope you are both 'good as new' soon.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Love those pretty lights you've created (yes the little hutch sold - yesterday). Hugs.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So glad things are getting back to "normal"! You cooked a feast! I cannot cook so many things at once. Your bulbs are genius!!!! Your house is looking so fall-ish and beautiful!

Carol said...

Your home all decorated for fall is absolutely beautiful! I am impressed with the lights and might have to try to make some of these as they look like they would come from a primitive store and those are my kinds of stores.

Arlene G said...

Love your candle idea!! And isn't Summer so sweet to send you a treat every day? Glad you are on the road to recovery.

jamarson1 said...

I'm glad your feeling better and also taking it easy:)

peggy said...

I'm getting out my candles!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I like that you make those lights yourself! Clever girl! Summer is so thoughtful! I like Tea Time magazine, too! I'll have to look for that one.

Hurray for normalcy! Whatever that is!

Gypsy Heart said...

I had no idea one could do this with the lights ~ thanks for sharing! I'm glad you're both up and about a bit but please take it easy!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all the lights, the tiny ones and the candles. I have never used electric candles because I don't like the look of the bulb. this dipping thing makes them so pretty.... what a great idea

Eva said...

It just occurred to me--you should see if there are any seeds on your Sweet Annie sprigs and drop them in a sunny spot in your garden. You might get some plants!

Susie said...

Linda, I love the lights you are making. Looks so sweet all lit up at your house. Glad you and LD are feeling better. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo, Susie

bj said...

I love little lights, too...and have them all over the place.
So glad you are getting back to normal, slowly but surely...hopefully things will slide right back into the way things are supposed to be at your house.

Vee said...

I didn't know about that silicone thing...those silicone lights are expensive. Summer's still taking care of you nicely, I see. So glad that you are recuperating well and getting back to being you, normal or not.

Debby said...

So sorry about your toe. I liked the reference to your confinement being like camping.
Love the bulb idea.
Feel better. Hugs

Blondie's Journal said...

I love your candle craft, Linda...I should try this. I burn one candle at night and it's at the edge of my island so I can't miss it when I go to bed. I want to invest in some flameless candles. Timers would be nice, too.

I'm glad you are feeling better. I go nuts if I can't be outdoors, preferably in my backyard with the dogs. Winter drives me crazy sometimes. I love it at first but by February the bitter cold and snow makes me want to weep. Still, it's all I've ever know and I can be a stubborn Midwesterner!

What a feast you made. We have dinner at 7:00 p.m. Is that late or early to you? Couldn't tell from your words. Hubby is unpredictable as far as when he comes home from work. Also, as I sleep a little later than most, I can't fathom food until a few hours later. Lunch gets pushed back til 4:00 sometimes. Yes, like your poster...I'm just me!


Penny said...

I like the look of this candle craft Linda, it is an ingenious way to make odinary bulbs look special. Your little quote at the end of your post made me smile. It's like the one that says 'Remember, to the outside world, we are a nice, normal family'. That one makes me laugh every time too! X

Carla said...

What cute idea for the bulbs. Do you have to take them out or can you just turn them off?
You come up with so many cool craft ideas. I'm just me all the time. I am the way I am....Crazy goofy LOL