Monday, October 24, 2022

Jack # 20 and 21, Amber and Leah Time, Sick on Saturday and Rest and Recover Sunday with Jack #23 - I missed doing #22.....

 I'm writing tonight's journal entry for the second time - so it will be ana abbreviated version!
I was on my very last sentence when BAM - I must have hit something and it was GONE except for the last two words!

 Can you tell I have had a few not so good days lately!

When I am not feeling 'up to snuff' I usually 'lay low' like ole Brer Rabbit when he was hiding from Mr. McGregor or the old Brer Fox!

I've laid low since Thursday waiting for the mulligrubs to go away.

Definition of mulligrubs. 1 : a despondent, sullen, or ill-tempered mood : sulks, blues. 2 : a griping of the intestines : colic.

Thursday evening we came out to do our Jack carving.....
and I was feeling a little better.

It's been good to have the pumpkin challenge to do and we really have enjoyed it.

Sweet dreams.

This Jack-o-lantern #20 went up to the nursing hone just a few blocks away from us.
We sat him on the back side of the building where the workers come and go.
Perhaps one of them took him inside for the residents to see.
You never know.

Friday's Jack looks like I felt!

We took him down to the drainage ditch - a dark and spooky place.

There used to be hoboes down here and then there were the years when the police were often seen right here across the street from us at the entrance. It was a popular place for drug users to meet.

We walked back up our driveway and Louis Dean went in and got us a glass of wine and I thought, this is a nice way to end the day.

I was taking a sip when Louis Dean looked over toward the fence and said, "Is that anyone we know?"
Turns out he had let Tabitha slip between his legs as he was bringing out the wine.
Why didn't he mention it then???

I won't rehash what I wrote earlier - suffice it to say that I cried so much I literally made myself sick and Tabitha was out all night.

Louis Dean stayed out on the driveway looking for her and walked around the block several times and drove his truck around the neighborhood....still she was gone.

I got up at 7:00 - and noticed Louis Dean had slept in the guest room.
Smart man. He had promised to wake me up when Tabitha was back in the house and so I knew she wasn't when I saw he hadn't come to bed.

I walked out the backdoor in the bedroom and around the yard and was circling back by the gazebo when there she was! We made eye contact and she raced to the door and could not get in fast enough!

I followed her and she ate a little bit of food then hopped up onto the top bunk - and stayed there until late afternoon!! Maybe she learned her lesson because she has been so meek ever since.

Tabitha was back but by this time I was getting sick.
That definition about mulligrubs may be right.
I felt like a horse or a mule had kicked me in the stomach - and HARD!

Amber and Leah were coming over Saturday afternoon so I willed myself to bake a cake and get some appetizers out and do something for lunch.

The following photos are courtesy of Leah as I was not feeling well at all and went downhill from there.

By the time this pic was taken, I was in bed where I stayed for the next 20 hours!

The girls made some beautiful arrangements for the tables where we will celebrating Nita's Life and her 69th birthday on November 5th,

How is it that cats know when you are sick?
Samantha never left the bedroom where she perched on the foot of the bed and would circle up to check on me every time she did leave to use the litter box or eat. She simply stayed with me.

Amber took very good care of me and got me a heating pad for my stomach and ice water and even crackers and milk so I could take my medicine.
One of the best things she did was to be with Louis Dean.
He gets beside himself when I am sick and he felt so much better with Amber there.
They watched TV together and she made popcorn for both of them and I think they enjoyed the time together.

Last night was rough. I slept off and on and was pretty miserable until morning.
Then it was like I was all shaky and weak from being sick so I took it very easy today.

It did feel good to feel almost normal as we went out to do Jack #23....
I totally missed #22!

This time we drove up MacArthur to Pioneer to Sowers where there's an old cemetery.
I set him at the corner of the gate.

We will be going to the ranch tomorrow.
Louis Dean asked me if I still wanted to go even though both of us are still feeling a little off.
Not really depressed but not our normal selves either.
YES, I want to go!

I've already packed up my art and hope to finish my Christmas paintings while I'm down there.
And we have two new bee hives I've not met yet.....and Sherry got a new truck and there's so much going on down there that I've missed.

I'm sure I will regain my footing and I am going to be so happy when I do!!!

And that's all, folks!
I'll proof all this tomorrow but I am spooked about losing it again!
Good night, and I love and appreciate every one of you reading my words.


Mary in Colorado said...

I am so sorry for your suffering with the loss of Nita. It would be so much easier if we all joined hands and entered heaven together rather than one by one. Thankfully you do know that you will be together with her again…forever!!! And you will know for yourself the joy she is now experiencing. I think of you everyday and send you my support and love…Mary in Colorado

Anni said...

Be back to normal and feeling chipper you two!!!

Brenda said...


Vee said...

Praying that you are feeling very well...both of you!

I love how meek cats are after being outside overnight. Oh the things they must see!

That back arrow can prove very helpful if words get erased.

Take care now...

MimiG said...

