Sunday, September 25, 2022

My Happy Birthday Weekend!!!

 Friday was my baking day for the Big Birthday Bash celebrating not only my 74th birthday,
but ALL the family fall birthdays and Benjamin's summer one.
I really REALLY wanted to have all my children and grandchildren gather with me on this birthday so the 'Bash' was a good time to make that happen.

Before the baking began - I ran out to do a few last minute grocery pickups and got myself a manicure and pedicure while I was at it. I love all of the 'getting ready for party day' doings!

It was around 5:00 when I turned the oven on and I baked all evening!
TWO pecan pies! One for the party and one for Son Jesse to take home.

Fruitcake cookies for June's birthday which was today.

Chocolate chip cookies!
 Only a partial batch shown here but I baked for the party and one for Benjamin to take home.

Only ONE strawberry cake - Levi's request - and he took most of that home with him.

My last cake to bake was one Mother used to make for me and I suppose it is my all time favorite....

A plain spice cake mix with homemade brown sugar frosting.
Mother never measured the frosting ingredients so I don't either.
Melted butter, brown sugar, cream or milk and cook for a few minutes.
Add vanilla and 10X (confectioner) sugar and beat - adding more milk if needed.
Sometimes it turns out nice and creamy and sometimes it's more like a praline candy topping.
This one was somewhere in the middle.
Also, I was tired by now and you can see the pecans all lined up nicely - until you get to my tired moment when I just dumped the rest of them on there!

I had a COOK OUT menu - burgers, hot dogs, smoked sausages, potato salad, baked beans, etc.
I did as much as I could ahead of time and even took a one hour nap before getting ready for the party!

Summer and I were sitting out on the driveway waiting for the first guests to arrive.

She had picked up a bag of Margaritas to go at Chili's and that made a fun party drink!

Sam (whose birthday was today) and Levi ( October birthday) both helped set up the appetizer table.
My friend, Brenda, had brought all the fixings over on Thursday but she couldn't be at the party.
They sliced up the summer sausage and put it all together with the cheese and olives and such and then they dug in!

I love the sounds of a party.....people talking and laughing in every room.

Our friend Virginia, Summer, Kailey and Amber visiting in the living room.....

while Mike, Benjamin, and Louis Dean talked in the kitchen and Faith was chatting with Trystan and Logan about school.

I think listening to their voices is my most favorite thing about family parties.

Louis Dean set himself down in the den and he loved how the crowd ebbed and flowed with people drifting in and visiting for a little while and then others would arrive and everyone ended up visiting with each other over the course of the evening.

It was a wonderful evening!
Mike did the grilling for me and Faith made the deviled eggs.
Everyone pitched in and helped.

Trystan put the finishing touches on the Halloween tree in the gazebo!

Kailey strung up some colored lights on the bushes.
It was 97 degrees and hot - even at 6:30!
None of us stayed outside for very long!

I had set up a big spread out on the kitchen deck and everyone helped themselves once the grilling was done - and thank you, Mike, for doing all that!!

I made it easy on myself by using pretty paper plates!

Amber brought the utensils and I told Louis Dean we are not saving one fork or plate!
Used ones, anyway!
I bought plenty so I may be using paper plates from time to time now.

We used real glassware, though!
The kids love sipping their tea from my small wine glasses and I have a collection of fall goblets as well. ALL my grandkids love my tea!

Next up - NUTS!!!!

SOOOOOOO much fun and lots of whooping and hollering and laughing!!!

And all too soon it was time for everyone to go home.
We meant to take group pictures earlier and then we didn't.
I think we are all aware of how important it is to take photographs and we made sure that happened  last night.

Me and seven of my eight grands!
Rayne was missed!
She did call us just as we finished up and we said hello and talked to her for a few minutes before they all left.

Funny poses now!

All four of my children!

Funny pose!!!
I posted this on Facebook and everyone agreed that Summer won first place on the funny face!!

Everyone packed up to leave and Benjamin took a big bag of party food and June's fruitcake cookies over to her and Kimmy. They were invited but couldn't make it.
June is 91 years old today!
They were so happy to see Ben!!
He stayed and visited awhile even though it was late and he lives 2 hours away.
JOY is the gift he gave June!
It had been 3 years since she had seen him.
Back in the day, June came to my art classes on Tuesday nights and she always had a package of RUNTS candy for Amber and Ben!
Kimmy and June have been part of our lives since the 1970's so they are like Family!

