Friday, October 14, 2022

Welcome to my Front Porch and #13 and 14 of the Great Pumpkin Project!

 I'm loving the milder weather we are having in Texas now.
No color for us but the more moderate temperatures make me feel more like it's Fall in Texas!

Louis Dean found his old flip phone - the one he had before the new one which has recently disappeared. Yesterday we took it up to the AT&T store and they fitted it out with a new sims card and turned it on. Alas, it is SO old, it's no longer supported by technology. Hence, that's why I bought the new one. And we can buy another new one for $70 or so - but I have decided to simply cancel that line. It's one less thing for Louis Dean to deal with and he doesn't like phones anyway.
I must call a customer support # in order to cancel. That may take awhile.
I canceled a hot spot several months ago and it took a long time and I had to speak to someone on the other side of the globe and could hardly understand him. He kept trying to talk me out of canceling and it was crazy hard to get that DONE!
I'm not looking forward to doing this but I will - on Monday.
I'm gearing myself up for it!

From there we went to Dallas to the Hobby Lobby.
Irving has NO craft stores here OR fabric stores. 
We used to but not anymore.
I may be late to the game but I am loving the Buffalo plaid!

And I am LOVING my fall porch!!!

I think it's my all time favorite this year!

Last winter I cut out all new Christmas stockings for everyone out of denim and yesterday I bought lots of buffalo plaid things to use for the cuffs. Napkins, table runners, bandanas....I didn't want them all to be exactly the same and this is going to be so much fun to make. I even bought matching ornaments for six of the stockings - not knowing that was what I was going to use them for so now I have to go back and get some more. Or maybe use plaid ribbons for bows on some of the stockings. I bought ribbon, too.

Louis Dean and I went over to the Bell's for the afternoon and stayed for a delicious dinner.
Amber's getting ready for a baby shower tomorrow and her dog, Cash, ate a pink sock along with five stones and had to have surgery. Serious surgery.
She has a lot going on and now taking care of a puppy right out of surgery with an incision the entire length of his belly!
Still, she whipped up a great meal of chicken and artichokes, green beans and pasta and a salad.

We got home and I quickly carved up Jack #13 and we took off for a local park right near us on Story Road. We'd been there before but there was too much foot traffic at the time.
This was late last night - around midnight. No one was there but us.

Today has been a complete stay at home day - my favorite kind.
I ordered the tiles to track Louis Dean's keys and wallet and I paid bills.
I don't know about you but it takes me a good hour and more to work on all the ins and outs of paying bills and this month was property taxes and going over my budget - which I need to redo.

We did some outside work and Louis Dean repaired a leaking faucet at the corner of the house.
Watering plants and cleaning up debris and we STILL didn't get around to putting out our onions.
He has the entire flower bed along the back fence plowed up and ready to go and we STILL didn't get it done. Tomorrow! For SURE!

I even took a nap and and seemed to move in slow motion today but that's okay.
The baby quilt and pillow for the shower tomorrow is finished and in the drying.
I have the cutest bag to put it in, too!

It was 7:00 this evening when I woke up - I think it was 5:00 when I decided to rest in the guest room for a few minutes and just shut my eyes. Well, my eyes didn't want to open for a good long while!

I hopped right out of bed and went straight to the sewing room and finished the pillow and extra stitching on the baby quilt while watching a movie.....

I especially wanted to see this film as we enjoyed the book so very much back in our homeschooling days.

The movie left out a detailed list of all the holy days they celebrated and a few of the sayings I liked so much....but it was very entertaining!

As soon as I put the quilt and pillow in the dryer, I went right out to carve up Pumpkin #14!

Here he sits at the end of our driveway smiling brightly as he - or she - as I think the freckles make this one look a little more feminine - watches for late night walkers and drivers as the come around the curve of the street.

This may be cheating a little but what can I say?
I am a little tired tonight.
Too tired to be driving around in the dark.

Our new landline is working well. At least for me.
I was looking for my phone a few minutes ago and called it from my land line.
It was outside on the mailbox!
I'd gone out to check on Louis Dean as he was sorting the pumpkin seeds from tonight's carving.
I went in his music room last night and he asked if the phone was still working and it was - but he had moved it and it wasn't plugged into the outlet so it wasn't charging. I'll have to kep my eye on that. Good thing I bought TWO handsets!!!

Update on our sweet Chandy Girl and her family.
Jaxon is doing so much better! Still sick but ever so much better.
Chandy sent me a message earlier today saying Bella had swallowed some coins - not sure how many or what they they were off to the ER - again.
Turns out it was a nickel and she will most likely pass it in the next 48 hours.
However she now tested positive for RSV and is sick.

Chandy - being the good mommy she is - planned ahead and had stocked up on medicine and supplies.

I do so admire her and Amber!
They are the nest Mommies! 


Judy said...

I've just caught up on your posts from the last week or two. I love what you are doing with the pumpkins!

I totally get your frustration with upgrading phones and cancelling old ones. I am taking a break from dealing with 'phone issues' right now.