I do hope you're feeling better. I want to tell you why I've "been missing in action" for the last 2 months.
Well, after my sister Paulette died July 1st, we kept in touch with her husband and kids, even planning a trip down for Labor Day. Her husband said he didn't think he was up to even being around us - so we didn't go. About a week later, he felt better, so he said. One week later he's in the hospital! He did not like what they said and checked himself out. This happened 3 more times over the next month! He finally stayed for a few days for more testing and they released him, with not good news. He went back by ambulance the next morning and was in hospital until he passed October 10. Had COPD, emphysema and an aortic aneurysm.
We went back and forth to Florida 4 times over the last month, then back down one more time for his memorial service. It's been hard and I am so mentally tired. My nephew and niece are exhausted too. Still grieving for their mom and losing their dad 101 days later is a lot to bear. My BIL had been my "brother" for over 60 years, I will miss him.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got your cat back. Hope you both are feeling better. Jan

Arlene G said...

Hope you get restored at the ranch, Linda. And good enough for that naughty Tabitha. Maybe a night outside will teach her to stay where she belongs!! Hope your art will bring peace to your heart. I know my stitching does that for me. Yall have a safe trip.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We can all have those bad days and it's best to give in and rest. I hope your trip to the country goes well. Take care!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Linda, if you were typing in blogger and it goes poof, always hit Ctrl Z imediately, it will come back. even photos will come back. it works in word and blogger but not in comments on blogger.
so sorry you and LD were sick. your descripiton is what I live with all the time. I get upset and have all you listed which upsets my stomach. yours sounds like you might have had a virus added to your worn out dealing with life self.
I hope the two of you can enjoy your country home abd the fun life of farm living

Changes in the wind said...

So sorry that you were sick and so glad you are now feeling better. For you to go to bed with guest there means you were REALLY sick. Love "Take a deep breath, it's just a bad day, not a bad life". That silly cat, hope she has learned her lesson. Safe travels to the ranch.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I sure hope a break in the country will make you feel better. This time of year all kinda of things are going around. Since we were masked before, everyone is catching more viruses than they did before now that we aren't wearing them much anymore at all. Take care, drink plenty of fluids and feel better soon !

Chatty Crone said...

Gosh I hope you are feeling better now - mentally and physically.

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m sorry you were unwell. Glad you’re better! Enjoy the ranch, friend. It’ll be restorative for you both.

Bless Amber for staying with Louis Dean and keeping him company.

photowannabe said...

And...I love and appreciate you and LD.
I'm sorry you were in the throws of the mulligrubs.
Sometimes we just need to slow down and let the world go by.
For not feeling well, that was quite a spread you put on.
Hope you can enjoy your Ranch time and it will recharge your batteries.
Love the quote about Bad days not a bad life...SO TRUE.

Carole said...

Banish those mulligrubs! We could all do with some quiet peaceful time. Kia Kaha

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, I wonder what it is that you have? Please do not let it go on for too long without calling the doctor! I hope the country air will do you good!! Plus, it seems you get a bit more rest there than in Irving. Please keep me posted. Our cat once got out in the middle of an ice storm. I was beside myself! After three days, I opened the back door and there he was, exactly at 6:00 dinner time! I think that scared him from ever wanting to go out again. So maybe this was a good thing, and she has learned her lesson.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I hope you are feeling much better by now. So wonderful you had someone there to help you and look after Louis Dean as well. God knows what we need and how to provide. Maybe you just need to take it easy for a little while and let yourself rest. You've been going at everything so hard over the past couple of months. It catches up with us, especially when we are grieving. (((hugs))) Praying for you now dear one. May God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace...

Susan~aredheadonthego said...

Dear Sweet Linda, you have gone through so much since Louis Dean getting sick to losing Nita. And yet you go on embracing life, even doing a daily pumpkin challenge. I’ve noted you are sometimes out at midnight delivering jack o lanterns. Louis Dean losing his phone and getting a new landline is another hurdle to jump. You are going through a lot of change. It’s okay to pass on things and just stay in bed. You will get through this! ❤️❤️Best, Susan

Anonymous said...

Sometimes our tummies are a reflection of our lives, I think. I know since Nita’s passing, how much you have grieved and still tried to do so much. (I think you are a secret Supergirl!) I sit and read your blog and am just amazed at what you get done. Still, your loss of Nita is going to take forever to grieve— and you do it while you get so much done, too. I admire u so much and I appreciate your friendship more than you know, my girl! Sending a warm hug and much love, with sincere hopes that your trip to the Ranch is a healing trip! God bless you and LD. Love you Linda!!

NanaDiana said...

I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. I know you have a lot on your plate and that doesn't help matters. You are probably still grieving on some level, Linda. Be kind to yourself.

I am so glad you found Tabitha and that all is well there. It is so scary when our pets can't be found. I hate when Scruffy gets loose and I am terrified something will happen to him--or that someone will claim him....even if he is a little devil at times, I love him.

Love your Jacks! You have done a remarkable job this year! xo Diana