It was a birthday to remember!


Unknown said...

Happy 74th birthday to you and may God bless you with many more. You have so much energy doing all that baking and prep work. That pecan pie looked absolutely delicious. Pecan pie is my favorite. I loved all the photos and little videos of your family. You are truly blessed.

Hootin Anni said...

You had a wonderful, blessed birthday gathering!! And you made it possible for us to share in your "happy"!!! You are truly loved by all!!!

Estelle's said...

Looks as if you had a wonderful birthday...wishing you many more special days to celebrate your looked so very pretty!

Brenda said...

Happy happy birthday 74…my 75 is Friday…daughter flies down every few weeks from Indiana and plans to arrive Thursday night…she and the four here and I will get some Mexican and have a together time…oops there is that hurricane coming…best laid plans…we do plan a quick trip to NYC to celebrate this birthday as we did the 70th one…when Covid makes it better…we are in the midst of this storm…looks like…

Arlene G said...

So glad you had a special day Linda as you are a mother and grandmother who does so much for her family. I enjoyed seeing all the grands together.

Vee said...

"It was last Chrisrmas, wasn't it?" That's how conversations go around here, too. Leaving wearing a smile for all the fun and fellowship that was enjoyed. Happy Belated Birthday🎈

Kathy said...

Happy birthday! I'm so glad all the family could get together to celebrate.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a wonderful birthday party. You and your family always have a lot of fun getting together. Such fun for everyone! Nothing could be better than plenty of good food and family! Happy Happy Birthday to you!

Changes in the wind said...

So like you to have a BIG celebration and invite lots of people. I laughed at your picture of your cake with the pecans and your tired part lol. Happy Birthday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite part today were the last family fotos. awesome on all of them. I feel like I was at the party. Happy belated 74th Birthday. You are blessed for sure as are your children and their familys, to have each other and all of you together

Wanda said...

My face hurts from smiling as I scrolled up and down and enjoyed the love, and fun of your family and party. How special.

photowannabe said...

What an amazing weekend you had!
I can feel the love just oozing out of every photo.
To have your whole family there minus a few is wonderful.
Good food, willing helpers, laughs and just doing Life together.
It doesn't get any better than that!

Susie said...

Happy birthday to everyone celebrating it. What a wonderful gathering with even the young ones helping out so much. I love it. All the great smiling faces. Linda, you were blessed with all your children there and most all the grands. Your sweet L.D. too. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

Carole said...

Talk about baking up a storm! Lovely birthday party. Glad it all went well. Cheers

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy 74th birthday! We must be close to being birthday twins, although I just turned 72 yesterday! We are both September babies!! Isn't it wonderful? And you had such a grand party! I know it was fun for everyone, and I love how everyone seemed to just be happy together. We had two different small parties this weekend, but they were both special and fun too. I love it when families get together to celebrate!! I can see that you love it too. May God bless you with many many more happy and healthy birthdays!!!

Deanna Rabe said...

Oh friend, I am smiling with you over this wonderful party! That’s the best way to celebrate! Isn’t it special when your kids and your grands become your friends?!

Happiest of Birthdays to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. What a wonderful birthday celebration Jan

Donna said...

Oh what a fun birthday!!
We are a small group more usually than 8 to 10, if we can get everyone here. Our two grandsons are in the Air Force...Will is in Tucson and Tylar is in Hungary. Our son is in Oklahoma and our daughter lives in Magnolia, Texas. My closest granddaughter is 45 minutes, its usually just Larry and myself. Although, I will be babysitting our great-granddaughter Sloane for a few months while her parents look for a suitable daycare for her. I may be too attached by then to let her go...but it also depends on if I'm up to the challenge anymore!lolol Old age sucks...In answer to your question, we live in a small town named Robinson, just south of Waco.
10,500 population. We've both lived here for most of our lives...went to high school together. Larry was born here in Waco and I was born in New London, CT.
Have a sweet and peaceful day friend...

Paquiponts said...

Felicidades !! Un fuerte abrazo !!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Lovely, happy post and photos of what looks like a very fun day.
Your energy is amazing. That was a lot of baking and prepping you did.
Belated Happy Birthday!