Your porch looks so inviting!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I love the buffalo plaid as well. Everything looks so nice for Fall. It’s my favorite season as well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This trailer looks really good; I think we will watch it! You are the best pumpkin carver! Your porch looks like a beautiful room.

Hootin Anni said...

I too love your Fall warm & inviting!!

Brenda said...

You are an amazing woman. Love the blog…the one reason you may keep the phone…put it away and when you go to stores…together…put it in his pocket in case…if you get lost from one another…or if something happens…an easy Locator. Have a great weekend dear girl. Prayers

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You have so many things going on, no wonder you took such a nice long nap! Your body needed to be "recharged"! I hear you about the cell phone issues. My hubby has one but rarely uses it and I have to remind him to take it with him when he goes places w/o me or even when we go shopping at Walmart, etc., so we can find each other in the store. But he just doesn't like to carry it around I guess, so why have it...? Anyway, I keep trying. I love your fall porch. It is so colorful and welcoming! And yes, I love the Buffalo plaid too. Our kids gave us some pillows for the sofa for Christmas last year that were the black and white plaid, and I've used them all year long with a different backdrop. It kind of became my theme as well. So now I need to do something else I guess for Christmas this year...but I really like them. So glad Jaxson is better. Praying for him still and the rest of the family. I hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

With kids and pets, it is always something and good moms do have to be prepared. You have some good ones in your family. Praying all are better soon. Love the cheerful pumpkins lighting up the night. It's getting dark so early. The evening seems to go on forever. Glad you are enjoying the weather. Here we are cool and getting colder. I like it when it's warmer.

Anonymous said...

Just a quick though, have you heard of the Apple Air Tag for your husband? I bought for my grandchildren when they were at camp. It can either be put in a watch like band or hung on clothing. You can track from your cell phone or give to a trusted relative or friend to track also. With forgetfulness it is an added layer of protection

Arlene G said...

Love your buffalo check! I have a buffalo check rug on my front porch as well!! So glad you were able to have a stay at home day. It is nice to just putter at home with no schedule to stick to! Loving all your jacks! And thankful the little ones are doing well.

Changes in the wind said...

Love you welcome mat and so glad you finished the blanket. Checked out the tiles and will have to remember that for future reference. Glad you could spend time at the Bells, know you always enjoy that and sorry that the dog had to have surgery yikes! Laughed at your pumpkin with freckles:)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, you are so busy. Love the pumpkins. I wonder if anyone goes searching for them each night. Be careful.
A pink sock and ticks. My doggy ate all kinds of things when he was a pup. Glass, open safety pin, metal, an entire chicken leg (Well we think it was him, after taking him for X-rays we came home and looked at our other dog and wondered if it had been him) .
I’m glad the baby is better. I hope his sister doesn’t get too sick.
Love your quilts. ❤️

Chatty Crone said...

I love your decorations - I need to get some out. And I agree cell phones :(
Sorry about the poor puppy!

Jan said...

Beautiful decorations! I finally gave in to the buffalo plaid and I really like it because it goes so well with any seasonal decorations. I can keep the plaid tablecloth, sofa pillows and runners out and change fall out for Christmas in December. I even have a buffalo plaid shower curtain!

photowannabe said...

Your porch is so cozy and inviting Linda. I love the plaid too. It works with any season.
You blow me away with your busy life wonder you needed a nap.
Thankful Jaxon is better and home. Prayers continuing.
I hope you can get your phone cancellation done without too much hassle. I'm right there with you on the frustration level of dealing half way around the world to get things done.

NanaDiana said...

You have a lot going on, my friend. I love your porch and that you are doing all the pumpkins for others to enjoy. I am sorry that Summer's puppy had to have surgery. She is lucky she found out he had eaten it and was able to get him in for surgery.

John loses his phone every day and he often has his ringer silenced so it is a treasure hunt to find it.

Your porch is wonderful and I am glad you are able to sew and watch movies. That is a great escape and good way to spend some ME time.

I hope you have a blessed weekend- xo Diana

Kathy said...

I am a Buffalo plaid girl too. My sister found out and gave me a pillow for Christmas last year which I love.

I could NOT carve 31 pumpkins. Just too much for me. I give you a lot of credit. Each one different and put in just the right places. That is amazing.

Joe usually has his phone turned off and his mailbox is full. It's frustrating when I am trying to get ahold of him. He uses it only when we are out and get separated in the store. Otherwise we have a landline which is our primary phone. Hope all your phone problems work out.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

It appears that all the moms in your family and your extended family are really great moms. Sorry to hear Bella got sick and happy to hear that they will prepared for it and that the nickel will deposit itself when it's ready to. Love the pumpkins still trying to catch up with everything

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Phons can be a help and a hinderance and sorry to read that the old one could not be used. Your decision to cancel the line was probably the best one, Linda, as well as getting those tracking devices for Louis Dean. Many times I turn my phone on mute, then than forget to unmute it, but the Apple watch lets me know if there's a call, so all is well. Your autumn decorated front porch is so inviting and this is definitely my fvorite time of year because it lasts a few months, unlike Chritmas which only goes for a few weeks.

Carole said...

Glad to catch up with you. Have been sick for a few days but all good now. Cheers