Friday, September 2, 2022

The First Two Days of September......Sweet and is Life....

 I celebrated September First in my true traditional way.

I did not turn Neil Diamond on to sing September Morn until I had baked a couple of pans of fruitcake cookies, made my special Pumpkin spice latte and settled myself in the living room.

I lit my special September candle and pushed PLAY.
Ah....there's nothing like those first few bars of September Morn.

I had a few minutes all to myself to revel in this most special day of the year to me.
Louis Dean got up and we had our coffee and reading together before getting ready to leave for Fort Worth.

Deanie has been amazing in making arrangements for Nita's Memorial Service and removing all her personal affects from the house and putting them in her guest room. Nita's Daughter, Leah, and her niece, Trisha as well as her sister-in-law Joni helped Deanie sort it all out. 

September First was the day for me to select what I wanted to keep  from Nita's closet - and I kept a lot!

This scarf goes to Summer as does a winter soft brown wool poncho with a dark collar.

For some reason I broke down when I saw this beach bag all ready to go on our never to be taken Sibling Trip. I put this in Amber's bag as she loves the sun and water and beach as did her Aunt Nita.

Deanie and I cried and talked and laughed as we sorted through Nita's things.
Nita took such good care of her clothing.
Mine is a mess.
When I go - someone needs to just come in with trash bags and pack it all in and haul it all back to Goodwill from whence it came.

Once we were finished and had all the clothes and things loaded in our car - we all went out to eat a very late lunch at The Olive Garden.
A good way to end our visit!

Louis Dean and I did porch drop offs of fruitcake cookies to Mike, Joni and Nita's next door neighbor, Sheryl. I missed giving some to Lonnie and Michelle as  my brain quit working and I was so sleepy and tired I had to head for home.

I seemed to get a second wind by sheer willpower and we came home, gathered up a tin of cookies to take to June as well as a bouquet of sunflowers and we were off to the hospital to visit.
She is doing so much better and was discharged today.....(Friday.)

I was so excited to fall into bed and I finally got a fairly good night's sleep.

This morning I fixed us a tray of breakfast snacks as Louis Dean MUST eat something for his kidney medicine to work. When it says 'Take with food' - that's exactly what it means!

And so he did!

It's been a good September 2nd......

I took breaks through the day here in the living room with my book and maybe a glass of wine.

Tonight I made salmon Croquettes and green peas, cheesy potatoes and a garden salad with bread sticks from Olive Garden.

Two bags of Nita's things - one for Summer and one for Amber.

I totally broke down tonight as I hung Nita's clothes in my closet.

These are her pretty party shoes and they fit me perfectly.

One of her bags......

I admit this has been such an emotional and draining day.
I have cried and sobbed and moaned and grieved.
Louis Dean was outside and it was a little bit wonderful to be able to do all that loudly and not worry about anyone hearing you.

So now I am going to pay some attention to Louis Dean and watch a program with him and most likely end up on the driveway with a glass of wine.

And Nita was so well loved......

and I love her still.......

Losing her is the hardest thing I've ever done.


Tina said...

Oh Linda, I’m sorry again for the loss of your sweet sister! I read somewhere that the greater the love you have for someone the deeper the grief. You obviously loved your sister very, very much! Be patient and take care! Hugs to you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so very sorry. But I believe that you are doing so wonderfuly! You need to let your tears flow and grieve for as long as it takes. I think she would love that you will wear her clothes and shoes.

Unknown said...

I am so very sorry that you had to do that. Going through someone's personal things after a death is something that is always hard. You're both very strong. I'm sure Nita was with you and was glad you and Deanie had each other. It's good when you cry, it shows how much you love your sister and it will help in healing your heart. Please take care and enjoy all these September days you love so much.

Hootin Anni said...

Days pass, years pass, tears's only natural. But the happy memories can bring on the smiles and laughter.

Brenda said...

Prayers..we never get over lose no loved ones…we get through it…Mother died 30 years ago this past June…I miss her everyday…thinking of you…

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a precious post from start to finish. I am finding myself weeping with you, and I don't even know you personally nor did I know your sweet and precious Nita, but I can feel the fresh grief in your writing and I know what that feels like. I remember when my sister Doris and I went through our mother's things together and sorted out her clothes and personal items. We giggled and wept and wondered about some things..."what on earth did she have this for?" and we tried on her clothes and decided who would keep what and what would have to go to the thrift store because neither of us could keep it. I still have some of her blouses and a sweater hanging in my closet, and she's been gone 16 years. I wear the sweater every so often and it feels like a warm hug from heaven. yeah, I understand. (((hugs))) to you my friend. I do feel your grief and my heart goes out to you. I'm glad you were able to spend this time and cherish these memories. One day at a time. And September is a wonderful month, isn't it? I love it too, but I guess I never thought of playing September I want to... smiles.

Vee said...

Such a difficult task today. I am sniffling just reading about it. Of course, you loved Nita. You will forever. You know, I think something's wrong with me. I still haven't dealt with John's clothing. You girls are an inspiration. Nita would surely think that what you have done is wonderful.

I found Neil on You Tube and played September Morn on the first. It was sweet and soulful.

So glad that June got sprung and is home again.

Love you, Dear Ones. Take care of yourselves.

Estelle's said...

I am so sad for you and the loss of your sweet Sister's so very hard to suffer the passing of someone so dear and so loved....and the sorting of clothes and such, oh yes, it's very emotional....take all the time to heal your heart....

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That was one of your hardest days and I know you were glad to get it done and have those precious things to keep. You have such a good family that supports you through it all too. Hugs to you and Louis Dean!

Brenda said...

P.S. my kids won’t have to do that…I have given them and friends everything except one box of cards and letters and a box of journals…furniture return to son or give away…clothes…minimal amount..I am not into clothes…they can give to goodwill or trash…lol…I just don’t like things…I don’t want them to have to sort…too difficult. I also buy all of my clothes at Target or Macy’s…since moving to Florida,I don’t need much…thinking of you…

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking going throuh her things and bringing them home will help you in your grief, letting it flow out is cathartic and cleansing and just what you needed. the shoes are beautiful and look just like YOU.. you have a tender beautiful heart and that why the loss hits you so hard. prayers for each day to heal a small part of your heart and help you through each day.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

At your suggestion, I just played September morn here. This was the month I got married and it brings back some bittersweet memories for me too. We just need to keep those precious one close in our hearts where they will live forever.

Deanna Rabe said...

So very hard. I’m glad you have some of her things, but you don’t need them to remind you of her. She lives in your heart and your precious memories! That keeps her close to you! What a gift that you loved each other so well.

I’m so glad June is better and out of the hospital!

September has been lovely here so far.

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, so sorry for your loss of Nita. What a special person. How wonderful though hard to get her clothes and shoes and to remember just how special she was. Treasured memories for sure. Sending many love hugs and prayers.

photowannabe said...

Beautiful and well said. That's the way grief is...hills and valleys...gradual and instant slamming.
Hugs and more hugs for you as you go through the days ahead.
I am so grateful you have your wonderful and loving Louis Dean and family there for you.
Embrace, remember and cherish each moment.

Carole said...

One day at a time - kia kaha

Susie said...

Linda, I played Neil Diamond's Sept. Morn and thought of you. Hoping you were having a beautiful day. So glad you did. I cried thinking of you going thru Nita things and sharing with they will think of her as they use each piece. I cried as I gave away so many of Ted's things. His children got his best . Like his tools and golf clubs, his old red truck that he loved. So I know when you wear those sweet shoes, you may cry but Nita will being smiling. Grief is not easy by any means. You will cried when you least expect it. You won't know what will set it off . I do not cry all day, but I still can cry. I've has to sit in my car at the grocery if something reminds me of Ted. I am glad Deanie was there to share, your memories of your beloved sister. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love, Susie

Curtains in My Tree said...

I just stopped by to see what you and Louis Dean were up to and so sorry to read about your sister. I have not lost a sister or brother yet however I can relate to your terrible loss and good memories.

Just know that all of us are giving you a hug.
Its wonderful you have some of her clothing and fancy shoes

Here's a big HUG
